Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 870: The Reborn Concubine (11)

Ling Wuwen didn't speak because she really didn't know that Mu Ziqing was waiting for her to answer!

After all, Lin Tianhao is not Xi Ziqiu's host, so Mu Ziqing is the only possibility left.

In fact, besides the male supporting role, Ling Wuwen also thought about whether Xi Ziqiu's body would be soy sauce or a passerby or something.

Ling Wuyue didn't let go of any of those possible targets, but there was no one who matched the possibility of Xi Ziqiu's identity.

Mu Ziqing wanted to leave, of course she wanted to follow!

If she knew that Mu Ziqing was looking at her because she was waiting for her answer, Ling Wuyi would definitely have given him the answer.

Unfortunately, until Mu Ziqing turned around and left without looking back, Ling Wuyi didn't know what he was doing.

Mu Ziqing was angry, this was only noticed by Ling Wu at night.

However, she didn't know what Mu Ziqing was angry about?

"I said little 55, can't you use the mind reading technique to read what's going on in the wood doctor's mind?"

Hearing Xia Lun's words, Ling Wuting rested his chin in his hands: "It's easy for you to say, I only have three access permissions in one world. If I use it casually, what if it is really time to use it?"

But when it comes to reading minds, Ling Wuyi suddenly remembered that the plots of every novel world do not always describe the psychological thoughts of some characters!

So the Plane Association can also read minds! So Sharon...

"Hey...Xiao Lunlun~ Can you know what's going on in Mu Ziqing's mind?"

"No, if I could, I wouldn't have to let you use mind reading skills, little 55."

Regarding Xia Lun's answer, Ling Wuwen expressed doubts: "You're just kidding! You knew what I was thinking before!"

This matter was told by Xia Lun himself when Ling Wuwen was chatting with Xia Lun.

Only then did Ling Wuyi realize that her former self had no privacy at all! Hmph~ Displeased!

The corner of Xia Lun's mouth twitched: "Sister, hey~ You were still a system before~ And you were still my system! It's so easy to know your thoughts!"

"Hey brother~ You can't read minds, how does the Plane Association write the plot?"

"That's the responsibility of the audit department. There's nothing I can do about it."

Xia Lun raised his forehead helplessly. It is already very good to be able to monitor the world where Ling Wu is.

As an equipment designer, how could he have so many rights...

Now Xi Ziqiu's scattered brain waves are kept secret, and the only people who know are Xi's mother, Sun Mike, him, and Ling Wuyi.

The other employees of the Plane Association only know that the president is in the novel world, that's all.

If people found out about Xi Ziqiu's scattered brain waves, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Now that Xia Lun said it was impossible, Ling Wuyi couldn't force it...

"Hey~ I'm talking about little 55. Otherwise, if you give the wood doctor some drugs, when he faints and has no resistance, he will definitely be at your mercy!"

At her mercy? !

Obviously knowing what Xia Lun meant was to let Ling Wujin faint Mu Ziqing so he could touch him to see if he could activate the favorability sensor.

But this sentence is not used correctly! Is she too dirty? Or is Sharon too dirty?

However, taking medicine or something...

"Xiao Lunlun, are you sure that Mu Ziqing, who is a genius doctor, can be stunned by a little drug?"

Don't be kidding, if Mu Ziqing catches him taking the medicine, it won't be a pretty scene.

Xia Lun only said one answer like a slogan: "It is produced by the Plane Association, it must be a high-quality product!"

Ling Wu Weed: (ー_ー)!!…

She had thought about it, thought about buying medicine from the Plane Association.

If you want to buy it, it must be colorless and odorless so that Mu Ziqing will never notice it.

But it's really colorless and tasteless, it's too expensive, twenty points! Not worth it!

That's why Ling Wuyi has been dragging on not buying.

I didn't buy it before, and Ling Wuyi doesn't plan to buy it now.

If it doesn't work... If it doesn't work, she'll have to wait until next year!

"Why next year?" Xia Lun was a little curious and puzzled.

"You're stupid! Next year Mu Ziqing will have 12 spots, and I want one spot by then, so he'll meet me if he gets my pulse!"

Xia Lun suddenly realized: "Yes!"

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore, remember to call me when Mu Ziqing wakes up tomorrow, lest I oversleep!"

"Okay." Xia Lun responded immediately, but the prank factor in his heart rose...

Unconsciously, Ling Wuxi closed her eyes and soon fell asleep——

The next day, Ling Wuwen was woken up by Xia Lun.

After she woke up, Xia Lun's first words were: "Little 55, why are you sleeping like a pig? I've been calling you for a long time, and you haven't woken up yet!"

"Long time?!" Ling Wu, who was still a little confused, got up from the bed: "Mu Ziqing has left?!"

"That's right!" Xia Lun's tone was full of helplessness, but on his face was a smirk after a successful prank.

Ling Wuxi scratched her head, and roared a little irritably: "Xia Lun, you are a pig teammate!"

She swore that she would never chat with Xia Lun until midnight again!

Ling Wuxi quickly changed her clothes and washed up. The baggage was packed yesterday, and she could leave with just carrying it on her back.

He ran out of the yard in a hurry, just in time to run into Lin Tianhao.

Seeing Ling Wu, Lin Tianhao raised a smiling face: "Xiao Wu, are you awake?"

She stood with her eyes open, so this question is nonsense!

"Is Amu gone?!" Ling Wuwen asked Lin Tianhao.

Lin Tianhao nodded: "Let's go, I've been gone for half an hour."

After answering, Lin Tianhao also noticed the burden on Ling Wuyi's back. He looked at Ling Wuwen with some surprise: "Xiao Wu, are you leaving too? But...Ziqing said you wanted to stay."

When Mu Ziqing said it, Lin Tianhao only thought that Ling Wuwen had no place to stay. Lingjian Villa is so big, it's okay to take Ling Wuwen temporarily.

Hearing Lin Tianhao's words, Ling Wuyi's first thought was that Mu Ziqing just wanted to get rid of her!

Stamping her feet angrily, Ling Wuwen said: "I don't want to stay, thank you Master Lin Shao for your warm hospitality, I'll go after Amu first!"

As soon as the words fell, Ling Wuwen quickly ran towards the gate.

According to Mu Ziqing's walking speed, she can definitely catch up if she runs faster.

Following Xia Lun's guidance, Ling Wuwen left the gate of Jincheng and ran all the way to the north——

Not long after leaving Jincheng, Ling Wuyi saw Mu Ziqing.

He was walking on the official road, and all the people passing by were either in horse-drawn carriages or on horseback, and the worst ones were donkey carts.

Mu Ziqing, who was walking by the side of the road, was particularly conspicuous.

Ling Wuwen didn't catch up immediately, but stopped to catch her breath.

After visually measuring the distance between himself and Mu Ziqing, Ling Wuyi suddenly had an idea and sat down on the ground.

"Ouch~ I sprained my ankle, it hurts so much!"


Fourth update! Thank you for your concern. Tomorrow may still be an unstable update, and it should be restored the day after tomorrow...

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