Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 851 Helpless Cry (23)

Maybe it's because in Shen Zhou's heart at this moment, Lan Ruo is not so important that he insists on her.

So after Ling Wuwen said this, Shen Zhou blurted out: "I was just playing with Lan Ruo, I never thought of being with her or getting married! Lan Hejun hurt my daughter, I We will never let him go!"

Ling Wuqian sneered, her face full of trust: "How can I trust a person who abandons me without saying goodbye? I don't believe it!"

"So you should meet Qingqing as an uncle, otherwise, I won't let you see her."

Shen Zhou had no choice but to nod and compromise.

But to see his daughter, Shen Zhou felt that there was something wrong with his embarrassed appearance at the moment.

Although Shen Zhou wanted to see Yu Yuqing immediately, he couldn't see his daughter in such an image.

So Shen Zhou and Ling Wuwen agreed to meet Yu Yuqing tomorrow, and Ling Wuwen nodded in agreement.

After Ling Wuyi sent Shen Zhou back to her residence, she went home——

Early the next morning, Shen Zhou rang the doorbell of Yu's house early.

He didn't sleep all night, in order to have a good image when he saw Yu Yuqing, when he got up this morning, he specially hired a makeup artist to cover up the bruises on his face.

So Shen Zhou looked a bit unnatural, but he didn't look embarrassed.

Because she had already told the two old people about Shen Zhou last night. Although the two old people were very excited at the time, they have calmed down today.

When they heard that Shen Zhou was coming to see Yu Yuqing, Yu's father and Yu's mother disagreed.

In the end, it was Ling Wuwen who said that Shen Zhou didn't come to see Yu Yuqing as a father, but as an uncle before he was approved.

Ling Wuwen also specially told Yu's parents, Yu's mother and Yu Huaye not to lose control when they saw Shen Zhou, so as not to scare Yu Yuqing.

For Yu Yuqing's sake, Yu's father and Yu's mother of course agreed.

So when Shen Zhou stepped into the gate of Yu's house, Yu's father and Yu's mother behaved fairly calmly.

Yu Yuqing walked out of the dining room holding Ling Wuwen's hand, she raised her head to look at Ling Wuwen, and asked a little strangely: "Mom, Uncle Xi promised to make cakes together yesterday, why hasn't he come over yet?"

Usually at this time, Xi Ziqiu would have already come over, and then we would have breakfast together...

Ling Wuwen rubbed the top of Yu Yuqing's head, said with a smile, "Your Uncle Xi has something to do today, and he will be here later."

Ling Wuwen took Yu Yuqing's hand and introduced Shen Zhou who was at a loss when she saw Yu Yuqing.

"This is my mother's former friend, named Uncle Shen Zhou. Uncle Shen rarely comes to City H, so he came to see Qingqing."

Yu Yuqing believed in Ling Wuwen's words, and when she heard that she was her mother's friend, Yu Yuqing also smiled at Shen Zhou and called out, "Hello, Uncle Shen!"

Looking at the face with scars, Shen Zhou could only force a smile.

"Hey, Qingqing, hello..." Shen Zhou trembling, wanted to touch Yu Yuqing's face.

But Yu Yuqing is very wary of being touched by the opposite sex. Except Yu's father, Yu Huaye and Xi Ziqiu, she cannot have any contact with the opposite sex.

So the moment Shen Zhou stretched out his hand, Yu Yuqing hid behind Ling Wuxi.

Ling Wuxi patted Yu Yuqing's shoulder reassuringly: "It's okay, it's okay, Qingqing is not afraid..."

After comforting Yu Yuqing, Ling Wuwen turned her head to look at Shen Zhou again, and said, "Qingqing doesn't like the touch of the opposite sex, especially strangers."

Her subconscious meaning is: Shen Zhou, you are just a stranger of the opposite sex to your daughter.

Shen Zhou was disappointed again, and looked at Yu Yuqing who was hiding behind Ling Wutiao with distress, and nodded: "I see. I'm sorry, Qingqing, Uncle Shen... for scaring you."

Yu Yuqing poked her head out and shook her head at Shen Zhou, and said sensiblely: "It's okay, I scared Uncle Shen too, right?"

"No, you didn't scare Uncle Shen, Uncle Shen..." Dad just wanted to hug you and say sorry to you.

Shen Zhou's eyes were red, and his voice was a little choked up.

"Uncle Shen, have you encountered any unhappy things? Why do you seem a little sad?" Yu Yuqing asked Shen Zhou cautiously.

In a word, Shen Zhou, who tried hard to restrain his emotions, shed tears.

Shen Zhou felt that what Ling Wuyue said was right! He helped Lan Hejun who was not as good as a beast, and he was not as good as a beast!

Even if Qingqing was someone else's daughter, he shouldn't have helped Lan Hejun like this.

At this moment, Shen Zhou wished he could rush into the detention center and tear Lan Hejun into pieces!

Seeing Shen Zhou kneeling on the ground crying pitifully, Yu Yuqing couldn't bear to get a tissue and carefully wiped his tears.

Who knew that the more she rubbed, the more Shen Zhou cried.

He kept saying to Yu Yuqing: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's my fault, it's all my fault..."

Yu Yuqing stared, not knowing who Shen Zhou was saying sorry to.

Anyway, she felt that the uncle brought back by her mother must have encountered something very sad, so she cried so sadly.

Shen Zhou's crying did not make Yu's family forgive. They just sank the boat with defensive eyes, worried that he would hurt Yu Yuqing.

Shen Zhou cried for a long time, Yu Yuqing didn't want to wipe his tears anymore, so she stopped.

Yu Yuqing looked at the pack of tissues in her arms, it was still full just now, now only half of it is left.

She wrinkled her face and said very seriously: "Mom said that a man bleeds but does not shed tears. Only women are made of water and can cry at every turn."

"So, Uncle Shen, forget it this time if you cry, don't cry in the future, you will be laughed at by the children."

After the lesson was over, Yu Yuqing felt that something was not enough, she said again: "I am just a child! Next time I see you crying, I will laugh at you!"

Shen Zhou nodded again and again: "Well, Uncle Shen won't cry anymore!"

"Well, that's good! It's so good, my mother will teach me how to make cakes this afternoon, will you join me?"

Shen Zhou was a little excited, he looked at Yu Yuqing with great joy: "I, can I?"

"Of course!" Yu Yuqing nodded very readily.

Yu Yuqing didn't notice at all that Yu's father, Yu's mother and Yu Huaye were saying 'no' all over their bodies.

Ling Wuwen doesn't care, for Shen Zhou, Ling Wuwen completely treats him as a stranger.

Agreeing with Shen Zhou to meet Yu Yuqing is just to let him know more clearly how wrong he is!

If you want to defeat Lan Ruo, you must first make Shen Zhou stop paying attention to her.

At that time, the heroine halo above Lan Ruo's head should disappear.

When Lan Ruo is finished, it's Shen Zhou's turn.

She said that she would not let anyone who hurt Yu Yuqing be spared!

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