Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 871: The Reborn Concubine (12)

Ling Wu's voice was not low, definitely enough for Mu Ziqing to hear.

Sure enough, Mu Ziqing stopped when he heard a familiar voice behind him.

Looking back, I saw Ling Wuqian, who was sitting on the ground with a burden on her back, and her feet were sore.

Mu Ziqing was very surprised when he saw Ling Wuwen.

Obviously when he left Lingjian Villa, Ling Wuwen was still sleeping.

Although Ling Wuwen didn't answer yesterday, Mu Ziqing thought that Ling Wuwen would not leave with him.

But before leaving this morning, Mu Ziqing was actually waiting for Ling Wu.

It's a pity that Mu Ziqing woke up too early, and Ling Wuwen went to bed too late. Plus that bad-hearted Xia Lun waited for Mu Ziqing to leave for a long time before calling him Ling Wu.

Seeing that Ling Wuyi seemed to have twisted her foot, Mu Ziqing hesitated for a moment, but turned around and went back.

Standing still in front of Ling Wuyi, she asked, "Why are you here?"

Ling Wuwen raised her eyes and stared at Mu Ziqing, both angry and hurt: "What's wrong?! This is the official way, I can't leave! Hmph~"

Startled by Ling Wu's anger, Mu Ziqing didn't think that Ling Wu was angry with him at all.

Maybe, because it hurts too much?

His gaze fell on the ankle that Ling Wutiao was holding on to, and because of the clothes and shoes blocking it, Mu Ziqing had no idea whether Ling Wutiao was twisted seriously or not.

A sprain is different from an illness, and you can't look at your face.

Pursing her lips, Mu Ziqing asked, "Is it swollen?"

Ling Wuqin snorted: "Don't worry about it!"

Mu Ziqing blinked his eyes, but didn't listen to Ling Wuwen's words at all, because Ling Wuwen didn't answer his question at all.

So Mu Ziqing asked again: "Is it swollen?"

Only then did Ling Wuyi pouted and said, "I don't know, it hurts so much, I dare not touch it."

"Touch it." Mu Ziqing said.

Ling Wuwen: "Don't touch it!"

Mu Ziqing: "..."

With a barely audible sigh, Mu Ziqing squatted down and reached out to grab Ling Wu's ankle.

The moment his hand was placed on Ling Wu's ankle, Ling Wu's favorability sensor was successfully activated!

Just as joy flashed across Ling Wu's eyes, the expression on his face instantly distorted: "Ouch...it hurts, it hurts, take it easy!"

Ling Wuyi's twisted foot was not fake, she really twisted her foot.

Although on purpose...

This is also in order not to wear clothes, and the acting has to be more realistic!

However, Ling Wuyi seemed to be inattentive, and was a little bit cruel to herself, causing the bones to be misaligned...

Mu Ziqing didn't have any scruples about Ling Wu's feelings at all, just clicked, and simply put back Ling Wu's misplaced bones.

He let go of Ling Wuyi's ankle and stood up, looking down at Ling Wuwen: "Stand up."

Ling Wuwen didn't stand still: "It hurts to death!"... She really hurts!

"Let's go." Mu Ziqing's words were full of helplessness.

"Don't go." The two words of Ling Wuwen are scoundrels.

"It is going to rain."

"Then get in the rain! You go~ Don't you just want to go by yourself! You go!"

Hmm... Ling Wu's words let Mu Ziqing know that Ling Wu's came to chase him.

It was only then that he realized that it seemed that Ling Wuyi hadn't said not to follow him from the beginning to the end.

The corners of the mouth raised slightly with an arc so shallow that it was almost impossible to notice, Mu Ziqing was suddenly in a good mood.

Looking at Ling Wuwen who was sitting on the ground playing a rascal, he bent down and pulled her up, and then carried her directly on his back.

He stopped talking to Ling Wuwen, and just walked along the official road with her on his back.

Ling Wuyi put her arms around Mu Ziqing's neck, she was a little dazed.

Didn't Mu Ziqing have a cleanliness habit? ! Just now with a twisted foot to touch Mu Ziqing, Ling Wuyi felt that it was the limit.

But now...he actually took the initiative to carry her on his back!

What a miracle!

"Amu, why didn't you wake me up?" Lying on Mu Ziqing's back, Ling Wuyi tilted her head to look at his profile.

Ling Wuwen knew when the favorability sensor was activated, and Mu Ziqing's favorability for her was now at 70 points.

It's not particularly high, but it's a little higher than Ling Wuyi expected.

But seventy o'clock, shouldn't be enough for Mu Ziqing to overcome her obsession with cleanliness, come and touch her, right?

Hmm...Maybe it's because of the influence of Xi Ziqiu's brainwaves!

Mu Ziqing's eyelashes trembled when he heard Ling Wu's question, but he didn't speak.

say what? Said that he himself thought that Ling Wuwen would not leave with him, so he left in despair alone?

He definitely won't say it! Never say it!

Ling Wu, who didn't get an answer, didn't really need Mu Ziqing's answer, anyway, she followed Mu Ziqing now.

In order to chase Mu Ziqing, Ling Wuwen ran all the way here. Now lying on his back, just in time to take a rest.

Can't tell, Mu Ziqing looks very thin, but his back is very broad.

Unlike his cold temperament, his body is very warm.

She leaned her face lightly on his shoulder, and could clearly smell the non-disgusting medicinal scent on his body.

With Ling Wuwen on his back, Mu Ziqing's speed was still very slow, and every step he took was very steady, so that Ling Wuwen on his back could not feel the slightest jolt.

The official road is very long, and the carriages and horses pass by in a hurry. Ling Wuwen just smiled like that, looking at Mu Ziqing's expressionless side face——

Mu Ziqing said it was going to rain, and it really did rain.

It was also good luck, before it rained, they arrived at a gazebo for passers-by to rest their feet.

Not long after arriving at the gazebo, it began to rain heavily outside.

Many people in the gazebo came to shelter from the rain, and Ling Wuwen sat next to Mu Ziqing.

Mu Ziqing had a strong aura, with a cold face, almost no one would come to approach her.

However, because Ling Wuwen walked in a hurry, she didn't wear a veil.

In this gazebo full of men, Ling Wu, who is good-looking in women's clothing, is particularly eye-catching.

The ones who came to hide from the rain again were a few very savage-looking strong men who squeezed in as soon as they came in, almost pushing the others out.

Ling Wuwen sat beside Mu Ziqing with her head bowed and played with her fingers to pass the time.

When those strong men saw Ling Wuyue sitting next to Mu Ziqing, they immediately drooled.

Pushing away a few people who were in the way, they walked up to Ling Wu and Mu Ziqing: "Little beauty, did you elope with Mr. Lang?"

Hearing Semimi's tone, Ling Wuyi raised her head in surprise.

This is her, did she meet someone who wants to tease her! ?

Xia Lun: →_→ You look like this, isn't it normal for people to tease you?

Cough cough, forgive Ling Wuwen for just putting the plot of molesting a good woman on the heroine of the novel world, she thinks it's not her turn at all!

So when encountering molestation, Ling Wuyi was surprised at first.


First update today!

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