Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

#844 helpless cry (sixteen)

"It's okay, mom will help Grandma Xiu prepare lunch tomorrow." Ling Wuwen said.

Hearing that Yu Yuqing's tone was already nothing, Ling Wuyi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, she usually gives Yu Yuqing psychological counseling every day, which has a series of effects.

In fact, Ling Wuyi wanted to hand over the job of psychological counseling to a psychologist, but she thought it would be better to give Yu Yuqing the psychological counseling herself.

The effect is indeed obvious. Much better than the psychologist that Yu Hua read to Yu Yuqing in memory!

"Okay, mom will tell you another story, Qingqing is going to close her eyes and go to sleep!"


Yu Yuqing closed her eyes obediently, and quietly listened to the fairy tales Ling Wuyi told her, which she had never heard of.

In fact, these fairy tales were made up by Ling Wuyi herself. The purpose is to heal Yu Yuqing's trauma.

They are all similar to the events in which the protagonist in a fairy tale encounters something bad, and then slowly walks out and becomes better and better.

She wants Yu Yuqing to believe that she is also one of the protagonists in the story, she will come out slowly, and she will become better and better!

After telling a story, Yu Yuqing fell asleep.

Only then did Ling Wuxi get off the bed cautiously, took her mobile phone and left the room.

As soon as he left the room, Ling Wuyi called Lu Nanting first.

"Nanting, do you have time tomorrow? Qingqing agrees to see you."

"Really? Qingqing wants to see me, so of course I have time! When should I go?"

"Around eleven o'clock, we will have lunch together and give Qingqing time to get acquainted with you."

"Okay, I'll be there on time at eleven o'clock." Lu Nanting said.

"Well, do you know the address?"

"I know, Hua Ye told me. I wanted to go over, but I was worried that Qingqing would mind."

"By the way, sister Nian, what kind of toys does Qingqing usually like? For example, Princess Barbie or plush toys?"

"If you buy it, you can buy a mermaid Barbie princess."

"okay, I get it."

"Well, then I won't bother you, bye."

"See you tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Ling Wuwen stepped up and went downstairs.

Yu's father, Yu's mother and Yu Huaye were still in the living room. When they saw Ling Wuyi coming down, Yu's mother asked, "Has Qingqing slept?"

Ling Wuxi nodded, walked to the sofa and sat down.

Just at this time, Aunt Xiu came out with a plate of fruit, and Ling Wuwen said to Aunt Xiu, "Aunt Xiu will prepare lunch for two people tomorrow."

Aunt Xiu didn't even ask why, she responded repeatedly: "Okay, miss, you need to eat more fruit." Aunt Xiu took a fork and forked a piece of fruit and handed it to Ling Wu.

I haven't seen my young lady for twelve years. When I saw her again a few days ago, Aunt Xiu felt so distressed!

I think back when the young lady was at home, the water was tender and tender, how well it was raised!

but now...

In fact, this body is much better than when Ling Wuwen came here, at least the face is not dark yellow anymore.

In addition to diet and sleep, now that the catkins have taken off their cheap clothes and matched with their own temperament, they are already very good!

"Well, thank you, Aunt Xiu!" Ling Wu smiled at Aunt Xiu.

Mother Yu on the side asked curiously: "Why do you have to prepare lunch for two more people? Who wants to come?"

"Well, Qingqing agrees to see Nanting, and I plan to let Nanting come over for a meal so that Qingqing can get acquainted with him."

Mother Yu nodded, thinking that what Ling Wuwen said made sense.

Yu Huaye on the side raised his eyebrows: "Nanting came to eat, and there is only one person, is there another person?"

"That's right, is there another person?" Mother Yu was also curious.

"While Qingqing was out for a walk, she ran into a neighbor who lived in the ward next door to Qingqing. Qingqing chatted with her very well, and when she heard that she didn't have any family members by her side, she offered to invite her."

Ling Wu's explanation surprised the other three.

If I remember correctly, the person who lives next door to Yu Yuqing is a man.

A man who not only hit it off with Yu Yuqing, but also took the initiative to invite him to his house for dinner? !

After Ling Wuwen expressed that it was absolutely true, the three of them became very curious about what kind of person their neighbor was.

Can't wait, waiting for the arrival of noon tomorrow——

Waking up the next morning, Ling Wuwen dressed Yu Yuqing in her favorite sky blue organza princess dress.

Yu Yuqing raised her hand to touch the scar on her face that was still not healed, and asked Ling Wuyi: "Mom, am I too ugly like this?"

Ling Wuwen, who was putting on Yu Yuqing's shoes, raised her head and looked at her carefully from left to right.

Shaking her head: "No, my family, Qingqing, doesn't know how beautiful she is!"

Hearing what Ling Wuwen said, Yu Yuqing was relieved a lot.

She felt that since her mother said she was beautiful, she shouldn't be ugly.

Even so, Yu Yuqing still didn't dare to look in the mirror, for fear of seeing an ugly monster in the mirror...

After washing up, Ling Wuxi carried Yu Yuqing into the wheelchair and sat down, then took her downstairs by elevator.

When they got downstairs, Yu Yuqing immediately said good morning to Yu's parents, Yu's mother and Yu Huaye.

Sitting at the dining table, he said hello to Aunt Xiu who brought her breakfast: "Good morning, Grandma Xiu."

When Aunt Xiu saw the small Yu Yuqing, it was as if she saw the former Yuan Huanian, and she liked it very much.

"Hey! Good morning, Miss!"

"Did Qingqing sleep well last night? Are you not used to it?" Father Yu asked Yu Yuqing.

Father Yu, who always had a serious face, smiled like this when facing Yu Yuqing, so kind and kind!

Yu Yuqing nodded: "Well, I slept very well, the bed is very comfortable!"

"That's good. If Qingqing likes it, can we also decorate the house in Beijing like this?"

Father Yu's words made the other three people turn their heads to look at him at the same time.

For hundreds of years, the owner of the Yu family has maintained the ancient style of decoration. Someone once said that entering Yu's house is like traveling through time and space in an instant.

Over the years, Yu's father has not allowed anyone to make any changes to the decoration style of Yu's house.

But now, Father Yu offered to redecorate!

What a... miracle!

"Okay, thank you grandpa!" Yu Yuqing really liked the way the family looked.

It's like, really living in the sea world!

"Okay, when the time comes, let your uncle arrange to decorate the house in Beijing like this!"

The corner of Yu Huaye's mouth twitched when he was entrusted with the important task. He wanted to redecorate it, and even decorated it like this house...

Yu Huaye felt that two methods were the best.

One is to directly overthrow the original house and rebuild it, or to repair it on a piece of land...

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