Anyway, Ling Wu is not in a hurry, she is young and has a lot of time!

Shen Nanxia's cell phone rang suddenly, Shen Nanxia glanced at the caller ID, and then turned on the hands-free function.

Before Shen Nanxia could speak, he spoke first: "Uncle Shen, have you taken Sister An Yi to the hospital?"

Shen Nanxia opened her mouth, but before she could speak, Ling Wu in the back seat had already unbuckled her seat belt and lay down on the back of the front seat: "Brother Bo An, good morning!"

"Good morning, Sister An Yi. I wanted to see Sister An Yi before going to school, but Grandma Shen said that you and Uncle Shen went to the hospital."

Over there, Qiao Bo'an's voice was as clean as ever, and when talking to Ling Wuyue, there was even a smile in his tone.

"Well, I'm going to the hospital to see my mother!" Ling Wuyi's voice was also very sweet when talking to Qiao Bai'an, making Shen Nanxia couldn't help but look at the phone twice more.

It seems... my daughter likes Qiao Bo'an much more than she likes her father!

Well, Shen Nanxia admitted that he was jealous!

"Cough~ Bo An, hang up the phone first, it's inconvenient to talk on the phone in the car."

Over there, Qiao Bo settled for a moment: "Okay, then sister An Yi, I will visit you after Brother Bo An comes home from school at night!"

"Okay! I'm waiting for you~"

"Bye bye sister An Yi~"

"Bye bye Boan~"

Hearing the beeping sound from over there, Ling Wuyi sat back in her seat consciously without Shen Nanxia's words, and fastened her seat belt.

While driving, Shen Nanxia looked at Ling Wu in the rearview mirror from time to time.

Ling Wuyi lowered her head and played with the doll on her small backpack, turning a blind eye to Shen Nanxia.

Shen Nanxia, ​​who didn't like to talk at first, felt that it would be more embarrassing not to talk when she was alone with Ling Wuwen.

"Well, An Yi, do you like Bo An very much?" Shen Nanxia asked.

Ling Wuxi replied without raising her head: "Yes, I like Brother Bo An very much."

Shen Nanxia asked again: "Who do you like more, Dad or Bo An?"

Hearing Shen Nanxia ask this question, Ling Wuyi finally raised her head: "Of course I like Brother Bo An more!"

Ling Wuxi's eyes were filled with: Are you stupid? Asking such an idiotic question.

Shen Nanxia's facial expression froze instantly, although there was no expression on his face...

"Pfft hahaha~ Little 55, your father is very upset!"

"Your father!" Ling Wuyue really wanted to give Xia Lun another look.


Finally arrived at the People's Hospital, Shen Nanxia planned to hug Ling Wuwen, but Ling Wuwen refused: "I'm already five years old, please don't hug me all the time, thank you!"

Shen Nanxia: "..." Why does he feel that his daughter can choke him to death with a word at any time?

Okay, don't hug, don't hug.

Shen Nanxia took Ling Wuwen's hand and went to Li Ziyu's ward on the fifth floor of the inpatient department.

At this time, Li Ziyu had already woken up.

When Shen Nanxia and Ling Wuwen entered the ward, Li Ziyu only saw his daughter in his eyes.


"Mom!" Ling Wuwen shook off Shen Nanxia's hand, and ran to the bedside.

She never thought that one day, she would call a twenty-three-year-old woman mother!

Moreover, it sounds so natural...

Li Ziyu was in good spirits, and reached out to caress Ling Wu's face: "Did Mom scare you?"

After waking up yesterday, Li Ziyu heard from the nurse that Ling Wuyi 'followed' her out last night, and then saw her being hit by a car.

Ling Wuxi nodded: "Yeah, I'm scared!"

"It's okay, mom was just hit by a car, she will be fine soon!" Li Ziyu quickly comforted Ling Wu.

"The doctor said, you need to recuperate for a while." Ling Wuxi said with a straight face.

Seeing that Li Ziyu was also choked, Shen Nanxia finally felt better.

He took a step forward and said to Li Ziyu, "Miss Li, I'm Shen Nanxia, ​​and I want to talk to you."

Shen Nanxia and Li Ziyu know, the president of the Shen Group! He was also the one who took in Ling Wuwen last night.

Li Ziyu smiled at Shen Nanxia: "Thank you, President, for taking my daughter in last night!"

Shen Nanxia raised her eyebrows, looking at Li Ziyu's appearance, it seemed that she didn't recognize him at all?

But Shen Nanxia had doubts about Li Ziyu.

It is suspected that the one-night stand at the beginning was Li Ziyu's deliberate calculation, just to give birth to his child.

In addition, she also applied for his secretary when she returned to China this time, and she deliberately approached him!

The more you think about it, the more likely it is a conspiracy.

But how could Shen Nanxia tolerate others plotting against him?

So Shen Nanxia proposed to talk to Li Ziyu.

Because on the way to the hospital, Shen Nanxia had already received the result of the paternity test.

It turned out that Li Anyi was indeed his biological daughter!

"You're welcome, Miss Li, I want to talk to you alone." Shen Nanxia said again that she wanted to talk to Li Ziyu.

Ling Wuwen, who was standing by the bed, nodded: "Okay then, I went out to have breakfast with the nurse sister, and you can talk alone."

With that said, Ling Wuyi turned around and handed her hand to the nurse's.

The nurse took a look at Shen Nanxia, ​​and after Shen Nanxia nodded, she took Ling Wuwen out of the ward——

The nurse took Ling Wuwen to have breakfast, and when she was going back, she bumped into Shen Nanxia who came out of the ward.

Shen Nanxia's face was not very good-looking, and when she saw Ling Wuwen, she picked her up and walked out without saying a word.

Ling Wuxi was a little taken aback, she seemed to hear Li Ziyu yelling, "Give me back my daughter" or something like that.

Patted Shen Nanxia on the shoulder: "Did you quarrel with my mother?"

Shen Nanxia shook her head: "No."

He just told Li Ziyu that she doesn't have to go to work in the company after she recovers. He will arrange for her a high-paying job in other places and give her a large amount of compensation.

Then...he wants to get back the custody of his daughter.

Li Ziyu never thought that her future boss would be her daughter's father! She would rather not work and not have money, and she would never give up the custody of her daughter to others!

"Put me down!" Ling Wuxi ordered Shen Nanxia with a straight face.

Shen Nanxia paused, but said, "It's time to go home."

"That's not my home, I heard my mother calling me! You put me down!"

Shen Nanxia didn't move or speak.

Ling Wuxi took a breath, and stared at Shen Nanxia: "If you don't let me down, I will tell others that you are a human trafficker!"

Shen Nanxia felt heartbroken, were other people's daughters so smart and articulate when they were five years old?

Sighing, Shen Nanxia had no choice but to let Ling Wu down.

As soon as Ling Wu's feet hit the ground, she ran towards the ward.

Before entering, I heard Li Ziyu's crying.

Pushing open the door and going in, Li Ziyu was stunned when she saw Ling Wuwen, and then got out of bed regardless of the nurse's stop.

She ran to Ling Wuwen and hugged Ling Wuwen tightly: "Baby~ Mom can't live without you!"

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