Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 868: The Reborn Concubine (9)

However, after Yuan Xiangyi came into contact with Gu Ruizhou, she still had a good impression of him, so she didn't want to dissolve the engagement for the time being.

Yuan Xiangyi didn't like being bored in Yuan's mansion, and ran outside in men's clothes every day.

after? Of course it is to meet the male partner!

Hmm... The heroine's deeds are really boring, and Ling Wuyue is even more boring, so she will gossip about the boring heroine.

Ling Wuxi sat there with her head down, seemingly in a daze, but she was actually chatting with Xia Lun.

Even when Mu Ziqing was standing beside her, Ling Wuyi didn't notice right away.

"Cough~" Hearing Mu Ziqing's light cough, Ling Wuyi hung up the contact with Xia Lun.

She stood up and looked at Mu Ziqing: "Okay?"

Mu Ziqing nodded her head, answering Ling Wuyue.

Lin Tianhao on the side was very enthusiastic from the beginning to the end. He smiled at Ling Wuwen and said: "Just now I have asked the kitchen to prepare meals for you to clean up the dust. It should be ready now, let's go."

Lin Tianhao walked in front, and Ling Wuwen followed behind Mu Ziqing——

During the meal, I didn't see the legendary leader of the martial arts alliance, Zhuangzhu Lin. It is said that the leader of the martial arts alliance is a martial arts idiot, and the most common thing to do is to practice martial arts in retreat.

So this Spirit Sword Villa, although the owner is still Lin Tianhao's father, the real manager is Lin Tianhao.

In Lingjian Villa, Mu Ziqing has a small courtyard that belongs to him.

The yard is not big, it is enough for Ling Wuwen and Mu Ziqing to live alone.

Mu Ziqing went to bed very early at night, and Ling Wuyi lay on the bed after washing but couldn't fall asleep.

She was thinking, should she touch Lin Tianhao tonight while he is asleep?

If it is true, then she should also think about the strategy!

If not, then Ling Wuwen can basically be sure that Mu Ziqing is Xi Ziqiu's host.

But this Lingjian Villa is Lin Tianhao's base after all, and it's no better than those mansions in the capital.

The servants of Lingjian Villa are all good at martial arts, if they meet someone with extraordinary skills, it will be no fun.

So think about it, and think about it.

He turned over, hugged the quilt in his arms, and rolled on the bed.

Still unable to sleep, she sat up a little restlessly.

Today is the sixteenth, the moon outside is round and bright, and the moonlight spills in through the window lattice, illuminating the room without candles.

Since you can't fall asleep, go to watch the moon and watch the stars!

Putting on the coat, Ling Wuwen didn't comb her hair, so she walked out of the room with her hair loose.

She stood in the yard and raised her head to look around, and finally climbed to Mu Ziqing's roof.

Ling Wuwen didn't deliberately lower her movements, anyway, no matter how careful she was, Mu Ziqing would still be able to detect it.

She would never admit that she chose to go to Mu Ziqing's roof, just thinking 'I can't sleep, so don't you either'!

Muzi who had closed his eyes on the bed opened them greenly, knowing that it was Ling Wu, he closed his eyes again, ready to ignore her existence.

Ling Wuxi sat on the roof, looking up at the stars and the moon in the sky.

I have seen many stars and moons with Xi Ziqiu. Ling Wuyi once told him when he was in the last world that he hoped that one day, the two of them could use their own bodies to see the stars side by side in the Plane Association.

I really hope that day will come, not far away...

"Miss Ling? Why are you still up so late?" Lin Tianhao's puzzled voice came from behind.

Ling Wuyi was stunned, did this give her a chance? !

Turning her head to look at Lin Tianhao who was already standing beside her, Ling Wuyi smiled a little embarrassedly: "I couldn't sleep, so I came up to blow some air."

Under the moonlight, Lin Tianhao couldn't help but be amazed by Ling Wu's pretty face and a shy smile.

"Why isn't Master Lin still asleep?" Ling Wu asked.

Only then did Lin Tianhao come to his senses, oh oh a few times: "I couldn't sleep either, I went to visit my mother just now, and saw someone on Ziqing's roof, so I came to take a look."

Ling Wuxi nodded, indicating that she understood.

She patted the seat beside her, and very heartily invited Lin Tianhao to sit down.

The sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes are informal, and Lin Tianhao certainly would not have thought of the difference between men and women.

Since Ling Wujin invited him to sit down, of course he sat down.

Ling Wuqian accidentally touched Lin Tianhao's arm, and Lin Tianhao just thought he had accidentally touched it, so he moved a little to the side without paying attention.

The favorability sensor has not been activated, so Ling Wuyue can basically be sure.


Looking down at the tiles under her feet, Ling Wuyi knew that everything she said now could be heard by Mu Ziqing.

"I've always been curious, how did Master Lin Shaozhuang and Amu meet?"

Knowing that Lin Tianhao was also on the roof, Mu Ziqing was still going to sleep.

But it feels like for a while, the two of them will stay and chat on his roof for a while? !

Hearing Ling Wuyi mentioning him, Mu Ziqing's ears moved slightly, and his eyes slowly opened.

From the roof, Lin Tianhao said how they met, and Ling Wuyi would interject a few questions in the middle from time to time.

The two of you come and go, chatting very happily!

However, Mu Ziqing in the room below was a little unhappy.

It wasn't because Ling Wuyi and Lin Tianhao made him sleep, but because of the atmosphere of the two chatting...

Why did Ling Wuyi speak to Lin Tianhao in such a gentle tone, but why did she speak to herself in a different tone?

Inexplicably, Mu Ziqing was upset.

Mu Ziqing, who has always hated using his brain on things other than medical skills, began to ponder unconsciously.

Although Mu Ziqing is extremely smart in medical skills and martial arts, it is because he has a high IQ.

However, his EQ is completely zero.

For more than a month before, Ling Wuwen had been pestering Mu Ziqing nagging.

At that time, Mu Ziqing never thought about whether Ling Wuwen liked her or had any plans for herself.

But now that she and Lin Tianhao were chatting so well, Mu Ziqing suddenly thought... Could it be that Ling Wuwen likes Lin Tianhao? !

Realizing this, Mu Ziqing didn't know why, but was in a bad mood!

Hmm~ There is a feeling that something that originally belonged to me suddenly doesn't belong to me anymore.

Mu Ziqing didn't think about why he felt this way, but at this moment, when he heard Ling Wuyi and Lin Tianhao talking and laughing, he had an urge to stop it...

Mu Ziqing thought so, and indeed did so.

He directly walked out of the room in a white undershirt, then stood in the yard and called Ling Wu, "Xiao Wu."

This was the first time that Mu Ziqing called Ling Wuying by name on his own initiative. This made Ling Wuyi a little flattered!


Today is the second chapter, and the remaining two chapters are being coded...

I've been lying in bed for a long time, today's update is too late, sorry!

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