Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 875: The Reborn Concubine (16)

After Mu Ziqing's answer stunned Ling Wu, he grinned even more happily: "You said that!"

Mu Ziqing nodded: "I will use it for you in the future."

After saying these words, Mu Ziqing never thought that one day, Ling Wuyi would leave him.


He said it as if Ling Wuyi would follow him for the rest of his life.

Cough cough, although it is true——

One quota has already gone out, although Ling Wuyi did the pulse diagnosis and so on, but that is equivalent to using one quota.

Since Mu Ziqing's rule is to only use one quota in one place, if he uses it now, of course he has to leave!

Ling Wuwen proposed to leave the capital now, but Mu Ziqing did not object.

But before leaving, he took Ling Wuwen to Tianyi Bank to deposit the banknotes in his account.

Tianyi Bank is common throughout the country, as long as there is a Tianyi Bank in the place where you are, you can use your own account to withdraw money.

Mu Ziqing has practiced medicine for many years, and every time he meets a rich and dignified official, his consultation fee is very high.

So in Mu Ziqing's account, there is already a lot of money.

After saying that he wanted to give the money to Ling Wuwen, after Mu Ziqing deposited the money in Tianyi Bank, he handed over his own book similar to a modern passbook to Ling Wuwen.

As long as you have this notebook and Mu Ziqing's verbal password, you can withdraw money at Tianyi Bank.

After saving the money, Ling Wuwen and Mu Ziqing walked slowly towards the gate of the city.

They didn't plan to buy a carriage or other means of transportation. There was no other way. Mu Ziqing liked to walk on foot. Fortunately, Ling Wuwen followed him and got used to walking.

The capital city is huge, and it is impossible to leave the city gate immediately.

The two were walking on the street, when an old woman with a child in a bamboo basket was wiping the child's mouth with a handkerchief, when she suddenly convulsed and foamed at the mouth without warning.

Ling Wu's body reacted faster than her brain, and she had already helped the old woman lie on the ground, and then took the handkerchief from the old woman's hand and stuffed it into her mouth to prevent her from biting her tongue.

Tilt the old woman's head so that the froth from her mouth can flow out.

Afterwards, she unbuttoned a few buttons on her collar to maintain unobstructed breathing, and then Ling Wuyi took out the silver needles to give her needles.

A series of actions Ling Wu Nie performed very neatly without hesitation.

There were more and more people watching around, and Mu Ziqing also quietly watched Ling Wuxi calmly administering the needle.

The old woman who had been twitching just now quieted down and fell into a coma.

Ling Wuxi pulled out the silver needle, and turned her head to look at the frightened child: "Is your house close to here?"

The child nodded, and then came back to his senses and hugged the old woman's neck and cried, "Grandma, wake up! Grandma, don't scare Abao!"

"Abao, you don't have to worry, just go home and ask your parents to come and bring grandma back." Ling Wuwen comforted her softly.

Just as Ah Bao nodded, two people, a man and a woman, squeezed out from the crowd.

They are the son and daughter-in-law of the old woman, and they exclaimed as soon as they came: "Mom! What's wrong with you?!"

Ling Wuwen stood up from the ground, and said to the couple: "The old lady has suffered from epilepsy, and she is fine now. I found the doctor to prescribe medicine to restore the body, just pay more attention."

Hearing what Ling Wuyue said, the old woman's son stood up and thanked Ling Wuyue very gratefully.

Ling Wuxi nodded and accepted the old woman's son's thanks.

The old woman's son and daughter-in-law carried the unconscious old woman back, and the crowd of onlookers gradually dispersed.

Ling Wuwen held Mu Ziqing's arm, looked up at him with a smile on her face: "Amu, do you have the feeling that a famous teacher turns out to be a great apprentice?"

Muziqing looked down at Ling Wuwen, with a smile in his eyes, and his whole person softened a lot: "Yeah."

"Hey~" Ling Wuqin smiled triumphantly, and then pulled Mu Ziqing to leave.

"Both of you, please stay!" A voice stopped both Ling Wuwen and Mu Ziqing.

Ling Wuyue heard this somewhat familiar voice, looked back, and cried out inwardly, "No!"

It was none other than the heroine Yuan Xiangyi who called Ling Wuwen and Mu Ziqing to stop!

Only then did Ling Wuyi notice that the place where they stayed was outside the restaurant owned by Yuan Xiangyi!

Fue...she saved someone's life just now, was she just meddling in her own business? Or meddle in your own business?

She didn't notice just now that they were outside Yuan Xiangyi's restaurant!

If she knew... Well, even if she knew, she would still be able to save people.

After all, the situation was too urgent. If measures were not taken in time, it was very likely that he would die on the spot.

Ling Wuwen was not kind, but she couldn't do anything that could be saved, but she watched an innocent life die in front of her eyes.

Looking at the smiling Yuan Xiangyi in front of him, Ling Wuyue didn't speak, neither did Mu Ziqing.

Although Yuan Xiangyi stopped the two of them, her attention was entirely on Mu Ziqing.

She said: "I just saw the bravery of the two of you, and I appreciate it very much! I, Xiang Yi, is the owner of this restaurant. I wonder if I would have the honor to invite you to dinner?"

As soon as Yuan Xiangyi finished speaking, Ling Wuyi said directly, "No need!"

She refused very readily, but Mu Ziqing nodded and said after seeing the signboard of the restaurant, "Okay."

good? ! Good, sister, good! ! !

Ling Wuwen stared at Mu Ziqing with wide eyes, but Mu Ziqing looked at Yuan Xiangyi.

"So, please!" Yuan Xiangyi automatically ignored Ling Wuwen's words, but made an inviting gesture to Mu Ziqing.

Seeing Mu Ziqing raised his foot to go in, Ling Wuwen let go of his arm, snorted and said, "If you want to eat yourself, I'm leaving!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuwen didn't wait for Mu Ziqing's response, and walked away directly.

She walked very quickly, and she didn't mean to stop at all.

Mu Ziqing was stunned, and chased after him without thinking.

The speed of chasing people must not be slow, in just a few breaths, Mu Ziqing has already reached Ling Wuxi's side.

He stretched out his hand to pull Ling Wuyue, but Ling Wuyue threw him away.

He glared at Mu Ziqing angrily: "What are you doing here?! Go eat! Go, go!"

Mu Ziqing looked at Ling Wuwen, his eyes were full of innocence and doubt.

He really didn't know why Ling Wuwen lost his temper suddenly, and the time was indeed close to noon, so it was okay to have a meal.



"What!?" Ling Wuyue answered him angrily.

'Lost tantrum' and left directly, Ling Wuxi thought it was the most sensible.

Look, Mu Ziqing just followed! And Ling Wuxi didn't stop, and Mu Ziqing would definitely not stop either.


Sorry, I still can't update it stably today, but there are still four chapters.

First chapter!

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