Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 807 Awkward Ome (3)

Song Zhicheng was wearing a white shirt with beige suit pants, and his short black hair was very refreshing.

Seeing Ling Wu's outfit, Song Zhicheng raised his eyebrows in surprise: "It's rare! It's the first time I see Ali wearing such a dress!"

Ling Wuyi tugged at the hem of her skirt 'uncomfortably', and looked at Song Zhicheng anxiously: "What's wrong? Doesn't look good? Then I..."

"No, it looks great! It's just that I've never seen you wear it like this, Ali, and I'm surprised!"

Bai Li usually wears business attire, a very capable image of a strong woman.

And during this time, Ling Wuwen was always wearing black or gray pajamas...

It seems that in Song Zhicheng's memory, Bai Li has never worn a skirt.

He smiled and stretched out his arms to wrap around Ling Wu's shoulders, and helped her to the dining table for breakfast.

Song Zhicheng sat across from Ling Wuyue, watching Ling Wuyue eating breakfast, and said, "After the cast is removed, it won't be so inconvenient to move around, but you are not allowed to drive in a short time, you know?"

Ling Wuyi, who was holding the spoon, paused for a moment, then looked up at him: "It will be very inconvenient not to drive to work."

Song Zhicheng nodded: "I've thought about this question too, and it happens that the hospital is quite busy during this period. So I will pick you up and drop you off from get off work in the future, and wait for your foot to recover completely."

I really hope I never fully recover!

Of course, Ling Wuyi would not say this sentence.

She nodded, agreeing with what Song Zhicheng said——

After breakfast, Song Zhicheng took out the wheelchair and let Ling Wuxi sit in it.

She had a plaster cast on her feet and it was inconvenient to wear shoes, so Song Zhicheng helped her put a pair of shoes on first, and then put on the shoes after the plaster was removed.

He and Song Zhicheng just went to the hospital when they heard a sentence described in the plot: "Doctor, I beg you to save my grandma! The operation fee, the operation fee, I will find a way, I will definitely think of a way!"

The master who said this is none other than the heroine of this world: Song Fangqi!

Following the sound, I saw a handsome young girl looking at a doctor with tears on her face.

The doctor was a little embarrassed: "I know you will definitely think of a solution, but our hospital's regulations require that the operation fee be paid before the operation can be performed. So..."

Song Fangqi wiped the tears off her face and nodded repeatedly: "I know, I know, I'm going to find a way, I'm going to find a way..."

As she said that, Song Fangqi took out her cell phone and wanted to make a call with trembling hands.

However, it may be that she was too emotional, so her hands trembled so much that the phone fell to the ground and fell to pieces.

Song Fangqi wanted to pick it up, but her head directly hit the doctor's stomach, almost knocking the doctor to the ground, and the corners of Ling Wuxi's mouth twitched.

"Doctor Wang, I'm sorry, are you okay?!" Song Fangqi apologized again and again, and wanted to help Dr. Wang, but Dr. Wang raised her hand to stop her.

Dr. Wang leaned on the wall with one hand and said, sweating profusely: "It's okay, I'm fine!"

When Song Zhicheng met Song Fangqi, for some reason, he always felt a little familiar.

It seems that we have known each other before.

So he pushed Ling Wuyi's wheelchair over and asked Dr. Wang what kind of patient he was.

Dr. Wang told Song Zhicheng that the other party was an old woman in her fifties with a malignant uterine tumor and needed surgery as soon as possible.

But the current situation is that the family member in front of him has no money, so the operation cannot be carried out.

Song Zhicheng glanced at Song Fangqi, and Song Fangqi was also looking at Song Zhicheng, because she felt that the man in the white shirt in front of her looked familiar.

As a person who knows the plot, Ling Wuxi knows that the current scene is part of the plot.

Song Zhicheng sympathized with Song Fangqi, so he planned to help Song Fangqi pay for the operation.

Later, Song Fangqi recognized Song Zhicheng as her elder brother who went to their mountain as a teaching supporter ten years ago, and he was also the lover of her dreams that she had been thinking about for many years.

Ling Wuwen hesitated, how to disrupt the plot.

Just when Song Zhicheng was about to speak, Ling Wuyi took out her mobile phone to Song Fangqi and said, "I will lend you a call." Call the hero!

Song Fangqi froze for a moment, and then remembered that she was going to call to find a way to raise the surgery fee!

"Thank you!" Song Fangqi took Ling Wuxi's call and skillfully dialed out a series of phone numbers.

Raising money went smoothly, because Ling Wuyi heard Song Fangqi call the person on the other end of the phone, Mr. Min.

The person Song Fangqi calls Mr. Min is the hero Min Shaoxuan!

With Min Shaoxuan's help, of course there is no need for Song Zhicheng to show kindness.

So after Song Fangqi returned the phone to Ling Wuwen, Song Zhicheng pushed Ling Wuwen to remove the plaster.

This encounter was successfully disrupted by Ling Wuyue.

Song Fangqi didn't recognize Song Zhicheng either.

After the plaster cast was removed, Ling Wuyi finally did not have to sit in a wheelchair, nor did she have to keep her legs stiff and unable to move.

After moving her ankle, she recovered very well, so she is basically fine.

The doctor who removed the plaster said the same thing as Song Zhicheng: Although there is no serious problem, don't drive for a short time.

Ling Wuxi nodded and thanked the doctor.

Looking down at Song Zhicheng who was squatting on the ground to put her shoes on, Ling Wuyi took out her phone and freeze the scene.

"Okay, stand up and try!" After putting on the shoes for Ling Wu, Song Zhicheng supported her arm.

Ling Wuwen stood up easily and walked a few steps back and forth.

He raised his eyes and smiled at Song Zhicheng, it felt really good to be able to stand on the ground and walk properly.

Being a disabled person for a month is really enough.

Looking at the smiling Ling Wuwen, wondering if it was his own illusion, Song Zhicheng felt that Ling Wuwen had changed a lot in the past month.

But if he wanted to say exactly what changed, Song Zhicheng couldn't tell why.

Anyway, it just changed——

Ling Wuwen, whose cast had been removed, was sent home, and Song Zhicheng went back to the hospital.

In order to prevent any contact between Song Zhicheng and Song Fangqi, Ling Wuyi specially assigned Xia Lun a very serious task!

Always pay attention to Song Zhicheng, whenever he has a chance to contact Song Fangqi, he will tell her.

But fortunately, because the money for Grandma Song Fangqi's surgery was given by the hero, it pushed the plot forward a bit.

Why did the hero Min Shaoxuan pay for Grandma Song Fangqi's surgery? It's not because I want Song Fangqi!

In the plot, it was also because Song Fangqi needed money urgently. At that time, Song Zhicheng happened to go abroad to participate in an academic discussion, so he couldn't get in touch.

Later, it was Min Shaoxuan who paid the money, and the price was to make Song Fangqi his.

Although the plot is different this time, the direction of development is still the same.

But when Xia Lun told Ling Wupin about this, Ling Wupin felt something was wrong.

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