Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 874: The Reborn Concubine (15)

Gu Ruizhou led Mu Ziqing and Ling Wuwen to the main courtyard of the Zhennanhou Mansion.

"Mother, this is Master Mu!" Gu Ruizhou introduced Mu Ziqing to Madam Zhennan Hou who was sitting in the front hall.

As for Ling Wuwen, the first is that Gu Ruizhou never asked her identity, so she didn't know how to introduce her.

Second, Gu Ruizhou thinks that Ling Wuyue might be Mu Ziqing's maidservant. Although the information found did not say that Mu Ziqing had a maid...

When Mrs. Zhennan Hou saw Mu Ziqing, she looked a little skeptical. She wondered if this man who looked about the same age as her son really had such superb medical skills?

However, despite doubts, thinking of Zhennanhou's illness, Zhennanhou's wife did not make a voice of doubt, she just nodded and said, "I'm sorry to trouble Dr. Mu."

Mu Ziqing ignored Mrs. Zhennanhou's polite words, but just looked at Gu Ruizhou and motioned for him to take him to see Zhennanhou.

Gu Ruizhou stretched out his right hand, made a gesture of invitation to Mu Ziqing, and then took Mu Ziqing to Zhennanhou's bedroom.

Of course, Ling Wuwen also followed to see it. She remembered that the Marquis of Zhennan mentioned in the plot probably passed away in early summer of this year.

It was because of the death of Marquis Zhennan that Gu Ruizhou delayed his marriage with Yuan Xiangyi to keep his filial piety.

During this time, a lot of things happened...

But this time, with Mu Ziqing on board, he shouldn't die so quickly, right?

Entering the inner room, Ling Wuwen saw the extremely weak Zhennanhou lying on the bed.

"Xiao Wu, take your pulse." Following Mu Ziqing for nearly half a year, Ling Wu's medical skills have improved a lot.

So when Mu Ziqing asked Ling Wuwen to feel his pulse, Ling Wuwen didn't feel that he couldn't do it.

But Gu Ruizhou on the side felt that he couldn't do it, so let the maid take his pulse? Is it not a maid but an apprentice?

But even if you are an apprentice, you can't just let an apprentice feel the pulse! That's his father!

"This... wood genius doctor, should you feel the pulse yourself?"

Regarding Gu Ruizhou's words, Mu Ziqing just pretended that he didn't hear it.

Ling Wuyi glanced at him sideways, and raised her eyebrows: "What? I'm afraid I may have given the wrong diagnosis to the Marquis of Zhennan?"

Her eyes are very sharp, she is obviously very petite, but she has an aura of calmness and prestige.

As for Gu Ruizhou, he was shocked by Ling Wu's aura.

When he came to his senses, Ling Wuwen had already bent over to feel the pulse of Zhennan Hou.

She frowned slightly, her eyes were serious and dignified, which made Gu Ruizhou, who was a little displeased, afraid to disturb her.

Taking the pulse carefully, Ling Wuwen straightened up and told Mu Ziqing about Zhennanhou's pulse.

"Can it be cured?" Mu Ziqing asked Ling Wuyue.

Ling Wuxi nodded: "Yes."

Mu Ziqing asked if Ling Wuwen could be cured, but Gu Ruizhou thought it was Mu Ziqing who wanted to heal his father.

Who knew that Mu Ziqing's next words would be: "You come."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Wuyi took out a delicate and small bag specially for silver needles from her waist.

Seeing that Ling Wuyi was going to give Zhennan Hou a needle himself, Gu Ruizhou quit now.

He grabbed Ling Wuxi's wrist, and Ling Wuyi looked up at him.

Gu Ruizhou wanted to get angry, but thinking of Mu Ziqing, he endured it again.

The veins in his neck popped up, he said, "I think it's more appropriate for Dr. Mu to administer the needles himself! After all, the one lying on the bed is Zhennanhou!"

