Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 900 Marriage in Exchange (12)

Ling Wuwen nodded with a smile and said "OK" and got out of bed.

When Ling Wuwen came out, Ye Ruofeng had already done all the preparations, and the only thing left was to make Xiaolongbao.

Originally, Ye Ruofeng was ready to teach Ling Wu how to wrap it, but it turned out that Ling Wu didn't need him to teach him at all, and got started directly.

Ye Ruofeng was a little puzzled when he saw Ling Wuwen, who was so familiar with steamed stuffed buns. Could it be that Ling Wuwen was not what he thought, but a rich daughter who ran away from home?

But if not, how could she have so much money? Only eighteen years old...

Facing Ling Wuwen, Ye Ruofeng had many doubts. In the end, he chose to simply pretend to be stupid.

It is said that curiosity killed the cat, he should not be too curious about other people's private affairs, as long as he has money to make——

After breakfast, Ye Ruofeng left first because he had class in the morning.

As soon as Ye Ruofeng left, Ling Wuwen had nothing to do again.

In just a few days, the favorability has risen to 60 points. I don't know if the next 40 points will be so smooth?

Ling Wuxi stayed at home and had nothing to do, so she just lay on the sofa and watched TV, and when she was bored, she sent a message to Ye Ruofeng.

Ling Wu, who was really bored in the afternoon, simply went to the hospital where Ye Ruofeng's mother was hospitalized. Didn't it mean that Ye Ruofeng's mother was seriously ill!

She went to have a look, maybe it can be cured?

For medical skills, Ling Wu is still very confident.

After asking about Xia Lun's location, Ling Wuwen went to the hospital alone.

Before going, Ling Wuwen sent a message to Ye Ruofeng, saying that he was bored, so he went out for a walk.

Ye Ruofeng replied to her after receiving the message, telling her to be safe.

Ling Wuwen planned to stay at the hospital until Ye Ruofeng passed by, and then ran into him by chance.

Anyway, the favorability has been increased to 60 points, and there must be a breakthrough to make progress!

What Ling Wuyi has to do now is to slowly approach Ye Ruofeng's private life——

Ling Wuyi didn't buy anything, and went to the hospital empty-handed.

When walking to the inpatient department, Ling Wuwen didn't bother to find Mother Ye's ward.

When he reached Mama Ye's ward, Ling Wuwen stretched his neck to look inside.

Mother Ye lived in a four-person ward, and she was in the corner near the window.

The patients in the other three beds are surrounded by family members, only Mother Ye does not.

Mother Ye seemed to want to go to the bathroom, so she sat up from the bed.

She held the bottle in one hand and moved it to the bathroom with some difficulty.

It may be because she has been ill for too long, Mama Ye is weak and her body is extremely thin.

If Xia Lun hadn't told her, Ling Wu could not have imagined that Ye Ruofeng's mother would be like this.

Mother Ye's feet were weak, and she suddenly leaned forward, almost falling down.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Ling Wuxi rushed up to support her: "Auntie, are you alright?"

Mother Ye was also taken aback, she still didn't react after being supported by Ling Wu.

She shook her head after hearing Ling Wu's voice, and smiled gratefully at Ling Wu's: "Thank you, little girl!"

Seeing Mama Ye's smile, Ling Wujin felt that Ye Ruofeng must be like Mama Ye, even though she was skinny, she could still vaguely see her youthful face when she smiled.

"You're welcome, Auntie, are you going to the bathroom? Shall I help you?"

"That's good..." Mother Ye was a little embarrassed, after all, she was a stranger she didn't know.

Ling Wuwen smiled, "It's okay, I'm actually a volunteer."

Hearing that Ling Wuwen was a volunteer, Mother Ye didn't refuse anymore, but just said thank you a few more times.

The goal was achieved, and the smile on the corner of Ling Wu's mouth deepened a bit.

Helping Mother Ye to the bathroom, Ling Wuxi helped her lie back on the bed, and then took the kettle to pour boiling water for her.

"Auntie, shall I peel an apple for you?"

Ling Wuxi sat on the stool beside the hospital bed, holding a freshly washed apple and a fruit knife in her hand.

"Don't worry about Tiantian, don't bother. Look, you still buy fruit, it's really expensive..."

Mama Ye was really embarrassed, so it was fine to help, and she went to buy some fruit for her.

Being rejected, Ling Wuwen quit, pouted and said pitifully: "Auntie, don't always refuse people's kindness! It's just a few apples..."

Mother Ye hasn't seen a girl as energetic as Ling Wuwen for a long time, and the sudden appearance of Ling Wuwen made Mother Ye feel alive.

When Ling Wuwen used such a coquettish tone, Mother Ye felt her heart soften.

"Okay, okay~ Then I will trouble you, Tiantian, to peel an apple for auntie."

Mother Ye compromised, and a smile immediately bloomed on Ling Wu's face: "Well, I'll peel an apple for you!"

Xia Lun→_→: "It's shameful to be cute..."

"Don't you often act cute? Shame on you too!" Ling Wu, who was sitting on a stool peeling apples, fought back not to be outdone.

Xia Lun choked, and had no choice but to say: "Ahem... It's healthier to be ashamed once in a while..."

Ling Wuwen: "..." She was speechless to the shameful Xia Lun.

Throughout the afternoon, Ling Wuwen stayed in the hospital talking to Mother Ye.

Mother Ye would ask her some questions, such as where is she from and how old is she? Anyway, it is the question that some elders who meet for the first time will ask.

Ling Wuwen would also answer Ye's mother's questions with half-truths and half-truths, and at the same time ask some questions about her and Ye Ruofeng without any trace.

Mother Ye is a person without a city, and it is easy to trust people.

In just one afternoon, Ling Wuwen had almost grasped the basic situation of Ye Ruofeng's family.

When it comes to her son, Mother Ye will always sigh, saying that she is dragging Ye Ruofeng down.

But looking at Ye's mother, it seems that she doesn't know that Ye Ruofeng borrowed usury.

Ye Ruofeng should have told her that the surgery and medical expenses were all donated by schoolmates and borrowed from some school teachers.

But as far as Ling Wujin knew, none of Ye Ruofeng's classmates or teachers knew about his family situation.

So the money was all borrowed!

Ye's mother has been living in the hospital since Ye Ruofeng just entered university, and she has been living in the hospital for almost two years now.

Even if Ye Ruofeng works ten part-time jobs, it is far from enough for Ye's mother's medical expenses and surgery expenses.

Xia Lun told Ling Wuwen that Ye Ruofeng had come to the hospital.

The smile on Ling Wuxi's face remained unchanged, she was ready for Ye Ruofeng to lower her favorability.

I just don't know how much Ye Ruofeng will lower her this time? How much will it come back after?

Xia Lun was very noisy, and kept telling Ling Wuyi how far away Ye Ruofeng was, which made Ling Wuyi's forehead burst out with veins: "Little Lunlun, it's muddy!"

"Oh~ I'm at the door of the ward, I shut up~"

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Ye Ruofeng had a smile on his face, holding an insulated box with dinner in his hand.

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