Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 811 Awkward Ome (7)

Taking a deep breath, Song Zhicheng raised his hand and rang the doorbell.

The doorbell rang twice, but no one came to answer the door.

Song Zhicheng pressed the button twice more, but still no one came to answer the door.

After thinking about it, Song Zhicheng still took out the key and opened the door.

After entering, Song Zhicheng originally planned to knock on the door, but there was no need for him to knock, the door was open.

Song Zhicheng frowned slightly, walked to the door and looked, there was no one in the room at all!



Not only was there no one in the room, but there was no one in the whole house either!

Song Zhicheng panicked immediately, and quickly took out his mobile phone to call Ling Wuyue. He thought that Ling Wuyi didn't come back last night!

This kind of speculation made Song Zhicheng just want to scold himself. It's fine that he didn't come back with Ling Wuyue last night, but he didn't even think about knocking on the door when he went home, or making a phone call to see Ling Wuyue. Do not come back!

Before Song Zhicheng called, a text message came in.

The sender is Ling Wuyue.

The message sent by Ling Wuwen said that because she was temporarily arranged to go on a business trip to country F, it would take about 20 days, so Song Zhicheng didn't have to worry.

Later, Ling Wuwen added, don't contact her, because the phone will be turned off immediately after arriving in country F.

After reading the message, Song Zhicheng immediately dialed the phone, but the user was reminded that the phone had been turned off...

Song Zhicheng sighed, he had no choice but to take his breakfast back.

Seeing Song Zhicheng bring the breakfast back, Song's mother was a little surprised: "What's the matter? Does A Li have no appetite?"

Song Zhicheng put the breakfast on the table, and shook his head with a smile at Mother Song: "No, Ali was temporarily arranged to go on a business trip. She left in a hurry, and she is already at the airport ready to board the plane."

"So it's like this~ It seems that she left too early, that's why that girl, A Li, didn't say anything first. Their boss is also like this, and she didn't say it earlier if she wanted to arrange a business trip!"

Song's mother complained ignorantly, Mr. Fang was lying on the gun innocently...

Song Zhicheng nodded, superficially echoing Song's mother's words. In his heart, he actually knew why Ling Wuwen was temporarily arranged to go on a business trip.

That's fine, for more than half a month, let both of them buffer.

"Okay, since Ali is on a business trip, Mom, you should buy less vegetables today. I'll go to work first." Song Zhicheng patted Mother Song on the shoulder, pretending to be fine.

Song's mother didn't realize that her son had something to hide from her, so she nodded and said, "Well, you should drive slowly!"



Ling Wuwen has no pressure abroad, anyway, she asks Xia Lun to help see if Song Zhicheng and Song Fangqi have any contact with each other every day.

But fortunately, there is a hero who is super machismo and possessive, Song Fangqi basically has no chance to meet Song Zhicheng.

So for more than half a month abroad, Lingwu Nie is completely like a vacation!

She turned off her personal mobile phone and only kept her work mobile phone for work.

After work every day, Ling Wuwen goes out for a walk, or goes back to the hotel to sleep well.

Gradually, Ling Wuwen was able to adjust her emotions. When thinking of Song Zhicheng again, even taking out the photo of the two of them together, Ling Wuwen would not have that astringent feeling anymore.

very good! Will no longer be affected by the awkwardness of the host!

On the day of returning to China, Ling Wuyi took out her personal mobile phone and turned it on. I found Song Zhicheng from the first contact.

Without hesitation, he pressed dial directly.

The answer was answered quickly. Song Zhicheng's first words were: "Ali, are you going back to China?"

His tone sounded natural, but Ling Wuyi still keenly heard Song Zhicheng's deliberation.

Ling Wuwen pretended not to hear it, and hummed: "I got off the plane at about ten o'clock in the evening."

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Zhicheng said that he would pick her up at the airport.

Ling Wuyi didn't refuse, the reason she called Song Zhicheng was to let him pick her up!

Hanging up Song Zhicheng's phone, I just heard the boarding reminder, and after turning off the phone, Ling Wuyi took the ticket and prepared to board the plane——

Song Zhicheng arrived at the airport half an hour early, and was waiting for Ling Wuwen at the exit, feeling a little nervous.

It has been more than 20 days since Ling Wuyi's sudden confession, and today is the first time we meet each other.

Song Zhicheng suddenly didn't know, what should be his first sentence after seeing Ling Wuwen?

Say: How was the job? Are you okay?

Or: Is it okay in country F? How's the weather over there? Are you eating well?

Or: I thought about what you said that night. I have always regarded you as my younger sister. If you don't want to treat me as a brother, then... let's be good friends, shall we?

Song Zhicheng tapped his head, feeling a little irritable in his heart.

When Ling Wuwen was not around, almost as soon as he was free, he would involuntarily think of every word Ling Wuwen said that night.

From time to time, he couldn't help but take out the photo of the two of them together that night...

While Song Zhicheng was still in a trance, Ling Wuyue had already pulled his big suitcase out.

She wore a saffron ankle-length dress with a white printed cape over it, her hair was dyed burgundy, and she wore sunglasses.

Ling Wuyi stepped out on high heels, and she saw Song Zhicheng at a glance.

Song Zhicheng, on the other hand, didn't see her at all.

Puckering up the corners of her lips and smiling, Ling Wuwen mischievously walked around behind Song Zhicheng and patted him on the shoulder.

Song Zhicheng turned around, and the moment he saw Ling Wuwen, Song Zhicheng didn't recognize her.

Song Zhicheng didn't recognize her until Ling Wuwen took off her sunglasses.

Somewhat unexpectedly, he looked Ling Wuwen up and down, and Song Zhicheng did not hide his surprise: "Ali, why do you..."

Ling Wuyi raised the corners of her lips and smiled: "Didn't I just say that before! I want to change the style, the previous style is too dull."

Seeing Ling Wuyi's smiling face, Song Zhicheng couldn't help poking the red mole that happened to be in the dimple on her left cheek.

"Ali, you...haven't been dropped, have you?" Song Zhicheng asked Ling Wuyi, that extremely serious face, no matter how you look at it, you feel a little cute.

Ling Wuxi patted Song Zhicheng on the back of his hand: "You have just been dropped! I suddenly figured it out and wanted to change myself, okay?"

"Okay!" Song Zhicheng nodded quickly, not daring to raise any objections.

Only then did Ling Wuyi lift her chin, and handed her suitcase to Song Zhicheng: "Let's go, it's so late, I didn't eat anything on the plane!"

Song Zhicheng snorted, and followed Ling Wuyi with his suitcase: "Then let's eat before going back? A Li, where do you want to eat?"

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