The underlying meaning is that if something happens, you, a little girl, can't afford it!

Ling Wuyi glared at Gu Ruizhou, twisted her wrist slightly, and withdrew her hand.

She withdrew her needle, turned around and said to Mu Ziqing unwillingly, "Amu, do it yourself!"

Mu Ziqing paused, then took out a white porcelain medicine bottle and threw it to Gu Ruizhou with a cold face: "One pill every ten days."

Originally, it only needed acupuncture and moxibustion twice, and Zhennanhou could fully recover within a month or so of recuperation.

Mu Ziqing is certain of Ling Wu's ability, she is a very smart girl.

If it wasn't for the short time, Mu Ziqing believed that Ling Wu could surpass him.

Since Gu Ruizhou didn't want Ling Wuwen to give Zhennan Hou an injection, he should take medicine.

The medicine in the white porcelain medicine bottle is a year's supply.

In other words, Zhennan Hou had to take these medicines to get better.

Gu Ruizhou didn't know the reason, and he was relieved that Ling Wuyue didn't need to give his father an injection.

But: "Doctor Mu, my father only needs to take these medicines and heal? Do you need to check the pulse again?"

Mu Ziqing was a little unhappy, Ling Wuxi's medical skills were questioned, much more uncomfortable than herself being questioned.

If it wasn't for not wanting to touch Gu Ruizhou, Mu Ziqing would have taken the medicine bottle back.

Although Mu Ziqing didn't come back with the medicine bottle, Mu Ziqing's expression turned colder, which inexplicably made the room cool down.

Ling Wuwen on the side was not happy anymore, and said: "The Marquis of Zhennan is because of the root cause of the hidden disease left by the serious injury on the battlefield. He either takes medicine or acupuncture. If you doubt it, return the medicine, and ask Gao Ming to go! "

The arrogant Ling Wuyi said that she didn't like it when her ability was questioned!

It was just a hidden disease, and Gu Ruizhou knew about it.

It's just that Zhennanhou was so seriously ill that even the imperial physician in the palace couldn't help him.

If it weren't for this, Gu Ruizhou wouldn't have spoken to Mu Ziqing in a low voice.

Ling Wu's words made Gu Ruizhou's face a little ugly. He endured and endured, but he still endured: "Then can I give this medicine to my father now? Will he wake up after taking it?"

Now Ling Wuwen didn't speak anymore, she was too lazy to talk to Gu Ruizhou.

Mu Ziqing nodded, indicating yes.

Gu Ruizhou took out a pill and carefully fed it to Zhennanhou.

After a while, Zhennanhou, who had been in a coma for half a month, woke up coughing a few times.

Gu Ruizhou breathed a sigh of relief, and thanked Mu Ziqing again and again, and then Gu Ruizhou asked Mu Ziqing how much the consultation fee was.

Mu Ziqing was not polite to Gu Ruizhou, and directly took half of the property of the Zhennanhou Mansion.

Gu Ruizhou knows Mu Ziqing's rules, the price he asks must be satisfied, otherwise saving people may turn into murder.

Half of the property of the Gu family, although it hurts, but Gu Ruizhou still converted it into a bank note and gave it to Mu Ziqing.

Leaving Zhennanhou's Mansion with a heavy banknote, Ling Wu was a little stunned.

A sandalwood box was filled with 10,000 taels of silver bills, and it was exchanged for a bottle of medicine...

It is said that being a doctor is the most lucrative profession, and Ling Wuyi believed it!

In the future, if she has nothing to eat in the novel world, she will go to treat diseases, and she will definitely make a lot of money! Wa hahaha……

"Amu, what do you plan to do with so much money?" Ling Wuwen walked beside Mu Ziqing and asked him with a smile.

Looking at Ling Wuyi's eyes that were crooked with a smile, Mu Ziqing thought for a while and said, "I'll use it for you."


The fourth change, the update is complete!

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