Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 901 Marriage in Exchange (13)

When Ye Ruofeng walked into the ward and saw the young girl sitting beside the bed talking and laughing with her mother, the smile on her face froze instantly.

He stood there, reflexively wanting to leave the ward, but Mother Ye had already seen him, and said to Ling Wu, "Tiantian, my son is here!"

Ling Wuwen turned her head to look, and of course she saw Ye Ruofeng who was a little flustered in his eyes but pretended to be calm, who wanted to leave but had to stand there.

She blinked her eyes, pretending to be surprised for a moment, then turned her head and smiled and said to Mother Ye, "Auntie, your son is so handsome! He looks like a star!"

"Yeah, people have said he is handsome since he was a child, but my son is very shy!"

Mother Ye nodded with a smile, and waved to Ye Ruofeng again: "Come here, Afeng, and my mother will introduce you. This little girl is called Liao Tiantian, and she is a volunteer."

After that, Mother Ye introduced to Ling Wuwen: "My son is Ye Ruofeng, a sophomore at T University, and he is two years older than you!"

Ling Wuwen stood up with a smile, and said to Ye Ruofeng with a polite smile, "Hello! Just call me Tiantian!"

Seeing Ling Wuwen pretending not to know him, Ye Ruofeng was surprised for a moment and then pretended to be meeting Ling Wuwen for the first time: "Hi, just call me Ruofeng."

"Okay, Ruofeng!" Ling Wuyi grinned, smiling brightly.

With Ling Wuqin beside him, Ye Ruofeng felt extremely uncomfortable, as if everything had been seen.

Ling Wuwen also knew that Ye Ruofeng was uncomfortable. Originally, she wanted to leave after seeing Ye Ruofeng, but her favorability dropped from 60 points to 30 points and then returned to 50 points.

This ups and downs are really too big!

Ling Wuwen felt that if she just left like this, Ye Ruofeng probably wouldn't come home tonight!

Therefore, if she had to wait for Ye Ruofeng to leave the hospital together, the lowered favorability would have to be added!

Ye Ruofeng waited for Mother Ye to finish her meal, and fetched water for her to wipe her body. Ling Wuxi was very active in helping her, which forced Ye Ruofeng to take a few more glances.

After finishing all this work, Ye Ruofeng did not chat with Ye's mother as usual, but said to Ling Wuyue: "Tiantian, you haven't eaten yet, have you? I invite you to dinner, thank you for taking care of my mother today!"

Before Ling Wuyi agreed, Mother Ye agreed first: "Okay, I should treat Tiantian to a meal. Afeng, don't worry about me. Tiantian has been with me for so long today, and I feel much more energetic Woolen cloth!"

Mother Ye said so, of course Ling Wuyi nodded in agreement.

The two walked out of the ward, Ye Ruofeng was very silent, without much expression on his face.

Ling Wuwen was thinking whether to wait for Ye Ruofeng to speak first, or whether it would be better for her to speak first.

After leaving the hospital gate, Ye Ruofeng was about to speak, but Ling Wuyi spoke first.

"I'm bored today, so I came out for a walk~ Then I was transferred to the hospital. I happened to pass by my aunt's ward and saw my aunt going to the bathroom and almost fell down..."

"I saw that Auntie was alone, so I just chatted with her! I didn't expect you to be Auntie's son..."

"Ruofeng, don't worry, I have a measure, I know what I can say and what I can't say!"

Ling Wuyi's words were like a reassurance, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

He believed that Ling Wuwen met his mother 'accidentally', after all he never mentioned it, Ling Wuwen 'couldn't' know!

The moment he saw Ling Wuwen, Ye Ruofeng was very worried that she would tell about the nature of his work.

He felt a disgrace in that kind of industry! Absolutely, absolutely not let mother know!

Sensing that the favorability has returned to 60 points again, Ling Wuyi knows that there is no problem!

"Well...thank you." Ye Ruofeng said in a low voice.

Ling Wuwen smiled and took his wrist: "Don't say thank you to me! I'm so hungry, let's buy vegetables and cook for ourselves?"

Ye Ruofeng looked down at Ling Wuwen, who was at least three heads shorter than him, and nodded: "Yes."

The two went out of the supermarket together and bought a shopping cart of vegetables before taking a taxi home.

When cooking, Ling Wuwen was in charge of helping Ye Ruofeng, making trouble by his side from time to time.

I didn't pay attention when cooking, and ended up cooking a large table of dishes.

In order not to waste, Ye Ruofeng and Ling Wuwen opened their stomachs to eat, and after eating, they collapsed on the bed and couldn't move.

"Oh my god~ the most satisfying meal I've ever eaten in my life!" Ling Wuyi stared at the ceiling and couldn't help sighing.

Ye Ruofeng nodded lightly in response: "Me too."

Then the two looked at each other sideways at the same time, and suddenly laughed.

When sleeping, Ye Ruofeng took the initiative to go to Ling Wuwen's bed without Ling Wuwen telling her.

For some unknown reason, Ye Ruofeng not only got into Ling Wu's bed, but also took the initiative to hug her.

Fortunately, Ye Ruofeng didn't do anything else after hugging Ling Wuwen, otherwise Ling Wuwen could really kick him out of bed.

Ling Wu is small, holding her in her arms is like hugging a pillow...it's very comfortable!

Ye Ruofeng didn't know what was wrong with him, the more he got along with Ling Wu, the more he wanted to get closer to her... closer...

In one night, Ling Wuwen increased her favorability to seventy points.

So, Ye Ruofeng's favorability has really fluctuated greatly——

For the next period of time, Ling Wuwen would go to the hospital to accompany Ye's mother every day, basically in the afternoon, and then wait for Ye Ruofeng to come and go with him.

Mama Ye's body has been seen by Ling Wupin, and she is indeed very weak. Every time Ling Wupin visits Mama Ye, she will massage her acupoints, and occasionally make some medicinal food.

Acupuncture and moxibustion are out of the question, after all, Mama Ye lives in a four-person ward.

If Ling Wuwen wanted to help Mama Ye with acupuncture, she had to do acupuncture without her noticing, but also to avoid the eyes of those people, that was simply too difficult!

However, after Ling Wu's acupuncture point massage and medicinal diet conditioning, Mama Ye's complexion and spirit improved a lot.

Mother Ye proposed to leave the hospital, after all, the daily ward fee is not cheap.

However, the doctor did not recommend that Mother Ye be discharged from the hospital, saying that her disease may recur at any time, and she should not be discharged without a complete cure.

Ye Ruofeng didn't want his mother to make a mistake, so of course he listened to the doctor.

Ling Wuwen went to see the IOU that belonged to Ye Ruofeng, which was kept at Fatty He's place two days ago.

At that time, because Ye's mother was about to have an operation and needed money urgently, Fatty He, who had been eyeing Ye Ruofeng for a long time, first borrowed a sum without interest, and then lent him several loans with interest.

The next highest interest was yet another emergency operation for Mother Ye.

The situation was too urgent, so Ye Ruofeng had to borrow the high interest rate.

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