Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 965: The Bun That Was Taken Away (8)

Ling Wuyi took the servant's hand and went downstairs to the restaurant, and saw Lu Meichen sitting at the dining table chatting with Shen's father and Shen's mother.

Shen's father and Shen's mother are a little unnatural, after all, this is the future daughter-in-law, and there is an illegitimate granddaughter upstairs.

If this hits...

Shen Nanxia is fine, he really wishes he could break off the engagement with Lu Meichen!

"Good morning, grandpa and grandma! Good morning, Uncle Shen! Good morning, Auntie!" Ling Wuxi was very polite and her voice was very loud.

"Oh, Xiao Anyi is up! Come here, grandpa and grandma!"

As soon as he saw Ling Wuwen, Shen's father and Shen's mother immediately forgot about Lu Meichen.

And Shen Nanxia stood up straight away, walked to Ling Wuyue and carried her to the dining table to sit down.

"This lovely child is..." Lu Meichen was really stunned when she saw Ling Wupin, she really never thought that Shen Nanxia would take Ling Wupin home!

And looking at Shen's father, Shen's mother and even Shen Nanxia's appearance, they should like this child very much!

When Lu Meichen asked such a question, Shen's father and Shen's mother really didn't know what to say.

It was Shen Nanxia who said directly, "This is my daughter."

Although the paternity test has not yet come out, Shen Nanxia is already very sure that Ling Wuyi is his daughter.

He didn't sleep all night last night, thinking about that night more than five years ago.

Later he remembered that the girl had a red birthmark shaped like an S on her lower abdomen.

So he called the nurse and asked the nurse to see if there was a birthmark on Li Ziyu's lower abdomen.

The nurse took a picture with her mobile phone and showed it to Shen Nanxia. The birthmark... was exactly the same as the one in memory!

So that's right, Ling Wuyue is his daughter!

Ling Wuwen looked up at Shen Nanxia in surprise, pretending to be ignorant: "Uncle Shen, what did you say?"

Shen Nanxia lowered his head and looked at Ling Wuwen, he said, "I am your father, and I will call you Dad in the future."

"But I haven't heard my mother talk about you!"

Shen Nanxia's explanation is: "That's because...your mother forgot."

Ling Wu looked at Lu Meichen from the corner of her eye, her expression was very ugly at this time.

I'm afraid even she didn't expect that she found someone to bump into Li Ziyu, but in the end, it made Shen Nanxia know that she had a daughter earlier!

What is it called now? It's not Lu Meichen who is talking about rice!

"That... Meichen..." Shen's father wanted to say something, but he was at a loss for words, so he looked at Shen's mother and signaled her to speak.

Shen's mother glared at Shen's father, then turned her head and said to Lu Meichen: "We didn't know that we had a child before. Look at you, you are still so young... I will call your parents and tell your parents later. The engagement is broken."

You can't, let someone be a stepmother, right?

After all, Lu Meichen is indeed very young, and there are many men who want to marry her!

How could Lu Meichen break off the engagement so easily? ! How many tricks did she use in order to get engaged to Shen Nanxia!

Now, she will never break off the engagement with Shen Nanxia just because of a child!

Lu Meichen quickly adjusted her emotions, and said with a smile, "Although I'm a little surprised, it doesn't matter... Nanxia's child is my child, and I will definitely treat it as my own!"

Lu Meichen was so decent and generous, which made Shen's father and Shen's mother feel that he owed her even more. At the same time, I am very satisfied with her understanding.

Even Shen Nanxia looked at Lu Meichen a few more times.

Ling Wuxi blinked her eyes, this move is not bad!

I just don't know, will Lu Meichen really treat her as her own?

"I think it's a bit confusing." Xia Lun couldn't help but froth.

Ling Wuyi ignored Xia Lun, but continued to act: "I'm going to the hospital to see my mother."

As she said that, Ling Wutian tugged at Shen Nanxia's sleeve with tears in her eyes.

Shen Nanxia didn't think much about it at all, she just nodded and agreed: "Wait until breakfast is finished."

"No, I'm going now!" Ling Wuting pouted, the tears in her eyes seemed to fall if Shen Nanxia dared to refuse her.

Seeing her daughter getting emotional for the first time, Shen Nanxia didn't dare to refuse, and directly hugged Ling Wuwen: "Okay, let's go now."

Saying that, Shen Nanxia didn't even wear a suit jacket, so she raised her feet and got ready to go out...

How could Lu Meichen want Shen Nanxia and Li Ziyu to have a chance to be alone, she followed with her bag: "I'll go with you!"

Ling Wuyi put her arms around Shen Nanxia's neck and looked back at Lu Meichen: "No, I don't want you to go!"

"Don't go." Shen Nanxia said, but her tone was milder.

Lu Meichen wanted to act as a well-educated and sensible fiancée, so of course she could only stand there and nod: "Okay, then I'll go next time."

When Shen Nanxia turned around, Lu Meichen looked at Ling Wuyue with dark eyes.

Because of this look in her eyes, Ling Wujin decided to remove the aura of heroine, so she removed it from Lu Meichen's head.

Anyway, the halo of heroine on Lu Meichen's head is not as bright as Li Ziyu's.

And Lu Meichen's eyes seemed to not only want Li Ziyu to die, but even the five-year-old...she didn't intend to let her go!


Shen Nanxia seemed to prefer to drive by herself, so she also drove Ling Wuyi to the hospital by herself.

Ling Wuxi sat in the back seat, was silent for a while, and then spoke to Shen Nanxia.

"Uncle Shen... are you really my father?"

Shen Nanxia nodded: "Yes, the paternity test will come out later." After finishing speaking, Shen Nanxia worried that Ling Wuyi didn't know what a paternity test was, and planned to explain it to her.

"A paternity test is..."

"I know what a paternity test means, but the paternity test hasn't come out yet, why are you sure I'm your daughter?"

"Because, I remember your mother..." birthmark.

"Then why haven't you come to see me and my mother for so many years? We have had a hard time abroad!"

"I'm sorry, at that time, I didn't know you were there." He checked Li Ziyu and knew how she brought her child here in the past few years.

If she had known about the existence of a child, Shen Nanxia would definitely not tolerate her child living a hard life outside!

"Well, I forgive you! But whether mother will forgive you, I don't know."

Shen Nanxia hummed, but did not speak again.

To be honest, Shen Nanxia was happy with the existence of the child.

But for Li Ziyu, he and she are really just strangers.

So in charge of something, the only thing Shen Nanxia thought of was to give Li Ziyu money, and then take over the custody of the child.

In fact, seeing Shen Nanxia's expression, Ling Wuyi knew what he was thinking.

But it's also understandable, when she brushes up favorability, doesn't she do it bit by bit!

How could Shen Nanxia fall in love with Li Ziyu immediately because Li Ziyu gave birth to a daughter for him? This is not scientific!

So take your time...

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