Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 809 Awkward Ome (V)

Ling Wuwen looked at Song Zhicheng, hesitant to speak several times.

After thinking about it carefully, Ling Wuwen still felt that the timing was not right and it was inappropriate to say it.

Could it be that after the confession fails, she can still sit in the car with the cheek to go back with Song Zhicheng?

Or, she had the nerve to go to Song's house for dinner when she was cheeky and went back in the same car?

No matter how I think about it, I feel that this timing is very wrong!

So Ling Wuwen said to Song Zhicheng: "I don't want to say it yet."

Now that Ling Wuwen has said everything, I don't want to say it for the time being, even though Song Zhicheng really wants to know, he will respect her wishes.

"If you need me for anything, I'm always there!" Song Zhicheng reached out and pinched Ling Wuyi's cheek like he did when he was a child.

Ling Wuxi nodded and hummed: "I will."

Song Zhicheng started the car again and drove on the way home.

Although Ling Wuwen had removed the plaster cast and was able to take care of herself, Mother Song still asked Ling Wuwen to go to their house for dinner.

But in the past, Bai Li often went to Song's house to grab a meal, so for Ling Wuyi, there was no embarrassment in having a meal or something!

She was more comfortable going to Song's house than going back to her own home.

Speaking of going back to his own home, Father Bai said a month ago that he would be back after the seminar.

However, up to now, Ling Wuwen has never seen Father Bai.

But for Bai Li, seeing his father once a year is not a big deal.

What a poor kid...

Song's father and Song's mother are very kind elders, it can be seen that they like Bai Li very much.

If Bai Li and Song Zhicheng were together, Father Song and Mother Song would absolutely support it.

After all, she was the one who watched her grow up. Although Bai Li looked cold on the surface, Song's father and Song's mother knew whether she had a good heart.

It's a pity that Bai Li couldn't hear Song's father and Song's mother's occasional insinuations.

Even if Song Zhicheng heard it, he would pretend that he couldn't hear it.

After all, Bai Li didn't show such intentions, it's not good for everyone to behave like this.

Look at how well Bai Li hides! Even Song Zhicheng, who is not dull, didn't feel her liking for him!

It's really unjust, I have loved someone for so many years, but I have never been known——

After dinner at Song's house, Ling Wuwen went back to her own home.

She sat on the shoe-changing bench in the entrance and considered whether to confess her love.

It's embarrassing to live so close to confess...

Sharon: [Frightened] Embarrassed? ! Little 55, are you sure you will be embarrassed to confess your love to someone? Could it be that you are affected by the host's awkwardness?

Ling Wuwen was silent for a moment, it seemed...it really should be affected by the body!

Awkwardness? Ahem, it fits the description of the host.

Isn't it just awkward! If it were her, after so many years, how could she just silently like her without saying anything!

What's more, she has never tried to confess her love to anyone before, and she will manipulate it like this!

No, she can't be affected by the body!

When it's time to confess, confess! What the hell is shrinking and timid! ?

Taking a deep breath, Ling Wuxi took out her mobile phone and called Song Zhicheng, asking him to go for a walk.

Although Song Zhicheng felt a little strange, he readily agreed.

Ling Wuxi changed her professional attire and wore a black organza knee-length sleeveless A-line skirt, paired with a pair of silver-gray 5cm high heels with pointed lips.

The long black wavy shawl that had been tied up was let down, and a loose half-ball hair was tied.

Taking a picture in front of the mirror in the bathroom, Bai Li is actually very beautiful.

But she wears a black or white professional suit every day, and her hair is meticulously tied up.

Obviously only twenty-eight years old, making it look like thirty-eight years old!

Fortunately, although Bai Li didn't care about dressing, he still paid great attention to skin care and body maintenance.

So when Ling Wuyi changed out of her old-fashioned professional suit and put on a skirt, she looked no different from a twenty-two or three-year-old girl.

Bai Li's eyes were big and energetic, the corners of his lips curled up, and Ling Wuyi raised his hand to poke the sweet dimple on his cheek.

Ling Wuxi believes that if Bai Li had her own parents who cared for her in her childhood, maybe she would be a cheerful girl.

Even if there are fathers of Song and mother of Song in the later period, they are not my parents after all!

Moreover, Bai Li's personality has already formed, even if she is cared by Song's father and Song's mother, it is just a small hole in her heart.

It's a waste of such beautiful dimples, and I don't smile much at ordinary times.

Looking at the time, the half hour agreed with Song Zhicheng was almost here, so Ling Wuyi hurriedly put on some light makeup to make her look more energetic.

Then I took my bag and went out the door.

Just as the door was closed, the door on the opposite side also opened.

Ling Wuwen turned around and looked, just in time to see Song Zhicheng who was still wearing a white shirt and beige suit pants.

Seeing that Ling Wuyi dressed up specially, this was even more elaborate than when Ling Wuwen removed the plaster two days ago, Song Zhicheng was a little overwhelmed.

After being stunned for a long time, Song Zhicheng asked Ling Wuyi: "Ali... you are like this, are you really just going for a walk?"

Ling Wuxi nodded. Although there was no smile on her face, her demeanor softened a lot: "It's just that I'm tired of the usual dress, so I want to change my style."

Hearing what Ling Wuwen said, Song Zhicheng breathed a sigh of relief: "Then let's go, where do you want to go?"

"Let's go to Wanyue Wharf." Ling Wu said.

Song Zhicheng drove the car and took Ling Wuwen to Wanyue Wharf.

In the weather in June, the night wind at the pier is very comfortable.

Because she was worried that Ling Wu's feet would get tired after walking for too long, Song Zhicheng lent her an arm to hold her.

There are people dancing hip-hop on the pier, and many couples are dating and walking.

Not long after walking at the pier, Ling Wu was thinking about how to confess his love to Song Zhicheng.

A thin man with a small beard and a SLR camera came over and said very politely: "I think you are a good match, can I take a photo for you?"

Being mistaken for a couple, Song Zhicheng's first reaction was of course to explain.

He opened his mouth, and before he could explain, Ling Wuyi nodded and agreed to the photographer's request: "Yes."

Ling Wuyi turned her head to look at Song Zhicheng, and said, "It seems that I haven't taken a picture alone with you once, take one?"

Song Zhicheng nodded and agreed with a smile.

Two people stood on the grass of the pier, and there was a Ferris wheel on the back.

Ling Wuyi leaned her head lightly on Song Zhicheng's shoulder, and the corners of her mouth twitched the moment the photographer pressed the shutter.

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