Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 923 The Han Paper of the Female Venerable Realm (5)

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuwen put down the teacup that still had half a cup of tea, got up and left, leaving Ning Changsheng sitting there by himself, unable to conceal his surprise.

What Ling Wuyi said...does it mean that she knows something? Why would she know?

Ning Changsheng's doubts, of course, no one came to answer him.

What Ling Wuyi said was to let Ning Changsheng know that she really didn't regard him as a threat!

Anyway, Ning Changsheng would not like Helian Wenqing no matter what, so Ling Wuyi was really not worried at all.

In two more months, Ning Changsheng will resolve the misunderstanding with the heroine Helian Wenfeng. What Ling Wuyi has to do in the past two months is to make Helian Wenqing not have such a deep liking for Ning Changsheng. .

Whether it's because of the plot or the memory of Song Ruoci, there is Song Ruoci's death, which is in stark contrast to Ning Changsheng's neither fighting nor grabbing knowledge.

There is a stark contrast, as long as you are not a fool, you will prefer Ning Changsheng.

Now that Ling Wu is here, can she let herself be in the same situation as Song Ruoci?

After inviting Helian Wenqing to accompany her to lunch once, Ling Wuyi began to invite Helian Wenqing to accompany her to lunch every day.

She also didn't invite Helian Wenqing to have dinner, because Helian Wenqing would be worried that Ling Wuyi would not let him go after inviting him to dinner.

Therefore, in order to gain favorability and spend time with Helian Wenqing, lunch is the best!

But even though it was lunch, Helian Wenqing might not go there. Ling Wuxi asked him ten times, and he would only agree six times.

In addition to asking Helian Wenqing to accompany her for lunch, Ling Wuyi also asked Xia Lun to keep a close eye on Ning Changsheng's every move.

Whenever Ning Changsheng and Helian Wenqing were alone, Ling Wuyi would definitely step in.

Helian Wenqing doesn't want to get along with Ling Wuyue, so once Ling Wuyue is gone, he will leave.

In this way, the chances of Helian Wenqing and Ning Changsheng to be alone will be much, much less!

Gradually, Helian Wenqing stopped looking for Ning Changsheng very much.

He didn't pay much attention to the love of his sons and daughters, but Ning Changsheng really made him like him a little, so he was willing to spend time with him.

Because of disturbing Helian Wenqing and Ning Changsheng's chance to get along alone, Ling Wuyi came to this world for almost two months, but spent more time with Ning Changsheng.

Only after we get along can we better understand why Ning Changsheng is more likable.

At least, his type really likes women in this world. No wonder he has the title of the most beautiful man!

After Ning Changsheng got along with Ling Wuwen, he felt that she was not as bad as the rumors said.

Compared with Helian Wenqing, Ning Changsheng is more willing to get along with Ling Wuwen.

As a result, Ling Wuwen and Ning Changsheng spend more time together!

Although Ling Wuwen likes to prevent Ning Changsheng from being alone with Helian Wenqing, she will not go to Ning Changsheng's yard.

Although her intention to be a light bulb was obvious, it was outside Ning Changsheng's yard.

If it was true that they even went to Ning Changsheng's courtyard, Helian Wenqing might be so angry that she would be locked up directly.

But ever since Ning Changsheng liked to get along with Ling Wumo, every time Helian Wenqing went to look for him, he would take the initiative to find Ling Wumo.

In this way, Ling Wuji almost no longer needs Xia Lun!

At the beginning, Helian Wenqing was worried about what Ling Wujin would do to Ning Changsheng, but after a long time, he found that the two really got along well!

Although Ling Wuwen destroyed Helian Wenqing and Ning Changsheng's alone time, but because she didn't embarrass Ning Changsheng, she got along so happily with him...

The generous Helian Wenqing even added favorability to Ling Wuwen!

In a blink of an eye, there are still ten days and a half months before Ning Changsheng asks Helian Wenqing to divorce him.

On this day, Ning Changsheng sent someone to come to Ling Wuwen's yard to look for her.

Ling Wuwen was a little puzzled, because Xia Lun said that Helian Wenqing was not at Ning Changsheng's place!

"Could it be about the heroine Helian Wenfeng?"

After Xia Lun said this, Ling Wuyue remembered that just yesterday, Helian Wenfeng visited the Three Princes' Mansion, not only during the day, but also at Ning Changsheng's courtyard at night.

So the misunderstanding between her and Ning Changsheng should be resolved.

So, what is Ning Changsheng looking for her now?

Out of curiosity, Ling Wuwen went to Ning Changsheng's yard.

Ning Changsheng gave people a very different feeling today, his face was like peaches and plums, and his eyes were almost watery!

The upturned corners of his mouth couldn't be pulled down at all, and he still smirked to himself from time to time.

Tsk tsk~ This male paper in the female world is really...

"Yo~ Changsheng, have you encountered any good things?"

Seeing Ling Wumi coming, Ning Changsheng hurriedly dragged her into the room, and sent all the other servants away.

Ling Wuwen looked at Ning Changsheng with some puzzlement: "You are so mysterious, what are you going to do?"

Ning Changsheng had a shy look on his face, even Ling Wuyi was almost taken aback by that shy look.

He turned away and coughed a few times: "What are you doing?"

Only then did Ning Changsheng say: "You're right, I don't have the Third Prince in my heart. In fact, I love the Fourth Prince..."

"What?! You love the fourth prince? Then why did you marry the third prince?" Ling Wuwen asked pretending to be surprised and puzzled.

It was only then that Ning Changsheng told Ling Wuyue about how he and Helian Wenfeng met, knew each other and fell in love with each other, including why he wanted to be Helian Wenqing's side husband.

All the details, of course, are no different from those mentioned in the plot.

Ling Wuwen expressed her surprise and anger, saying that Ning Changsheng shouldn't use Helian Wenqing to get angry with Helian Wenfeng.

Ning Changsheng looked guilty and blamed himself: "I also know that what I did was wrong, but I am really too angry..."

"So what are you going to do now?" Ling Wuyi asked him.

Ning Changsheng said that he would ask Helian Wenqing to write him a letter of divorce.

"I want to ask you to help me..." Ning Changsheng looked at Ling Wuwen, with pleading written on his face.

Ling Wuwen had an indignant expression on her face: "I won't help you, I won't help you hurt the prince!"

After a pause, Ling Wuwen continued, "I will keep this matter a secret for you temporarily, but even if we are friends... the prince is the most important person to me!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuwen walked to the door and reached out to open the door——

"My lord?! You... why are you here?!" Ling Wuyi stood with wide-eyed surprise at Helian Wenqing who was standing outside the door.

Helian Wenqing had obviously been standing outside the door for a long time, and his expression was very ugly at this moment.

Hearing Ling Wu's words, Ning Changsheng was also surprised.

Before he could move, Helian Wenqing had already stepped in.

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