Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 834 Helpless Cry (6)

It's just that the man Yu Huanian was with at the beginning was an orphan with no relatives and no reason, living in no fixed place.

Later that man went abroad, but the Yu family couldn't find him at all, and they didn't expect him to go abroad.

Yu Huanian took his daughter with him. Although he lived in H City not far from Beijing, he lived in a village in the city, and his life was very low-key.

So even if the Yu family wanted to find it, it would not be easy.

Ling Wuyi listened to Yu's mother crying and scolding her, and then asked her how she had been doing all these years and where she lived.

Ling Wuwen answered Yu's mother's words exactly, and told her that she had been separated from that man for more than eight years.

Hearing her daughter's bad words, Yu's mother hurriedly cared again. Knowing the existence of a granddaughter, Yu's mother directly ordered Ling Wuyi to take Yu Yuqing back to Beijing.

Ling Wuwen didn't speak, and stopped for a long time.

Until over there, Mother Yu asked her worriedly: "What's the matter? Did something happen to you? It's okay, just tell Mom!"

"Mom, something happened to Qingqing..."

After listening to Ling Wu's narration, Mother Yu held her heart, almost having a heart attack.

Even if she hadn't covered her face, even if it was a stranger who encountered such a thing, Yu's mother would feel grief and sympathy.

What's more, that's her own grandson!

But fortunately, she has seen the world. Although Yu's mother was very sad, she was still calm.

She asked about Ling Wuxi's current situation in all aspects, including how the case was going.

After listening to what Ling Wuwen said, Mother Yu said that she would come to City H as soon as possible.

The two had been chatting for nearly two hours, Ling Wujin guessed that it was time for Yu Yuqing to wake up, so she said goodbye to Yu's mother and hung up the phone.

After returning to the ward, she saw that Yu Yuqing had woken up.

She has been holding the plush dolphin that Yu Huanian bought her for two years, with a helpless and fearful expression on her face.

Yu Yuqing was a little startled when she heard the door knock. When he saw that it was Ling Wuwen, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mom, where did you go just now?"

Ling Wuxi walked to the chair beside the bed and sat down, gently holding Yu Yuqing's hand.

She smiled and said, "Mom is on the phone. Qingqing wants to know who her mother is calling?"

Yu Yuqing nodded lightly and said, "I want to know."

"Mom is going to call mother's mother, which is your grandma!"

Yu Yuqing was a little surprised by Ling Wuwen's words, she looked at Ling Wuwen strangely: "So I still have my grandmother's?"

Ling Wuyi nodded: "Of course you have a grandma! Not only grandma, but also grandpa and uncle!"

"Really?! Then can I see them?" Yu Yuqing was a little excited. Since she can remember, she has only had a mother.

Others have a father and other relatives, but she does not.

She didn't know if her other relatives were still in this world, and she didn't dare to ask her mother, for fear that her mother would be sad.

So growing up, Yu Yuqing never asked Yu Huanian something similar to "Mom, where is my father? Where are my grandparents?"

"Of course, of course you can see them! Grandma said that she will come to see us tomorrow, Qingqing!"

Ling Wuwen thought that Yu Yuqing was so happy, and after knowing that Yu's mother would come to see her, she should be even happier!

It's just that Yu Yuqing was not only unhappy, but also turned pale all of a sudden.

She shook her head: "No, don't come to see me tomorrow!"

Ling Wuwen was a little puzzled and asked Yu Yuqing: "Why? Doesn't Qingqing want to see grandma?"

"I want to see...but I'm too ugly now, can I see you after I recover?"

Facing Yu Yuqing's gaze, Ling Wuyi didn't know how to say no.

Finally she nodded and said, "Okay, then I won't see you. I'll tell grandma later..."

Before Ling Wuwen finished speaking, Yu Yuqing asked Ling Wuwen worriedly: "I don't see grandma, will grandma be unhappy?"

Ling Wuyi sighed inaudibly, and she said softly: "How could it be! Grandma heard that she has a little granddaughter, she is very happy!"


After talking on the phone with Ling Wuxi, Mother Yu sat on the sofa for a long time by herself.

Until Aunt Xiu asked a little worriedly: "Ma'am, is there something wrong with you? Do you want me to call the doctor?"

Mother Yu waved her hands and sighed: "Call the master and the young master and ask them to come back immediately!"


It was the first time that Yu's mother recalled him with the words 'be right back', and Yu's father and Yu Huaye returned to Yu's house very quickly.

"What's the matter? Auntie Xiu called us back. Is there something wrong?"

Father Yu is already sixty years old. When he has nothing to do, he goes to an old friend's house to drink tea, play chess, and pass the time.

And Yu Huaye is a very handsome young man, only thirty years old.

Yu Huaye is a businessman, and he is particularly proficient in shopping malls.

The Yu family's family background is already good. The scholarly family that has been passed down for hundreds of years, when it was still an imperial system, the ancestors of the Yu family were prime ministers.

Originally, he had left a lot of good things for his descendants, but Yu Huaye was in the antique business again.

At the beginning, Yu Huaye said he wanted to start a business, but Yu's father disagreed.

Later, seeing that Yu Huaye was in the antique business and doing a good job, Father Yu gradually accepted it.

"Yeah Mom, I have a meeting in an hour."

Mother Yu took a deep breath and said, "I found Nian'er."

"Mom, what did you say?! You found sister Nian?! Really?! Where is she? I'll go find her now!"

As soon as Yu's mother finished speaking, Yu Huaye stood up, very happy and excited.

Father Yu was excited and happy when he heard Mother Yu say that he had found his daughter, but he didn't show it.

He snorted: "A person who has been removed from our Yu family's household registration book, what do you want her to do?!"

Hearing Yu's father say this, Yu's mother blushed and beat him on the shoulder.

She said with tears: "That's your daughter, our daughter! Do you know how hard she has been through all these years?! Do you know how hard it is for her to bring a child by herself?! You know her Why did you call back this time?!"

Father Yu froze and did not speak.

Yu Huaye heard what Yu's mother said. He frowned and asked, "Mom, who is alone? Isn't Sister Nian with that man?"

"That bastard abandoned Nian'er more than eight years ago. For eight years, Nian'er lived outside alone with the child. Now..."

Before she finished speaking, Yu's mother was already sobbing. Yu Huaye asked her, but she just shook her head and handed the tablet to Yu Huaye.

Yu Huaye was a little confused, but still took the tablet to watch.

The tablet is inside a news video page...

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