Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 865: The Reborn Concubine (6)

His eyes fell on the burden carried on Ling Wu's shoulders, that burden...

His expression didn't change, he just oh, then turned and left.

He didn't want to get acquainted or anything.

So what Ling Wuxi said, including her, was forgotten when Mu Ziqing turned around.

Ling Wuwen looked at Mu Ziqing's back, and three black lines slid down his forehead.

She... was just ignored, right? Is it is it? !

Gritting her teeth, Ling Wuwen raised her foot and chased after her.

Mu Ziqing didn't pay attention to Ling Wuwen any more, but walked slowly to the gate of a house with the sign of 'wine' hanging under the eaves and stopped.

"Boss, my daughter is red." While speaking, Mu Ziqing had already handed the white jade gourd bottle hanging around his waist to a red-faced old man lying on a bamboo and rattan chair at the door with his eyes closed.

The red-faced old man must have been drunk and a little drunk.

Hearing Mu Ziqing's voice, he muttered a few times and waved his hands casually: "Go pretend~"

When Mu Ziqing heard the words, he really stepped in. Following the scent of the wine, he found Nurhong.

After filling his white jade gourd bottle, he took out the silver, put it in the old man's hand, and left.

From the beginning to the end, Mu Ziqing didn't take a second look at Ling Wuwen standing there!

The neglected Ling Wuwen was very unhappy, extremely unhappy!

It would be fine if this Mu Ziqing was Xi Ziqiu's host, she could bear it. But if not, Ling Wuyue would really like to beat him up!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Wuwen suddenly rushed towards Mu Ziqing. She reached out, wanting to pat him on the shoulder.

When her hand was still ten centimeters away from Mu Ziqing, Mu Ziqing just stood aside gently...

Didn't touch it again!

Ling Wuwen's eyes are firm, and she must meet Muziqing before she is willing.

She switched from shooting to catching, and started to use moves to deal with Mu Ziqing.

However, Mu Ziqing just dodged and never fought back.

He seemed to be walking slowly, but Ling Wuwen, who was very fast, didn't even touch the hem of his clothes.

This stalemate lasted at least half an hour, and Ling Wuyi felt like giving up.

Suddenly remembered, Mu Ziqing was a doctor!

Doctors are parents! If she pretends to be sick or something, Mu Ziqing will touch her as soon as she feels her pulse!

Think and do it!

Ling Wuqin stopped attacking, covered her heart and screamed, "My heart hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

Seeing Ling Wuyi holding on to the wall and covering her heart with her hands, Mu Ziqing just glanced at her indifferently, and walked past her slowly...

Lingwu, who was neglected again, was so angry that the volcano was about to erupt! But in the next second, she was gone.

That's right, the metaphor of a doctor's parents' heart is completely inappropriate for Mu Ziqing!

He only treats twelve patients a year, and after treating twelve patients, even if someone dies in front of his eyes, he will not blink an eye.

This exception is only available to Yuan Xiangyi.

But now Lingwu Ning, how can there be such an exception to enjoy!

Mu Ziqing has a serious cleanliness addiction. This kind of cleanliness is a cleanliness addiction in contact with the human body.

If his master hadn't set a rule for him to treat twelve patients a year before his death, he probably wouldn't have touched other patients.

Tsk! How did this kind of person who has a cleanliness obsession with human body study study medicine? How can you still learn medicine so well?

"Little 55, you have to persevere! I also feel that this genius doctor with serious cleanliness is very likely to be the host of the president!"

Xia Lun's encouragement resounded, giving Ling Wuyi inexplicable motivation again.

Looking at Mu Ziqing who had already walked out of the alley, Ling Wuwen nodded firmly: "Well, I don't believe in evil anymore, and I still can't meet you!"

Ling Wuwen followed quickly, and she had to stay close at every step!

Somewhat angrily, he followed behind Mu Ziqing, chanting by himself.

It seemed to be talking to himself, and it seemed to be talking to Mu Ziqing.

"It's said that doctors have parents' heart, bullshit! They are going to die, and they can leave indifferently. It is right to say that doctors have no heart!"

Mu Ziqing obviously heard what Ling Wumo said, but he didn't stop or look at Ling Wumo.

Ling Wuwen didn't care whether he responded or not, anyway, he just kept repeating this sentence, and kept repeating and repeating.

Until Mu Ziqing couldn't take it anymore, the effect came!

"First, this year's quota has been used up." So even if you die in front of me, I won't take another look.

"Secondly, you are faking it." His expression remained the same, even if he looked alike, it was still faking!

Ling Wuxi couldn't repeat what she said just now, so she closed her mouth briefly.

Mu Ziqing boarded a boat, and Ling Wuxie quickly followed after seeing him go up.

Seeing that Ling Wuwen followed him wherever he went, Mu Ziqing was really puzzled.

Standing on the deck of the boat, Mu Ziqing looked at Ling Wuwen: "What are you doing with me?"

Ling Wuxi blinked her eyes, raised her wrist and handed it to Mu Ziqing: "I'll ask you to take my pulse. You don't need a diagnosis, just take a pulse."

This is a good idea that Ling Wuyi thought of just now, as long as you touch it, you will know whether Mu Ziqing is Xi Ziqiu's body!

Mu Ziqing said that the quota was used up, and she didn't need him to diagnose and treat her.

"No." Mu Ziqing refused without thinking.

Ling Wuxi stared at him: "Why?!"

Mu Ziqing didn't speak, just stood against the wind.

Ling Wuwen wanted to attack him again, but in the end she still couldn't touch Mu Ziqing's clothes.

Girl, why is it so difficult to handle!

The boat is only on the other side of the river, and it will arrive soon.

Ling Wuwen and Mu Ziqing fought to get off the boat, but they couldn't touch him.

Walking on the pier, Ling Wuwen stared at the back of Mu Ziqing's head, "extremely aggrieved" with a flat mouth: "Woooo~ I just want you to feel my pulse, that's all!"

"You heartless man, don't you believe that I'm pregnant with your child? You are a doctor yourself, so you can tell if I'm pregnant if you check your pulse!?"

There were people coming and going on the pier, Ling Wuwen followed behind Mu Ziqing while crying.

Her voice was not low, and people who came and went stopped to look at the two of them.

"Don't go, feel my pulse! I didn't lie to you!" Ling Wuxi was still crying.

At the beginning, Mu Ziqing really didn't want to pay attention to it. He said that if he didn't feel the pulse, he wouldn't feel the pulse of others.

Even though the woman uttered such absurd lies, he was not moved.

Perhaps it was because of his indifference that the people on the pier spontaneously surrounded the human wall, blocking Mu Ziqing's way out.

"Don't go! You are a doctor, how can you be so unwilling to take responsibility!? If you don't believe me, let the girl feel the pulse!"

"That's right, you are guilty of not wanting to feel your pulse! How can you do this when you are pregnant with your child!"

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