Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 810 Awkward Ome (6)

The photographer said that he wanted to use this photo of Ling Wuwen and Song Zhicheng to participate in the competition, and Ling Wuwen graciously agreed.

But she asked, so the photographer sent her a photo.

The photographer and Ling Wuwen exchanged phone numbers again, and then said: "I wish you can be together forever and be happy!"

After speaking, the photographer didn't give Song Zhicheng a chance to explain his relationship with Ling Wuyi, and left with his camera on his back.

Ling Wuxi looked at the photo on the phone with a smile on her lips.

The photos are well taken, the Ferris wheel behind is beautiful, and the angle is very well chosen.

Ling Wuwen was standing on Song Zhicheng's right hand, holding his arm, with a smile on her lips.

Song Zhicheng put both hands in his trouser pockets, with a gentle smile on his face.

It is undeniable that two good-looking people stand together and are really a good match.

Seeing that this photo was taken so well, Song Zhicheng was also a little surprised.

What surprised Song Zhicheng even more was that it was the first time he had seen Ling Wu in the photo, and he had such a bright smile!

It was only then that Song Zhicheng realized that the neighbor sister whom he saw every day was actually so beautiful!

Ling Wuwen didn't even ask Song Zhicheng if he wanted it, and directly sent the photo to Song Zhicheng's phone.

After receiving the photo, Song Zhicheng took it out and looked at it.

He put his phone away, turned his head to look at Ling Wuwen: "Ali, do you... what's the matter?"

Such a Bai Li looks really strange!

Ling Wuxi nodded: "Well, there is something, I have something to tell you."

Ling Wuwen put the phone back in her bag, took a step back and looked at Song Zhicheng.

Looking at Ling Wuwen, who no longer had a smile on his face, Song Zhicheng nodded: "Say it. No matter what happens, I'm here!"

Song Zhicheng thought that Ling Wuwen had encountered some troubles, or it was a family matter.

After all, we have known each other for so many years, no matter how keen Song Zhicheng is, it is impossible for Ling Wuyi to notice her feelings for him in the short time since he came to this world!

Ling Wuxi plucked up her courage and took a few deep breaths to adjust her heart, the tension and fear that came from her body.

Just when Song Zhicheng thought that Ling Wuyue was about to say nothing, she finally spoke.

"In my heart, there has always been a secret that only I know. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally mustered up the courage and decided to tell you this secret! Zhicheng, I like you!"

It seems that he didn't see the undisguised surprise and stunned on Song Zhicheng's face after hearing her say this. Ling Wuyi lowered her eyelids and said to herself the confession that Bai Li had thought about many times.

"If you want to ask me when I started to like you, I don't know too well..."

"Maybe it's from that afternoon when you stood at the door in a plaid shirt and handed me a piece of pizza with a smile. Maybe it was Ningxia, who was seventeen years old, and you took me home on a bicycle. Maybe it was all the things we have been together in the past twenty years. bit by bit..."

"I'm not asking you to accept it, I just hope that at least you can know that in my heart, you have never been an older brother, and I don't want to be your younger sister..."

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuwen tried her best to restrain her heart that was about to jump out of her chest, waiting for the favorability degree or Song Zhicheng's movement.

"Ali..." Song Zhicheng didn't know what to say at this moment.

He never knew that in Bai Li's heart... he actually liked him!

All along, he thought that Bai Li regarded him as his elder brother and his relatives!

When hearing what Ling Wuwen said, Song Zhicheng's first reaction was not happy.

Ling Wuwen knew that Song Zhicheng's first reaction was not to be happy, because she had already sensed that her favorability had dropped.

It plummeted by five points, from eighty-five to eighty!

Seeing what Song Zhicheng was about to say, Ling Wuyi immediately raised her hand to stop it: "You don't need to say anything, I know your answer!"

"Don't feel troubled, I'm just saying what I've been holding in my heart for a long time, so I don't let myself have any regrets!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuyue turned around and left, leaving Song Zhicheng to stand there alone in a daze...

Ling Wuwen asked Xia Lun to watch, and then she went home before Song Zhicheng went home.

Although she was not directly rejected by others, the drop in favorability still made Ling Wuxi feel a little bit worried.

Although, this answer was expected...

That's good, now that this relationship is completely broken, when Song Zhicheng sees Ling Wuyi again in the future, he will no longer just regard her as a neighbor's sister!

But... I just failed to confess my love today, so it shouldn't be easy for Ling Wuyi to act like nothing happened, right?

When meeting or something, Ling Wuyi always felt that there was such a slight embarrassment?

Just at this time, Ling Wujin remembered that Gao Yuxiang, the assistant before get off work, said that Mr. Fang asked her if she wanted to go to country F to participate in the jewelry exhibition show.

It takes half a month to participate in the jewelry exhibition show, and I have to visit various places and watch shows and so on.

In half a month, when I come back, it shouldn't be so embarrassing!

Ling Wu was glad that the answer she gave Gao Yuxiang in the afternoon was to think about it first, and now she doesn't have to think about it at all!

He took out his work mobile phone and called Gao Yuxiang directly, telling him that she was going to country F to participate in the jewelry exhibition——

Ling Wuwen's work can be arranged freely, so even if the exhibition will take two days to start, Ling Wuwen can still go there earlier.

By the way, think of it as a trip!

After hanging up on Gao Yuxiang, Ling Wuyi directly booked a flight ticket and a hotel in Country F.

The air ticket was issued early the next morning, before Song Zhicheng went to work.

Although a bit rushed, it's quite appropriate, her goal is not to see Song Zhicheng for a while!

Ling Wuwen didn't even tidy up her clothes, she just packed skin care products, underwear, clothes and so on. Ling Wuwen planned to go to Country F—buy, buy, buy!


Early the next morning, Song Zhicheng came out with breakfast.

He stood at the door of Ling Wu's house, with his hand on the doorbell, hesitating a little.

In fact, he has the key to the Bai family's house, so he can go in directly.

But after last night, Song Zhicheng didn't know how to deal with Ling Wuwen.

Pretend nothing happened?

But in that case, wouldn't it be too hurtful?

He is almost thirty years old, and it's not that he hasn't had a girlfriend, let alone a pure boy.

It's just that he never thought that one day, the neighbor sister who grew up with him would tell him that she liked him for a long time!

Because of Ling Wu's confession, Song Zhicheng, who hadn't even passed the college entrance examination, suffered from insomnia!

He didn't sleep all night, thinking a lot, a lot of things from the past.

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