Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 869: The Reborn Concubine (10)

I still remember when Ling Wuyi introduced herself to Mu Ziqing more than a month ago, the smile on her face, the enthusiasm...

She said: "My name is Ling Wu, you can call me Xiao Wu, Amu!"

Under Mu Ziqing's expressionless face and indifferent eyes, Ling Wu's enthusiasm was like being poured with cold water from head to toe!

It's just heartbreaking!

If it wasn't for Ling Wu's thick skin, she would be ashamed and angry if she were any other girl!

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than a month.

If Mu Ziqing hadn't taken the initiative to call her by her name today, Ling Wuyi would have thought that her self-introduction had been forgotten by Mu Ziqing.

And her name was completely forgotten.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, Mu Ziqing not only remembered her name, but also remembered that she once allowed him to call her Xiao Wu.

"Amu, so you haven't slept yet?" Ling Wuwen stood up, looked down at Mu Ziqing in astonishment.

Lin Tianhao also stood up, with a habitual smile on his face: "Ziqing, I was talking about you with Miss Ling just now!"

Mu Ziqing glanced at Lin Tianhao indifferently, and then shifted her gaze to Ling Wuwen: "Come down and sleep."

The tone is light, but with a domineering command.

Ling Wuqin curled her lips, although she looked reluctant, she still jumped down obediently.

Seeing Ling Wuwen go down, Lin Tianhao followed suit.

It's not that Lin Tianhao has no eyesight, but that Mu Ziqing has always had such a paralyzed face, so he is unhappy now, and Lin Tianhao can't tell.

But he told Ling Wuwen to sleep, Lin Tianhao still knew that he should go.

But before leaving, Lin Tianhao also said: "The barbecue Miss Ling mentioned just now, I will ask my servants to prepare it tomorrow. Do you need to prepare anything else?"

In the process of chatting, Ling Wuwen knew that Lin Tianhao was a foodie, and the two chatted and chatted about food.

Then Ling Wuwen mentioned barbecue, and then Lin Tianhao proposed to barbecue tomorrow.

Hearing the food, Ling Wu's eyes lit up, "There's no need to prepare anything, why don't I go to the kitchen to prepare it myself after breakfast tomorrow?"

It's been a long time since I ate barbecue, and she really wants to eat it.

Lin Tianhao nodded: "Then it's decided like this!"

After seeing Lin Tianhao off, Ling Wuxi scratched her head, yawned and turned back to the room.

Mu Ziqing, who was neglected, stood in the courtyard for a long time looking at Ling Wuyi's door.

He was sure and affirmed that Ling Wuwen 'liked' Lin Tianhao!

Brows furrowed unconsciously, why does Ling Wuyi 'like' Lin Tianhao? Is it because two people have endless things to say?

Mu Ziqing even had some suspicions that Ling Wuyi had been following him for more than a month just to find Lin Tianhao!

But this idea is also a bit unreasonable. After all, Ling Wuyi didn't know that he would come to Lin Tianhao...

A gust of night wind blows, bringing a little bit of coolness. Mu Ziqing trembled her eyelashes, then walked back to the room——

When Mu Ziqing got up the next day, Ling Wu was still there.

He didn't wake up Ling Wuwen either, but left the yard to see how the owner's wife was doing.

Originally thought that Ling Wuyi would go to him after waking up, right?

It was almost noon, and Ling Wuyue still hadn't looked for Mu Ziqing.

When leaving the owner's wife's yard, Mu Ziqing was still wondering if Ling Wuyue was still sleeping?

But Lin Tianhao sent someone to tell Ling Wu that he was having a barbecue with him by the lotus pond in the garden!

Mu Ziqing was stunned for a moment, and immediately returned to normal.

Mu Ziqing went to the lotus pond in the garden without anyone leading the way.

Before he got any closer, he saw Ling Wuyue lowering his head and busying with Lin Tianhao.

Lin Tianhao was grilling a few skewers of meat on the iron rack in his hand, while Ling Wuyi was skewering the skewers beside him, raising his head from time to time to talk to Lin Tianhao, and the two of them looked at each other and smiled.

It was only then that Mu Ziqing remembered that Lin Tianhao had told him about the barbecue last night and this morning, but he didn't care.

This barbecue... is it just roasting on the fire? Nothing special!

"Ziqing, come here quickly, we just cooked a few skewers, and I left two for you!" Seeing Mu Ziqing, Lin Tianhao waved his hand at him.

Mu Ziqing glanced at Ling Wuwen, who didn't look up at him, and walked forward.

"I'm in charge of grilling, and Xiao Wu made these meat skewers and vegetables herself! Xiao Wu's craftsmanship is really good!"

"We just ate two skewers, and they were really delicious! It's much more delicious than grilling chicken and fish in the wilderness before!"

Mu Ziqing didn't move, and stood one meter away from Ling Wuwen.

He had noticed keenly that Lin Tianhao's address for Ling Wu's catkin had changed from Miss Ling to Xiao Wu.

When did the two become so familiar?

Ling Wuwen, who had finished skewering a bunch of meat skewers, raised his head to look at Mu Ziqing, and seeing that he hadn't moved, he reached out and took the plate and handed it to Mu Ziqing.

"It's not long after baking, it's still hot, you have to eat it while it's hot!" Ling Wuwen smiled, as if she had returned to the way she was before she came to Jincheng.

Such Lingwu catkins made Mu Ziqing especially pleasing to the eye!

Mu Ziqing raised his hand to finish the plate, hummed lightly, and then picked up a meat skewer and took a bite.

The grilled meat skewers are a bit spicy and burnt. The spicy feeling stimulates the taste buds and makes the scalp feel tight.

Although the taste is a bit spicy, it is undeniable that the taste is really good!

Mu Ziqing remained calm, and slowly finished the two skewers on the plate.

After eating, he didn't move, and looked down at Ling Wuwen continuing to skewer meat.

Lin Tianhao baked it over there, handed it to him, and he took it and ate it.

During the whole barbecue process, Mu Ziqing was in charge of eating...

The three of them prepared Ling Wu Nie, which was enough for at least six or seven people, and they ate all of them cleanly.

Not only that, but Lin Tianhao and Mu Ziqing still had something to say.

Did Lin Tianhao directly say that he would eat it again tomorrow? Mu Ziqing just looked at Ling Wuwen and didn't speak.

However, Mu Ziqing decided to leave Lingjian Villa tomorrow. It's just that I don't know if Ling Wuwen will go with him when the time comes?

Mu Ziqing felt a little worried.

"Leave tomorrow."

Mu Ziqing suddenly said such a sentence, which made Lin Tianhao and Ling Wuyi stunned at the same time.

"Did you leave so soon?" Lin Tianhao asked in surprise.

Mu Ziqing nodded, then turned to look at Ling Wu.

Mu Ziqing looked at Ling Wuwen a little inexplicably, saying that she really couldn't understand Mu Mu's face!

Mu Ziqing was actually waiting for Ling Wuyi to express his opinion, should he go or stay?

However, Ling Wuwen remained silent all the time, making Mu Ziqing feel that she planned to stay...


Chapter 3 today!

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