Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 873: The Reborn Concubine (14)

In order to get a place for medical treatment, they thought about and tried to guard outside the Medical Valley. As soon as Mu Ziqing came out, he could heal them first.

However, they can follow Mu Ziqing to see where he entered the Medical Valley. In the coming year, Mu Ziqing will leave the Medical Valley from another place.

So gradually, no one will guard in Medical Valley. Because it's useless to guard, it's better to keep an eye on where you live to see if he will come.

Everything depends on luck...

Mu Ziqing led Ling Wuwen through the formation and left the Valley of Medicine.

Medical Valley is amazing, it has only one entrance, but the exit is random.

That is to say, in fact, Mu Ziqing himself is not sure where they will be after going out.

After leaving Medical Valley, they soon knew where they were.


Looking at the gate of the capital, Ling Wuyi remembered that in the plot, Mu Ziqing met Yuan Xiangyi in the capital the second year after she came to this world.

So it makes sense to go directly to the outside of the capital from the Medical Valley.

Ling Wuxi raised her hand and touched her veiled face. After half a year away, the Fifth Miss, the concubine of the Yuan family, should have been forgotten long ago, right?

Seeing Mu Ziqing walking forward, Ling Wuyi also followed.

She was still the one who took the initiative to speak: "Amu, after we went to the capital, did we use all the first eleven places?"

The remaining spot is of course for Lin Tianhao his mother.

Mu Ziqing shook his head and said, "One." In one place, he only healed one patient.

Ling Wu squealed, filtering the plot in her mind.

Ling Wu's arrival and departure from the capital only affected the development of the small plot, but the big plot remained unchanged.

At this time, it should be Yuan Xiangyi who opened the restaurant behind the back of the family and did well.

At the beginning, Yuan Xiangyi had a good impression of the male protagonist Gu Ruizhou, but after she felt that he was too immature and not the type she liked, she began to want to divorce again.

As soon as the intention of retiring the engagement was expressed, Gu Ruizhou refused to agree, and everyone in the Yuan family even refused to agree.

Although they are imperial merchants, they are only merchants!

Yuan Xiangyi, a businessman's daughter, can marry Gu Ruizhou, the son of Zhennan Marquis, as his first wife, that is a great marriage!

Maybe Yuan Xiangyi has a rebellious mentality in her bones, if you ask me to marry, I will not marry!

So after so long, Yuan Xiangyi is still refusing to marry Gu Ruizhou. The wedding of the two was forced to postpone again and again.

Yuan Xiangyi's behavior has made Gu Ruizhou's mother, Mrs. Zhennanhou, very unhappy. If Gu Ruizhou insisted on marrying, Mrs. Zhennanhou would never allow such a daughter-in-law to enter the house.

This time in the capital was only the first acquaintance between Yuan Xiangyi and Mu Ziqing.

Let Mu Ziqing break the rules for Yuan Xiangyi, that will be later.

Ling Wuwen looked at Mu Ziqing's back. After getting along for more than half a year, she knew Mu Ziqing's temper very well.

Since he has decided to go to the capital to use a quota, he will definitely go.

If Ling Wuwen wanted to stop Mu Ziqing from going to the capital, she definitely couldn't.

The only thing she can do is to follow Mu Ziqing and prevent him from having feelings for the heroine Yuan Xiangyi——

Not long after the two of them entered the capital, Mu Ziqing was stopped very politely.

The one who stopped Mu Ziqing was none other than the hero of this world, Gu Ruizhou!

Gu Ruizhou clasped his fists together: "I have admired the great name of the wood genius doctor for a long time!"

Mu Ziqing didn't speak, just looked at Gu Ruizhou, Mu Ziqing didn't remember people who didn't care.

So Mu Ziqing obviously didn't know Gu Ruizhou at all. Or know it, but don't remember it.

Gu Ruizhou obviously investigated Mu Ziqing's temper before, so he didn't mind his silence and indifference.

"Heir of the South Marquis, Gu Ruizhou, in the next town."

Gu Ruizhou made a self-introduction first, and then asked Mu Ziqing: "It's just the beginning of spring, does Miracle Doctor Mu still have a place in his hand?"

Mu Ziqing nodded in response.

Gu Ruizhou heaved a sigh of relief, and the smile on his face became brighter: "My father is not feeling well, and I hope the wood doctor can go to treat him!"

Mu Ziqing nodded again.

Gu Ruizhou had already prepared the carriage, and quickly invited Mu Ziqing to get on the carriage.

Mu Ziqing glanced sideways at Ling Wuyue beside her, and motioned for her to get on the carriage first.

Ling Wuxi nodded and stepped into the carriage.

When passing by Gu Ruizhou, Ling Wuyi took a look at him.

Gu Ruizhou's image is very suitable for the male lead, he is suave, suave and talented, and he is also known as the most beautiful man in the capital.

However, it may be because of the memory of the previous life of the body, so for Gu Ruizhou, Ling Wuwen is really not pleasing to the eye.

With just a glance, Ling Wuwen looked away.

When Ling Wuyue was looking at Gu Ruizhou, Gu Ruizhou was also looking at her.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Gu Ruizhou felt that the girl who was with Mu Ziqing looked familiar.

Gu Ruizhou has a strong point, that is, he has a particularly good memory for people. As long as he is someone who has met once, he can have an impression.

Yuan Xiaoning had met Gu Ruizhou several times before, so it was normal for Gu Ruizhou to recognize Yuan Xiaoning.

Although Ling Wuxi was wearing a veil, she still had her eyes exposed.

Although Gu Ruizhou didn't recognize Ling Wutian immediately, he felt familiar and noticed it.

Ling Wuwen and Mu Ziqing sat in the carriage and followed them to Zhennanhou's Mansion.

It seems that in the plot, Mu Ziqing's quota for medical treatment in the capital is not for Zhennan Hou...

Ling Wuwen also knew that Gu Ruizhou had a good memory for people, so in order to avoid being recognized by him, she had to keep a low profile.

If Ling Wuwen is recognized by Gu Ruizhou, she will be sent back to Yuan's house.

Even if the Yuan family didn't want to recognize her as a daughter anymore, they would bite the bullet and recognize her. At that time, she will probably be locked up by the Yuan family!

In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, Ling Wuwen decided to ask Mu Ziqing to cure Zhennan Hou quickly, and then leave the capital immediately.

Mu Ziqing seemed to sense that something was wrong with Ling Wu, so she turned her head and glanced at her.

He asked Ling Wuyue lightly; "Do you want to see your family?"

Mu Ziqing knew, knew that Ling Wuwen was from the capital. So he thought that Ling Wuyi's mood was not right because he missed his family.

For half a year, Mu Ziqing never asked Ling Wuyi about her identity.

He actually knew that Ling Wuwen was a rich lady. The reason why I know this is a secret...

Ling Wuyi didn't understand why Mu Ziqing asked her that, and shook her head: "No, I don't see you."

Since Ling Wuwen said he was gone, then let's go.

Mu Ziqing lowered her eyelids and stopped talking.

The carriage swayed, and soon arrived at Zhennan Hou Mansion...


third chapter!

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