Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 942: The Hacked Goddess (8)

In the huge dining room, Li Yuan sat at the dining table and ate breakfast leisurely.

The servant came to tell Li Yuan: "Sir, Mr. Mu is here."

Li Yuan paused for a moment with the hand holding the knife and fork, and then continued: "Well, let him wait for me in the study."

"Good sir."

Li Yuan finished his breakfast unhurriedly before going to the study.

Mu Hang is a handsome man with cool looks and temperament, because he has been following Li Yuan all this time, so his personal ability is very good.

Seeing Li Yuan, Mu Hang raised the corners of his lips and was about to say hello...

"Pa——" A slap slapped the corner of Mu Hang's mouth to blood.

Mu Hang didn't even dare to ask questions, he just bowed his head and apologized: "I'm sorry sir, I made you angry!"

Li Yuan didn't speak, just walked to his office chair and sat down.

"Mu Hang, how many years have you been working for me?" Li Yuan asked.

Mu Hang replied honestly: "Ten years." He was adopted by Li Yuan at the age of eight, and began to work for Li Yuan at the age of eighteen.

"For ten years, I have always thought that your abilities are good, but I never thought that I would overestimate you." Li Yuan's words were still unhurried, and the ups and downs were not high.

But Mu Hang fell to his knees on the ground because of Li Yuan's words.

Mu Hang lowered his head and did not speak, but his body trembled involuntarily.

"Bai Ruowei, do you like that woman very much?" Li Yuan asked.

Mu Hang suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Yuan, his eyes widened: "Sir..."


Mu Hang took a deep breath and nodded: "Yes, I like it very much."

"As far as I know, her boyfriend is not you."

"You're really useless!" As soon as Li Yuan finished speaking, before Mu Hang saw him make a move, the white jade rockery that was originally placed on the desk hit him on the head.

His forehead was broken in an instant, and blood flowed down. Mu Hang was in pain, but he didn't even dare to frown.

"Do you know why I said you are useless?" Li Yuan asked Mu Hang.

Mu Hang didn't dare to think for too long, he could only think of something to answer: "I haven't made Bai Ruowei my woman yet."

"This is one of them." Li Yuan said.

He stood up from the chair and looked at Mu Hang: "You have worked for me for ten years, whether you are involved in the **** or the white way."

"You want to frame a person for taking drugs, but you didn't even clean up the whole thing. Let Lin Fusheng know that you did it."

This is where Li Yuan is really angry.

Yes, Li Yuan was not angry because Mu Hang framed Lin Fusheng, but because Mu Hang did not do things cleanly and neatly.

"What Mr. blames is that next time I won't make such a mistake again!"

Li Yuan hummed, walked to the bookshelf and picked up a thick book to read: "That Lin Fusheng, don't provoke her again, you can't afford it."

He has seen Ling Wu's skills, that woman is definitely not just a second-tier actress.

Even before Ling Wuyi woke up, Li Yuan had already obtained all of Lin Fusheng's materials.

From small to large, everything is in every detail!

It seems that there is really nothing special.

Thinking of Ling Wu's skill and the aura she had seen with her own eyes last night, Li Yuan had a guess.

... She is a killer!

There are no fancy moves, and the moves are fatal.

Only professional killers are so good at killing moves. And Ling Wuwen looked very skilled.

Indeed, Ling Wu's tricks all come from the killer profession.

When she agreed to fight with Li Yuan's bodyguards, Ling Wuyi already thought that Li Yuan would guess her like that.

However, she had no scruples, so she didn't hide her clumsiness.

"Yes!" Mu Hang obeyed Li Yuan's orders.

Even though at this moment, Mu Hang didn't know why Li Yuan said that he couldn't afford Ling Wuyi——

As soon as Ling Wuyi returned to her residence, Anna called again, saying that an advertiser was looking for her to accept an advertisement.

Ling Wuyi raised her eyebrows: "Sister Anna, you don't know that my wrist is injured, right? It accidentally tore open today, and I needed stitches again."

"Ah? Why are you so careless? Is it serious?"

"Fortunately, once it splits, it will return to before liberation."

Anna: "O__O"..."

"That's fine, then I'll negotiate with the other side to see if it can be postponed for a week..."

"No, you pushed it for me, but I won't answer it. In addition, you asked for a month's leave for me, saying that I need time to adjust my status."

"One month?! Xiaofu, are you right? There are many opportunities at this time!"

"I'm not mistaken, sister Anna, don't worry, I will definitely return to work in the best condition after a month's rest!"

Ling Wu's words were inexplicably convincing.

Anna froze for a moment, but agreed: "Okay then, I'll help you ask for leave."

"Thank you~ By the way, sister Anna, you will accompany me to the hospital tomorrow, and I will take out the prosthesis."


After hanging up Anna's phone, Ling Wuxi raised her hand and poked her chin.

There were a lot of text messages on the phone, many of them were artist friends whom Lin Fusheng hadn't contacted for fear of getting into trouble after Lin Fusheng broke out about taking drugs.

Now that Ling Wuni's innocence has been clarified, those people have come out one by one to pretend to comfort her.

Even Bai Ruowei and Feng Yan sent messages of condolence.

Ling Wuqian smiled, glanced at the content of the text message, then turned off the phone and threw it on the sofa to sleep.

It is said that wounds need to be repaired during sleep, so she should sleep more...

Sleeping in the morning until I got hungry at noon, I wanted to order takeaway, but it was not suitable after thinking about it, so I had to make simple egg fried rice by myself——

The next day Anna came to Ling Wuwen's residence on time to pick her up to the hospital to pick up the prosthesis. As soon as she arrived at the hospital, Ling Wuwen was photographed by those paparazzi.

When I came out, the paparazzi were still outside.

Ling Wuwen walked over wearing a mask and sunglasses, and said hard work.

The paparazzi who took the photo was stunned, and then blurted out: "Lin Fusheng, what are you doing in the hospital? Are you going to have plastic surgery again?"

"No, I'm just here to take out the prosthetics of the nose and chin." Ling Wuyi didn't have the slightest intention to hide it.

The paparazzi was really a little surprised by the kindness shown by Ling Wuwen.

Although Ling Wuxi's face could not be seen, her voice seemed to be in good condition.

Seeing that Ling Wuyi was so easy to talk to, the paparazzi asked aggressively, "Then Lin Fusheng, did you take out the prosthesis to re-adjust it?"

"No, it's not corrected. There is no way to repair the bone grinding, and the prosthesis can still be taken out. Plastic surgery is too harmful to yourself, and it will not be corrected in the future."

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuyi bid farewell to the paparazzi, got in the car and left.

Because of drug use, Lin Fusheng will remain popular for a long time.

As expected, Ling Wu's conversation with the paparazzi made headlines.

Many netizens felt gratified by Ling Wu's words and the behavior of taking prostheses, and many netizens said that Lu Zhuan was a fan.


Mei Kai is a little uncomfortable, try to code again later, if you haven't seen the update, then today may be the fourth chapter update.

It is equivalent to (not repaying last month's payment today) but don't worry, you will pay back what should be paid.

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