Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 835 helpless cry (seven)

After pausing for a moment, Yu Huaye clicked play.

At the beginning of the video, a reporter was explaining: "Recently, there was a very heinous case of violence, sexual assault, and the victim was only an eight-year-old child..."

Yu Huaye frowned, how could there be such a cruel pervert? !

After this news, another latest news about the 12.3 sexual assault case came out.

Yu Huaye opened it to see that it was a woman with a mosaic and her voice processed.

The reporter said that it was the mother of the victim's child. In order not to affect the child, the picture of the figure was processed.

Yu Huaye was very angry when he heard that the evidence was insufficient and the retrial was suppressed! Such a person should be sentenced to severe punishment immediately, preferably the death penalty!

"Mom, why are you showing me this?" Although she was angry, she didn't understand why Mother Yu showed him this.

Mother Yu covered her heart, shook her head and cried, "That child... is Nian'er's daughter!"


"What did you say?!"

Father Yu and Yu Huaye spoke at the same time, looking at Mother Yu in disbelief.

Although Yu's father didn't watch the video when Yu Huaye was watching it just now, he is not deaf! He could hear everything in the news clearly.

It's just that they didn't expect that it was Yu Huanian's daughter who encountered such a thing!

Father Yu stood up with a cane and raised his voice to tell the driver to prepare the car. He wanted to go to City H immediately!

Yu Huaye said that he would go too, and Yu's mother also said that he would go with her.

In the end, I had agreed with Ling Wuwen to go tomorrow, but Yu's parents, Yu's mother and Yu Huaye rushed to H City immediately.

That night, Yu's mother and the others did not call Ling Wuyue until they arrived in H City, asking which hospital she and Yu Yuqing were in.

Ling Wuyi didn't expect that Yu's mother had already arrived in H City, she just thought she said she would come tomorrow, so she asked first.

After mentioning which hospital and ward they were in, Yu's mother told Ling Wuwen that they were already in H city.

Hearing this news, Ling Wuwen was surprised.

In the end, Ling Wuwen just said, wait for them in the hospital parking lot.

Going back to the ward and looking at Yu Yuqing who had just fallen asleep again, Ling Wuwen went into the bathroom of the ward and looked in the mirror.

Yu Huanian is very beautiful, but the pressure of life makes her very haggard, plus this incident...

Mother Yu and the others are coming, of course Ling Wuyue wants to have a good image.

But whether it's clothing or skin, she can't maintain a good image now, so she might as well just let it go.

Taking a deep breath, after going out from the bathroom, she found that Yu Yuqing had woken up.

Ling Wuwen walked to the bedside and told her to let her go to bed by herself, while her mother went downstairs to buy something.

Yu Yuqing nodded, although she was a little scared, she still smiled at Ling Wuxi in a sensible way: "Mom, let's go!"

Ling Wuqin rubbed Yu Yuqing's hair, looked at the time on the phone, guessed that Yu's mother and the others should be here by this time, and left the ward.

As soon as she arrived at the parking lot, she saw Yu Huaye getting out of the car.

Yu Huaye is the adopted son of Yu's family, and he grew up in Yu's family since he was a child. The relationship with Yu Huanian can't be said to be very good, but it can't be said to be bad either.

After Yu Huaye got out of the car, he helped Yu's father and Yu's mother to get out of the car. Ling Wuwen stood not far away and did not step forward.

Even if she didn't come forward, Mother Yu recognized her at a glance.

Although she looks a lot older and is far from the image of a girl twelve years ago, she is still her own daughter!

Seeing that Yu's mother recognized her, Ling Wuwen went forward.

"Father, mother, Ah Ye..."

Father Yu kept his face sullen and did not speak, but the slightly trembling hand holding the crutch showed that he was not calm at this moment.

Yu Huanian is just like Father Yu, stubborn to the point of paranoia. I will suffer at the cost of saving face!

Yu's mother walked up to Ling Wuyue in two steps, held her face, and felt very distressed: "Nian'er, my Nian'er, why did you make yourself like this?!"

Yu Huaye didn't speak, but just frowned at Ling Wuyue. The woman in front of me is far from the Yu Huanian in my memory!

Holding back tears, Ling Wuxi asked with a smile: "Mom, why are you here now? Didn't you mean you will come tomorrow?"

"It's your father..."

"Cough cough cough..."

Yu's mother wanted to say that Yu's father was in a hurry to come, but before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Yu's cough.

After all, she has lived for decades, and Mother Yu knows Father Yu's character better than anyone else.

Before he finished speaking, Ling Wuwen also knew what the second half of the sentence was.

She wasn't asking, and Yu's mother didn't say anything more.

"Take me up to see Qingqing!" Mother Yu said.

After she finished speaking, Father Yu also turned his attention to Ling Wuwen. It is undeniable that he also wants to meet his granddaughter.

Ling Wuxi looked at Yu's mother apologetically: "Mom, I'm sorry, Qingqing doesn't want you to see her like this, she was very happy when I mentioned you to her today! But she said she is too ugly now... "

Mother Yu raised her hand to wipe her tears, she nodded: "Then let's not let Qingqing see her, and just look at her outside."

"Okay, I'll take you up there."

When Ling Wuwen went up, Yu Yuqing was still asleep. She asked Mother Yu and the others to sit outside for a while, and then she went in to put Yu Yuqing to sleep.

With her mother by her side, Yu Yuqing quickly fell asleep.

After Yu Yuqing fell asleep, Ling Wuwen opened the curtains of the ward, allowing Mother Yu and the others to look at Yu Yuqing inside through the glass.

"Qingqing will wake up if there is any movement, so I can't let you go in and have a look."

Seeing Yu Yuqing lying on the hospital bed like that, Yu's mother couldn't help crying on Yu's father's shoulder: "My miserable granddaughter..."

Father Yu's eyes were also red, his hands trembling: "It's... who did it?!"

This was the first sentence Ling Wuyi said after seeing Father Yu.

Ling Wuxi lowered her eyes slightly: "The murderer has been caught, and Qingqing identified it. The trial started today, and the murderer refused to plead guilty, saying that it wasn't him. The opposing lawyer defended that Qingqing's current state is too bad, and the identification of being insane cannot be counted. The judge decided to hold the second trial on January 20."

Father Yu took a deep breath: "A Ye, find the best lawyer, I'm going to sue that bastard and sentence him to death!"

"I'm going to call now." Yu Huaye said.

Even if Father Yu doesn't confess, Yu Huaye will arrange the best lawyers to fight the lawsuit.

"Mom, don't cry."

Father Yu stared sideways at Ling Wuwen: "For so many years, if this kind of thing doesn't happen, do you plan to stop calling us for the rest of your life?!"

"Dad, I'm sorry! I know I was wrong at the beginning, and I shouldn't have followed your advice..." Ling Wuwen said with red eyes.

Father Yu sighed and did not speak again.

After all, she is her own daughter!

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