Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 943 The Hacked Goddess (9)

"Xiao Fu, you are so amazing, you can make the headlines just by taking a prosthesis. That's fine, as long as you are always on the hot search list, you will still have a good job arrangement when you come back to work!"

Ling Wuyi didn't answer Anna's words, but said to her while playing with her mobile phone: "By the way, it's not convenient for me to go shopping these days. I will stop at the supermarket later, and you can help me buy something." Bar?"

"Okay, what do you want to buy..." Dish.

"I have already sent the vegetables I want to buy to your mobile phone, and you can just buy them accordingly." Ling Wuxi said.

Anna: "..."

Anna tilted her head and glanced at Ling Wuwen. Why did she feel that the person she had known for eight years had changed since the hotel cut her wrist and committed suicide that day?

"Why are you looking at me like that? Don't you know me?" Ling Wuqian looked at Anna with a smile.

Ling Wuwen also knew that there was a big difference between herself and Lin Fusheng, but she couldn't be in a state of dying like Lin Fusheng! And... I don't want to act like I want to die.

"No, I just feel that you, Xiao Fu, have become different since that day..." Anna said cautiously.

Ling Wuxi lowered her eyes and said in a low voice: "Well, yes~ At that time, I wanted to die. But after thinking about it, if I die, wouldn't those who hurt me and those who hate me be happy?"

"So, I have to be strong! At least, I can't let those people do what they want!"

What Ling Wuyi said made Anna suddenly realize what she said was going on!

This is the reason~

That's right, we can't let those wishful!

Anna went to the supermarket to help Ling Wumi buy vegetables for at least half a month, and then sent Ling Wumi back to her residence.

Afterwards, Ling Wuxi told Anna that she didn't want to be disturbed by others, so her phone would be turned off for a month, and if she had anything to do, she would come to her directly.

Then the eviction order was issued for Anna to leave——

For the next half month, Ling Wuwen didn't go out again.

There is food and drink at home, and there is a treadmill for fitness, so there is no problem staying at home.

In order to gain weight, Ling Wuyi eats four meals a day.

In half a month, I gained twenty catties of meat.

Lin Fusheng was 1.65 meters tall, and Ling Wutiao weighed 65 catties when she arrived.

Now, eighty-five catties!

Now look in the mirror again, there is already flesh on that face.

Because the prosthetics of the chin and nose were removed, the face finally looked more natural.

Ling Wuwen has a lot of experience in skin care, and in half a month, she took care of Lin Fusheng's skin to make it rosy and healthy.

I squeezed the already fleshy face, because the bones have been ground, so this face still looks like a melon seed face.

But at any rate, without the exaggerated prosthetic chin, it looks a lot more natural. The nose is also small and exquisite, very cute.

Hmm... This face is finally much more beautiful!

Ling Wuwen believes that in half a month, she will definitely gain another ten catties.

Ninety-five catties is the ideal weight for catkins, if adjusted, the flesh will grow where it should.

For example... ass and boobs.

Lin Fusheng's figure before was flat, so ugly!

At eighty-five pounds, it still looks very thin.

Ling Wuwen felt that a slightly fat girl would be fine. Healthy and cute!

He smiled at himself in the mirror, um~ very sweet.

I couldn't help but took out my phone to take a picture, and then posted on Weibo: Wait a minute, I will return to work in the best condition [Smiling Sun]!

The sharp-eyed netizens noticed that Ling Wu's skin had improved a lot, and some flesh had grown on her face.

Such a Lingwu catkin has the sweetness of the original sweet goddess.

Only then did the netizens realize that the disappearance of Ling Wuwen was to adjust their own state!

After posting Weibo, Ling Wuji was about to shut down the phone.

A call came in from an unfamiliar phone number, he was stunned, and pressed the answer button.


"Ms. Lin, hello."

The voice over there was very familiar, and Ling Wuyi quickly remembered who the other party was.

"Mr. Li? Do you have anything to do with me?" Ling Wuwen asked directly without any politeness.

For the past half month, Ling Wuyi has been making Xia Lun keep an eye on Mu Hang, in case he will do anything again.

But it's strange that Mu Hang didn't do anything.

Even when Bai Ruowei made indirect remarks, Mu Hang didn't talk to him, but changed the subject instead.

Even so, Ling Wuwen did not dare to take it lightly.

She was waiting, waiting for Mu Hang to make another move.

The reason, of course, is to personally capture Mu Hang!

Since Li Yuan said that she doesn't care about the private affairs of her subordinates, then she will solve Mu Hang herself!

If the mess left by Lin Fusheng wasn't too bad, Ling Wuyi wouldn't have gone to Li Yuan to solve it.

No matter what methods others use next, Ling Wu Nie is not afraid.

"It's true that I have something to do. I want to ask Ms. Lin to do Li a favor." Li Yuan said.

Ling Wuyi raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Oh? It's rare~ Mr. Li actually asked a little artist like me for help. Could it be that he is a banquet companion?"

Originally it was just a joke, but Li Yuan unexpectedly said: "Yes, she is the banquet companion."

"Really?!" Didn't Li Yuan never attend any occasions? !

"Of course it's true. Since Li helped you, shouldn't you help Li as well?"

Ling Wuyi always felt that it was not that simple, so she asked Xia Lun, but Xia Lun didn't know what banquet Li Yuan was going to attend.

After all, Xia Lun's focus is on Mu Hang.

Ling Wuxi hesitated for a moment, maybe Li Yuan really needed her help? If that's the case, it's not impossible to have a good relationship with Li Yuan.

After all, in Country Z, Li Yuan is too powerful.

"Okay, where..."

"Then come downstairs now, my driver is already waiting for you." Li Yuan said.

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Inexplicably, there is a feeling of being calculated...

Since Li Yuan asked her to go downstairs now, there is no need for her to dress up by herself.

Ling Wuwen went downstairs directly in her home clothes, carrying her bag.

Sure enough, a white limited-edition luxury car was parked downstairs waiting.

Seeing Ling Wuyi coming down, the bodyguard standing next to the car helped her open the rear door.

Ling Wuxi paused, chuckled, and got into the car——

The car drove into Li's house, and Ling Wuyi saw Li Yuan again after half a month.

Today's Li Yuan was wearing a black and gray slim suit, and his black hair was specially styled.

Perhaps to block his deep gaze, Li Yuan also wore a pair of rimless glasses.

It looked like he was really well-dressed, at least people who didn't know would not be able to tell that Li Yuan was from a local ruffian.

Seeing Ling Wuyue, Li Yuan sat on the sofa and nodded to her with a smile: "The stylist is already waiting, let's go."

Feelings are already ready!

This Li Yuan, is she sure that she will agree?

Cough~ Well, she has no reason not to agree——

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