Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

#843 helpless cry (fifteen)

Hearing Yu Yuqing's voice, Ling Wuyi turned her attention to her: "No, that uncle is just sick."

After saying that, Ling Wujin pushed Yu Yuqing forward, she didn't want to be checked by Xi Zhongjing!

As a result, Ling Wuyi hadn't taken two steps when she heard Xi Chongjing calling her.

"Hua Nian..."

Sister, I don't know you very well, why are you asking Hua Nian to be so affectionate? !

Ling Wuwen planned to leave without hearing, but Yu Yuqing raised her head to look at her: "Mom, that uncle is calling you."

Ling Wuwen: ... the pig teammate [Help the forehead]

Grinning dryly and smiling at Yu Yuqing, Ling Wuyi stopped and turned to look at Xi Chongjing.

"Xi, Mr. Chongjing, what a coincidence, do you live here?"

In order not to be a rude example in front of Yu Yuqing, Ling Wuyi had no choice but to greet her.

Originally, she planned to call him Mr. Xi, but he and Xi Ziqiu have the same surname, so calling her would make Ling Wuyi a little awkward.

Hearing Ling Wuyi talking to him, the corner of Xi Chongjing's mouth curved slightly.

He raised his hand, and the bodyguard behind him understood, pushed Xi Chongjing and walked towards Ling Wuyi.

When he got to Ling Wutian's side, Xi Chongjing first turned his attention to Yu Yuqing.

"Hello." Xi Chongjing greeted Yu Yuqing in a cold tone.

Ling Wuxi was very afraid that Yu Yuqing would be frightened, so she held the wheelchair tightly, and was about to push Yu Yuqing back.

However, to Ling Wuyi's surprise, Yu Yuqing was not afraid of Xi Chongjing at all!

She grinned at Xi Chongjing: "Hello, uncle! Is uncle the uncle who lived in the ward next to me before?"

Xi Chongjing raised his eyes to look at Ling Wuwen, and nodded to Yu Yuqing.

"Then why is uncle here now? Has uncle also been discharged from the hospital? Has he recovered?"

What made Ling Wuwen even more unexpected was that Yu Yuqing would be so active when facing Xi Chongjing!

"Well, discharged from the hospital and recuperated." Xi Chongjing replied.

"Me too!"

He said it so simply, Yu Yuqing actually understood it!

Ling Wuwen pushed Yu Yuqing, and Xi Chongjing's bodyguard pushed him. Two people walk and it becomes four people.

During the whole process, Yu Yuqing and Xi Chongjing were talking.

I don't know if it's because both of them are in wheelchairs, or something else. Anyway, Yu Yuqing and Xi Chongjing hit it off very well, they hit it off right away!

Well... Ling Wujin admits that good looks also have advantages.

Maybe Xi Chongjing's appearance is the one Yu Yuqing likes to look at!

As the night gradually fell, Ling Wuwen said: "Qingqing, it's getting dark, we should go back."

Although Yu Yuqing was reluctant to bid farewell to Xi Chongjing, she still wanted to listen to her mother!

So Yu Yuqing stretched out her hand to grab Laxi Chongjing's slender and fair hand: "Uncle Chongjing, why don't you come to our house for dinner tomorrow? My grandma Xiu's cooking is delicious! Mom's cooking is also delicious."

Maybe it was because Xi Chongjing said that he was alone, so Yu Yuqing sympathized with him.

Ling Wuyi stared at Xi Chongjing's hand held by Yu Yuqing, her eyes almost fell off.

This is... Yu Yuqing has improved too much? Or because this Xi Chongjing is really likable! ?

Xi Chongjing didn't immediately agree to Yu Yuqing's invitation, but looked up at Ling Wuwen: "Is it okay?"

Yu Yuqing also looked up at Ling Wuwen, and asked, "Mama, can you?"

Ling Wuwen: ...

"Of course, you can!" Ling Wuyue forced a smile.

She didn't admit that Yu Yuqing liked Xi Chongjing so much, so she was a bit jealous as a mother...

With Ling Wuyi's consent, Xi Chongjing nodded to Yu Yuqing and said, "Okay."

Then, the two happily reached an agreement to let Xi Chongjing come to the house for lunch at noon.

When they got back home, Ling Wuwen helped Yu Yuqing clean her body and put on a clean anal bag. The two of them lay on the bed, and Ling Wuwen hugged Yu Yuqing and told stories.

After telling a story, Ling Wuwen asked Yu Yuqing curiously: "Qingqing, do you like Uncle Chongjing?"

Yu Yuqing nodded and said, "Well, Uncle Chongjing looks good."

Cough cough... Is it really because of the appearance...

Yu Yuqing went on to say: "Uncle Chongjing is very pitiful, his family didn't accompany him!"

Well, this is indeed, kind of pathetic...

"Uncle Chongjing is very kind."

Kind! ? Why didn't Ling Wuyi see this?

Looking at Xi Chongjing's overall demeanor, one can tell that he is actually a cold person.

Such a person is not a very kind person.

It was because of this that Xi Chongjing's approach to her made Ling Wuyi feel a little more defensive in his heart.

However, Ling Wuyi is happy that Yu Yuqing can still believe in the kindness of other people.

After all, she is still so young, if she treats everyone in the world as a bad person, what should she do in the future?

"Mom, don't you like Uncle Chongjing?"

Yu Yuqing was sensitive to Ling Wuyi's defense against Xi Chongjing, she didn't know that was defensiveness, so she thought that Ling Wuwen didn't like Xi Chongjing.

Ling Wuyi froze for a moment, then shook her head: "Mom just thinks that we are not familiar with him."

"It's been a long time, so I'm familiar with it!" Yu Yuqing grinned.

Ling Wuqin smiled at Yu Yuqing and rubbed her hair.

She rolled her eyes and suddenly thought that Yu Yuqing could meet Lu Nanting.

So Ling Wuwen asked Yu Yuqing softly, "Mom knows that Qingqing is very sensible, and many things are clear, right?"

Yu Yuqing nodded: "What does Mom want to say?"

Ling Wuwen was taken aback by Yu Yuqing's question, and it took a while before she spoke: "There is an uncle lawyer who is very willing to help us. He really wants to meet Qingqing and ask Qingqing some things."

After hearing Ling Wu's words, Yu Yuqing lowered her eyelids. Long, thick eyelashes cast a shadow under the eyes.

Ling Wuxi hugged Yu Yuqing distressedly: "Okay, it's fine if Qingqing doesn't want to see you, we won't see you..."

Before the words finished, Ling Wuwen heard Yu Yuqing say: "Let the lawyer uncle come tomorrow."

Ling Wuxi took a deep breath and nodded: "Okay, then let the lawyer uncle come to the house for lunch, okay?"

Having lunch together might make Yu Yuqing get acquainted with Lu Nanting.

Lu Nanting is also good-looking! So Yu Yuqing shouldn't be too repulsive towards him...

Ling Wuyi knew that on the day of the second trial, Yu Yuqing must be made to appear in court to identify her.

She didn't want to, but that probably wasn't possible.

At that time, it depends on Yu Yuqing's wishes.

If Yu Yuqing doesn't want to, that's fine, anyway, it doesn't matter if he dies or not.

"Okay." Yu Yuqing agreed in response: "Then grandma Xiu will prepare a lot of dishes at noon tomorrow, so busy~"

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