Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 850 Helpless Cry (22)

Shen Zhou opened his mouth, and just about to speak, Ling Wuyue suddenly grabbed the back of his head and threw him in one direction.

Fortunately, Shen Zhou was still a bit of a three-legged cat. He knew that his two hands should support the ground first, so that he didn't hurt his face and head.

He wanted to get up, but one foot stepped on his cervical spine.

"Yu Huanian, what exactly do you want to do?!"

Ling Wuwen still didn't answer his question, and said, "Do you know what it is? Violence. Sexual assault. It was reported on the news."

That's right, Shen Zhou knew about it. But what did that matter to him? Shen Zhou didn't care at all!

At this moment, Shen Zhou didn't understand either. I don't understand why Ling Wuyi brought up this matter.

"I'm here to tell you something that wasn't mentioned in the news." Ling Wuting exerted force on her feet, pushing Shen Zhou down.

"Look at the ground! Can you see the black blood? This is the scene of the crime!"

"It didn't say in the news that the child was named Yu Yuqing. Because when she was born, the rain had just passed, so she was named Yuqing. I also hope that no matter what bad things happen, the rain will pass and the sky will clear." !"

"It didn't say in the news that Qingqing is already eight years old this year. She has just entered the second grade of elementary school and is doing very well in her studies. She was worried that her mother would work too hard, so she insisted on going to school by herself after entering elementary school!"

"It was because she went to school by herself that she encountered such a thing!"

"It didn't say in the news that when Qingqing was covered with injuries, she tried her best to smile and said: Mom doesn't cry, I don't hurt!"

"It was not mentioned in the news, but Qingqing felt that she had grown up and could be independent, so she called the police after the incident happened!

"It wasn't mentioned in the news, but when I saw Qingqing lying on the hospital bed covered in blood, I wanted to die!"

"It wasn't mentioned in the news. When the doctor said that Qingqing's large intestine and anus had to be removed and used as an artificial anus for the rest of her life, I was so devastated! I mustered up so much courage to nod. Agree to surgery!"

"It was not mentioned in the news. When I went to see Lan Hejun in the detention center, Lan Hejun said that he regretted not killing Qingqing directly! He said that after he came out, he would kill our mother and daughter! He said his daughter Men are very capable, so don't be afraid!"

"Shen Zhou, if I want money, when Lan Ruo offers a large sum of money, I will accept it! I don't want money, I just want to hurt Qingqing's people, go to hell!"

Shen Zhou's words were hard to accept, even more difficult to digest.

He stared blankly at the ground under his face, there was a lot of blood there, although it had dried and turned dark red.

The news reported that he knew how badly the victim was injured.

At that time, he also felt that Lan Ruo's father was a bit cruel, but Lan Hejun was Lan Ruo's father after all, and he couldn't bear to see Lan Ruo sad.

So he found a relationship and gave money, and he must reduce the punishment to the lightest.

But now, Ling Wuwen said, that child is called Yu Yuqing, and he is eight years old. It's Yu Huanian's daughter...

Yu Huanian's daughter is eight years old...

eight years old...

"So, so, so Qingqing she...is, my, my daughter?"

Shen Zhou couldn't even complete a sentence, he was stupid.

Ling Wuxi let go of her feet, tears streaming down her face.

"Back then you didn't give me a chance to tell you that I was pregnant and left without a word. I searched everywhere but couldn't find you. I thought Qingqing would abort herself like other children."

Shen Zhou maintained the posture lying on the ground, his eyes were still looking at the blood on the ground.

For a while, the voice of the news he saw was in his mind, and for a while, it was the voice of Ling Wu Nie who could compare to accusations.

He lost his eyesight and lost his mind.

It took a long time before Shen Zhou got up from the ground.

He grabbed Ling Wuxi's shoulder with some excitement, and stared at her: "Impossible! I can't! She can't be my daughter! You tell me, it's impossible!"

Ling Wuyi slapped Shen Zhou again, his face was already red and swollen, and he was not as handsome and high-spirited as before.

"Even if Qingqing is not your daughter, can someone else's daughter be hurt like this?! Shen Zhou, are you human?! Helping a pervert who is not as good as a beast, you are not as good as a beast!"

She took out her mobile phone from her bag, and showed Shen Zhou photos of Yu Yuqing.

In fact, Yu Yuqing's appearance is more inclined to Shen Zhou's. Shen Zhou looks good, and Yu Yuqing is also very beautiful.

So in fact, as long as you look at her appearance, you can completely believe that Yu Yuqing is Shen Zhou's daughter.

Shen Zhou stared blankly at the photo, the very beautiful and cute little girl with a bright smile.

Flesh and kinship, Shen Zhou can no longer deceive himself and others after seeing Yu Yuqing.

Ling Wuxi swiped her finger on the phone, and a video came out.

This video is the video of Yu Yuqing identifying Lan Hejun that was played in court during the first trial.

In the picture, one eye of the little girl is covered with gauze, and the other eye is swollen and can only be opened with difficulty.

The mouth was torn apart, and several wounds on the face were stitched.

This look is completely different from the girl with the sweet smile just now.

She lay there dying, which made people feel distressed.

The police asked Yu Yuqing if she remembered what happened at that time, and she nodded, indicating that she did.

The police asked her again if she recognized the other person's face, Yu Yuqing still nodded.

Finally, the police took out some photos and asked Yu Yuqing to point out the criminals.

Yu Yuqing looked at it for a while, and finally found Lan Hejun in a few photos.

After watching the video, Shen Zhou's eyes were red, his whole body was shaking violently, and he didn't even have the strength to grab Ling Wu's shoulder.

Shen Zhou took a few steps back again and again, holding his head and screaming uncontrollably.

Seeing such an out-of-control Shen Zhou, Ling Wujin knew that at least his heart wasn't so cold-blooded that he wouldn't even be indifferent to his own child being hurt!

Raising his hand to wipe away his tears, Ling Wuxi deleted the video before putting the phone back in the bag.

She didn't speak any more, just looked at Shen Zhou quietly.

Seeing him frantic like wanting to kill, he beat on the ground, crying like a child.

After about half an hour like this, Shen Zhou calmed down.

He wiped his face vigorously, then took a deep breath, looked at Ling Wuwen, and said in a hoarse voice, "I want to see Qingqing."

"Yes, but you can't tell Qingqing that you are her father."


"I don't want to tell Qingqing, and say: Daughter, do you know that your father found you a stepmother, and your stepmother's father is that bad guy! Shen Zhou, do you want to tell Qingqing that?"


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