Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 922 The Han Paper of the Female Venerable Realm (4)

But fortunately, pretending to be pitiful will not make others suspicious.

Ling Wuqian pretended to cry, looking at the face that looked like a child, instantly softened the heart of Helian Wenqing who hadn't turned black yet.

Some helplessly waved his hands: "Forget it, you just know you're wrong. Don't cry!"

After finishing speaking, Helian Wenqing raised his foot and wanted to leave, but Ling Wuyi quickly reached out and grabbed the hem of his clothes.

The pull from behind caused her footsteps to be forcibly stopped. Helian Wenqing turned her head and looked at the smiling catkin, the veins on her forehead couldn't help but twitch.

"Song Ruoci, what do you want to do?!" Helian Wenqing's tone was already filled with obvious impatience.

"My lord, you've said you're not angry anymore... Then, can you have lunch with Ruoci today?"

After asking, Ling Wuwen immediately added: "It's just a meal, just a meal! Really, really!"

Helian Wenqing obviously didn't believe Ling Wuwen's words, but seeing Ling Wuwen's expression of "I won't let you go if you don't agree", I just felt a headache.

Oh my god...how did the empress find him such an ignorant and unreasonable husband? !

As the right husband, shouldn't it be for him to share his worries? ! Why does his real husband only make trouble for him? !

After holding back for a long time, Helian Wenqing didn't walk away directly. Gritting his teeth, he squeezed out a word: "Okay!"

Then, of course, Ling Wuyi let go of her hand in satisfaction.

Looking up at Helian Wenqing with a smile on his face: "Then the prince must remember to come to Ruoci's yard during lunch!"

Seeing Helian Wenqing nodding with a cold face, Ling Wuyue left with a bum.

She knows how to stalk and stalk, when to stalk and when to let go is the right time!

Seeing Ling Wu's happy expression, Helian Wenqing raised her hand and rubbed her aching temple.

He tried hard to tell himself in his heart that the other party was just a child, a child——

Because it is necessary to gain favorability, this is the first time Helian Wenqing has a meal together in this world, of course Ling Wuyi has to prepare it herself!

Fortunately, in order to please Helian Wenqing, Song Ruoci, who had previously sent his body, learned how to cook.

After marrying into the Three Princes' Mansion, Song Ruoci basically cooks for Helian Wenqing to cook some snacks or boil sugar water every day.

Therefore, no one in the big kitchen was surprised that Ling Wuyi wanted to cook in person.

When Helian Wenqing came to the courtyard of Lingwu catkin on time at noon, he saw a table of dishes that he had never eaten before.

As for Ling Wuwen, she sat there and looked at him with a smile.

After a pause, Helian Wenqing went to the upper seat and sat down.

Ling Wuwen enthusiastically filled Helian Wenqing with soup and vegetables.

Although Helian Wenqing didn't move his chopsticks very much at first, after tasting it, he thought it tasted pretty good!

Song Ruoci used to send some homemade food to his study every day, but Helian Wenqing never ate it.

Unexpectedly, the taste is really good!

But after eating, and quickly filling his stomach, Helian Wenqing left directly.

Ling Wuwen didn't stop her either, after all it was agreed that they would just have dinner together. If Helian Wenqing was stopped this time, it would be difficult to find him for dinner next time.

But fortunately, after a meal, the favorability increased by five points.

"Zhengfulang, it's time for a nap." Ah Hao whispered to Ling Wuyue.

Ling Wuxi raised her eyebrows, stood up and waved her hands: "I won't take a nap today, I'm going to the back garden for a walk!"

After finishing speaking, without giving Ah Hao time to react, he lifted his foot and went out of the yard.

Today's weather is fine, neither hot nor cold. The reason why Ling Wuwen came to the back garden was because Xia Lun told her that Ning Changsheng and Helian Wenqing were tasting tea in the back garden!

I just had dinner with her, and I turned around to find Ning Changsheng!

Sure enough, the same people have different fates~

In the gazebo in the back garden, Ling Wuwen met Ning Changsheng, who was overwhelmed by the country and the city.

Ning Changsheng was dressed in white, with his hair loose casually. He lowered his eyes and concentrated on cooking tea.

He is indeed beautiful, beautiful, like a work of art...

However, Ning Changsheng's type is definitely not the one that Ling Wuting likes, and he finds it inexplicably awkward.

Helian Wenqing sat across from Ning Changsheng, Ling Wuyue could see the admiration in his eyes from a long distance away.

Thinking of the brain waves of Xi Ziqiu residing in Helian Wenqing's body, that is to say, the one who is looking at Ning Changsheng full of love now...is the chairman!

Ling Wuxi swallowed her saliva, this kind of atmosphere is really too discordant...

No, you can't let two people have the chance to get along alone!

Ling Wuwen turned her head and gave a word to Ah Hao who was following up, and then took her own clothes and put them on the gazebo.

"My lord, Mrs. Ning, you are drinking tea! Do you mind if I have a cup too?"

Before the Lingwu catkin arrived, the voice arrived first.

As a side husband, Ning Changsheng naturally stood up and saluted when he saw Zheng Fulang: "Changsheng has met Zheng Fulang."

Ning Changsheng's voice was soft and soft, without any masculinity.

Still, the sound is really nice.

I have seen so many beautiful boys, but this is the first time Ling Wuyi has seen Ning Changsheng, who is obviously a sissy but does not make people feel that he is artificial!

Tsk~ Whether it's appearance or other things, it is really suitable to be the number one male lead!

"Well, get up." Under Helian Wenqing's gaze, Ling Wuyi raised her hand to make Ning Changsheng rise.

"Xie Zhengfulang." After finishing speaking faintly, Ning Changsheng sat back to his original seat and made tea.

Ling Wuwen sat next to Helian Wenqing and stared at him with a smile: "Is your lord free today?"

Helian Wenqing seemed to be stuck there in one breath, unable to get up or down. Originally, he wanted to spend time with Ning Changsheng alone to cultivate a relationship...

With the appearance of Ling Wuwen, how could Helian Wenqing be in any mood!

Taking a deep breath, Helian Wenqing stood up and said to Ning Changsheng: "This king is going to deal with business first, and you can go back to the yard to rest."

That tone was gentler than ever before for Song Ruoci.

Ning Changsheng nodded slightly as a response.

Ling Wuyi rested her chin on her hands and looked at Helian Wenqing's back, as if she was talking to herself or to Ning Changsheng: "Why does the prince speak so softly to Mrs. Ning and so coldly to me?"

Ning Changsheng's hand paused, poured a cup of tea and handed it to Ling Wuwen.

He said: "Your husband doesn't have to put longevity in your eyes."

That means, he, Ning Changsheng, will not compete with you, Ling Wu, for Helian Wenqing.

Ling Wuyi took a sip of tea from the teacup, and then pursed her lips and said, "Of course I know that I don't need to take you seriously, because... what you have in your heart is not my prince at all!"


The health is not very good today, the code word is slow, first chapter, the remaining five chapters will not be less!

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