Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 967: The Steamed Bun That Was Taken Away (10)

Yes, for Li Ziyu, anyone can live without, but her daughter can't!

In fact, sometimes Ling Wuyi can't imagine, what kind of blow Li Anyi's death has brought to Li Ziyu in the plot that was not mentioned?

Ling Wuwen raised her hand and patted Li Ziyu's back: "Don't worry, I won't leave you. Go back to bed and lie down."

Li Ziyu nodded and let the nurse help her back to the hospital bed.

Ling Wuwen also climbed onto the hospital bed and sat down: "Mom, don't worry, I'm not going anywhere!"

Li Ziyu rubbed Ling Wu's hair: "Baby... your father..."

"I know that Uncle Shen is my father, but mother is the most important! If you don't want him, mother, then I don't want him either!"

Shen Nanxia, ​​who was standing at the door of the ward and was about to come in, suddenly didn't know whether she should go in or not when she heard Ling Wuyi's words.

After standing at the door for a long time, Shen Nanxia heard Li Ziyu say to Ling Wuying: "No matter what, he is your father, so you still have to recognize him. It's just mother and father..."

There is no affection between them, and they are not people of the same world.

So definitely not together!

Li Ziyu also knew that if her daughter returned to the Shen family, she would definitely receive the best education and life.

But she couldn't bear it!

"I'm sorry baby, mom is very selfish, mom really doesn't want to leave you!"

Shen Nanxia's mood was a little complicated and tangled, wondering if the conspiracy she was thinking really existed?

Sighing, Shen Nanxia took out her mobile phone and called Qiao Yu...

"What did you say?! Xiao Anyi is your daughter?! Anan, are you kidding me?"

Why did Ling Wuwen become an illegitimate daughter in one night? !

"The paternity test is out." So, it's true.

Qiao Yu didn't know what to say for a while, this turning point...is too big!

"I think Li Ziyu has a conspiracy." Shen Nanxia expressed her opinion on Li Ziyu.

Qiao Yu disagreed with this statement: "I don't think there is any conspiracy. I chatted with Li Ziyu. She has a good heart and taught her daughter very well."

"By the way, Anan, how did Xiao Anyi get here? As far as I know, Li Ziyu was not yet an adult when she was pregnant. Do you like the underage one?"

"After drinking." Qiao Yu had a lot of questions, and Shen Nanxia finally answered him with only two words.

"Tsk~ I didn't expect you! Shen Nanxia, ​​who is so strict and so abstinent... even has sex after drinking! How about now? Are you responsible for Li Ziyu? But you have a fiancee!"

"Give me the money and get custody." Shen Nanxia said.

"You... Li Ziyu cares about Xiao An Yi very much, how could she be willing to give Xiao An Yi to you!"

Although he didn't get along with Li Ziyu for long, Qiao Yu could tell that Li Ziyu cared about Li Anyi very much.

After all, mother and daughter have been dependent on each other for several years, how could they not care!

This is also Shen Nanxia's biggest headache.

"So I asked you to find a way." Shen Nanxia said.

Qiao Yu over there grinned: "Hehehe~ You are really flattering the little one!"

"Say." With one word, the impatience in Shen Nanxia's tone can be clearly heard.

"Let me tell you!... If you want me to tell you, you should get the approval of Li Ziyu's mother and daughter first! At least you have to let people know that you are a very qualified father and can take good care of little An Yi. Otherwise, who Do you trust me to hand over the child to you?"

"Anan, don't forget, you still have Lu Meichen!"

Qiao Yu has never liked that woman.

But... People can pretend, and they can please Shen's father and Shen's mother.

Shen Nanxia hummed, said: "I see." Then hung up the phone.

Qiao Yu, who still hadn't finished talking over there, was stunned for a while: "I'll go ~ hang up on me again! Shen Nanxia, ​​wait, next time you call to see if I still can't answer! Hmph——"


Shen Nanxia felt that Qiao Yu's words made sense. In order to get custody of his daughter, he should show weakness first.

Turning around and looking at the door of the ward, Shen Nanxia thought about it, opened the door and walked in.

When he went in, Li Ziyu communicated with Ling Wuwen in a foreign language.

Seeing Shen Nanxia coming in, Li Ziyu quickly put Ling Wu in his arms and looked at him defensively.

Shen Nanxia pursed her lips, not liking Li Ziyu looking at him like this.

He lifted his feet and walked to the bed, first glanced at Ling Wuwen, and then at Li Ziyu: "Sorry, I spoke too loudly just now."

Everyone has apologized, and Li Ziyu has no reason not to forgive: "It's okay, my attitude is not very good. But I want to make a statement, I will never give you my daughter!"

Shen Nanxia nodded: "It's understandable, you have been taking care of your daughter these few years."

"However, you will be hospitalized during this time, and I will take care of my daughter for the time being."

Li Ziyu was a little surprised by Shen Nanxia's easy talk.

Why is it different from just now...? !

But Li Ziyu is the kind of person who if you are hard, she will be hard, and if you are soft, she will be soft.

So Li Ziyu couldn't refuse Shen Nanxia's kind words.

"That's okay, the baby is very obedient and doesn't need much care. She can take a bath and eat by herself, and she is used to sleeping alone. You just need to ensure her three meals and give her some third-grade elementary school food when she is free. Show her the above textbooks. In addition..."

When it comes to her daughter, Li Ziyu's mouth can't stop.

From Li Anyi's living habits, to Li Anyi's hobbies and temper...

At first, Shen Nanxia stood and listened to Li Ziyu, but later she simply sat on a chair and listened patiently to Li Ziyu.

Sitting on the bed, Ling Wuwen looked at Li Ziyu and Shen Nanxia talking and listening, or asking questions and answering each other.

Suddenly, I felt that the two people in front of me were actually a good match.

Or... She is the matchmaker?

"Xiao Lunlun, don't wander off, watch Lu Meichen seriously!" She was really worried that Lu Meichen would play some tricks.

Now that Lu Meichen still has the halo of the protagonist on her head, Ling Wuyi can't kill her directly.

"Understood, stare very carefully, absolutely no mistakes!"

"Should I believe you?" Ling Wuxi expressed doubts.

Xia Lun (Lai) shrugged helplessly: "Do you think you have a choice?"

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Shen Nanxia stayed in the hospital all the time and listened to Li Ziyu tell him about Li Anyi's childhood. When he was excited, Li Ziyu would show him photos of Li Anyi on his phone.

Ling Wu can see that Shen Nanxia likes Li Anyi's daughter very much.

So he listened carefully to every word Li Ziyu said.

When talking about Li Anyi's childhood, Ling Wuyi clearly saw the annoyance in Shen Nanxia's eyes.

Maybe, it's because she was annoyed that her daughter didn't have her own father in her growing life before she was five years old!


After repaying what was owed last month, the monthly ticket will be added tomorrow!

Two chapters will be added tomorrow, which is the addition of two chapters to the 100th monthly pass!

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