Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 864: The Reborn Concubine (5)

... Really, it's hard enough!

After letting go of his stomach and eating a big meal, Ling Wuyi was finally satisfied.

The stomach and mouth are satisfied, so it's time to find the male partner who she thinks is Xi Ziqiu!

Ling Wuwen asked about the location of Xia Lun's supporting role, but the supporting role who was still in the capital in the morning actually left now!

"Xiao Lunlun, I told you to watch! Everyone has left the capital, why don't you wake me up!?"

Ling Wuwen was a little regretful, but also a little annoyed.

The regret was that she had overslept in the morning and didn't wake up. The furious thing was that she knew she had overslept, but Xia Lun didn't wake her up.

"Because I saw that you were too sleepy, so I didn't wake you up. Oh, don't be Fang, don't be Fang~ Anyway, he hasn't gone far, you can catch up!"

Xia Lun blinked innocently, of course, Ling Wu could not see it.

Ling Wuyi rolled her eyes, she was not worried that she would not be able to catch up, but after catching up, she found that the other party was not Xi Ziqiu's body!

At that time, didn't she make a trip in vain! ?

After thinking for a while, Ling Wuyi decided that she should stay in the capital first.

Wait until the male partners who are still in the capital, go and touch them when the night is dark and the wind is high.

If those male supporting roles are gone, it won't be too late for her to go after the one who ran away.

Having figured it out, Ling Wuwen asked the location of one of Xia Lun's supporting actors, and after knowing where the other was, Ling Wuwen went out wearing a veil.

Let's touch it first and then talk--

In the next few days, if Ling Wuyi could find a chance to meet the male supporting role during the day, she would go for it, and if she couldn't during the day, she would go for it at night.

Of course, this is easier said than done. It took three days for the three male supporting roles in the capital.

However, after three days, she did not find Xi Ziqiu's body.

Now there are two male supporting characters who are not in the capital, and the male supporting character that Ling Wuyi intuitively thinks is likely to be Xi Ziqiu's body, is currently in a city not far from the capital.

And the remaining one... is in Jianghu!

After all the calculations, Ling Wuwen picked the male partner who was closer to her and had a personality similar to Xi Ziqiu.

For three days, hundreds of thousands of taels and a young lady disappeared from Yuan's house, and there was no movement at all!

This result, of course, satisfied Ling Wuyi.

After buying a horse, Ling Wuwen rushed to Zhangcheng where the male partner was located——

It took Lingwu Nie a day to travel from the capital to Zhangcheng.

According to Xia Lun, there is only one reason why the male supporting role is still in Zhangcheng after three days away.

The male supporting role walks, and his movement speed is very slow.

After walking slowly for three days, I arrived in Zhangcheng.

When he arrived in Zhangcheng, he seemed to have something to deal with, so he stopped temporarily.

As soon as he arrived in Zhangcheng, Ling Wuwen went to find the male partner.

Just happened to pass by the male partner...

"Hey hey~ Little 55, I've passed by, I've passed by, I'll turn around quickly!"

Xia Lun just took a sip of water, and when he looked at the screen again, he saw that Ling Wuyi had passed by the male partner.

Ling Wuyi turned around, and her eyes fell on the back of the man in the white brocade robe that Xia Lun had mentioned.

For some reason, she felt that this figure looked... a little familiar.

Where did she see it? Or where have you seen the host?

Before Ling Wuyi could remember, the other party had almost disappeared.

Xia Lun's call brought Ling Wumi back to her senses, and she quickly ran after her.

It was morning at this time, and it was said that today was the market day in Zhangcheng, so there were so many people on the street.

Ling Wuwen squeezed through the crowd, and finally got close to the male supporting role. She rolled her eyeballs and bumped into him directly...

However, before Ling Wuyi bumped into it, the other party had already dodged to the side without a trace.

Ling Wu's chin just hit the edge of someone else's bamboo and rattan basket, that's so sour!

He licked his lower lip, and there was a rusty smell.

Glancing at the back of the male partner with tears in his eyes, Ling Wuyi realized that the man had never been touched by anyone in such a crowded crowd.

From beginning to end, there was a distance of one meter around him, as if there was a vacuum.

Tsk...he really is a clean freak~

Ling Wuqian gritted her teeth, this time she won't bump into each other, but follow the other party first!

Anyway, she kept following until she could meet him.

If it doesn't work, she will touch it forcibly. Just in time, we can see the skills of the two, who is more annoying——

Finally walking out of the most crowded street, Ling Wuyi followed the other party to an alley full of the smell of wine.

After not taking two steps, the supporting actor stopped.

He turned around and looked at Ling Wuwen with a blank expression on his face.

Only then did Ling Wuyi see his face clearly, it was very handsome and indifferent.

There is a kind of rushing foot who ignores everything and does not eat the fireworks of the world.

Who can see such a fairy-like existence, but likes to drink? !

"Are you looking for me?" He spoke, his tone was slow, and his tone was as indifferent as his overall temperament.

Ling Wuxi blinked her eyes, was she nodding? Still no nod?

If she admitted that she was looking for him, then he asked her why she was looking for him? this problem……

While thinking about it, Ling Wuxi gave a quick answer.

"Are you Mu Ziqing?" Ling Wuwen asked him.

Being recognized, Mu Ziqing showed no unnecessary expression on his face.

Nodding his head lightly, it was an answer.

Then Mu Ziqing said, "This year's quota is gone."

Ling Wu was stunned, and quickly waved her hands: "No, I didn't come to ask you for a quota, I just wanted...to get acquainted with the wood genius doctor."

Well, miracle doctor.

Mu Ziqing, one of the male supporting roles in this novel world.

At only twenty-five years old, his medical skills have reached a level that no one can surpass in this world.

He met the heroine Yuan Xiangyi a little late, so at this time Mu Ziqing hadn't known Yuan Xiangyi yet.

As Mu Ziqing said just now, this year's quota is gone.

What quota? This is the rule established by Master Mu Ziqing when he passed away ten years ago.

Only twelve patients are saved every year, no more, no less.

Ten years ago, Mu Ziqing was only fifteen years old, yet his medical skills far surpassed that of his master.

For ten years, Mu Ziqing insisted on treating only twelve patients every year, no more and no less.

This time in Zhangcheng, Mu Ziqing happened to have treated the twelfth patient.

That's why he told Ling Wuyue that this year's quota is gone.

Get to know him? Mu Ziqing looked at Ling Wuwen.

The girl in front of her was wearing a light blue smart and neat trouser suit, with a tall and slender figure.

The hair is tied up high and looks very cool.

Even though she was wearing a veil, Mu Ziqing could basically see her face clearly.

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