Originally, Shen Nanxia was going to the company, but because of what Li Ziyu said, he didn't even go to the company.

Even the meeting was postponed until the afternoon.

After staying in the hospital all morning, she didn't take Ling Wuwen away until mother Shen called at noon to ask Shen Nanxia to take Ling Wuwen back for lunch.

This time Shen Nanxia took Ling Wuwen away again, Li Ziyu was much more at ease than before.

Because she can also see that Shen Nanxia really loves her daughter...

After returning to Shen's house for lunch, Ling Wuwen went back to her room to take a nap.

Shen Nanxia discussed with Shen's father and Shen's mother for a long time, and the final discussion was that if Li Ziyu is really a kind girl, then it's not impossible to act according to Qiao Yu's suggestion first.

Of course, in Shen's father and Shen's mother's heart, she also had a little doubt about Li Ziyu.

Just as Shen Nanxia suspected, she felt that Li Ziyu's birth of a child was premeditated.

Premeditated what? Not just money! And the position of the young mistress of the Shen family!

That's right, anyone would have doubts about it.

Otherwise, how could she be pregnant at the age of seventeen, but have the courage to give birth to the child and take care of it alone?

In fact, Ling Wuwen also admired Li Ziyu's courage.

What if the child's father is crooked or has some family genetic disease?

So this is fiction!


Ling Wuyi got up after waking up, and just as she went downstairs, she heard the servant saying that Qiao Bai'an was here.

Ling Wuyue hurriedly ran downstairs and ran to the gate.

Qiao Bo'an should have come right after school, with a backpack on his shoulder, and a school uniform with a white shirt and blue trousers.

Seeing Ling Wupi, Qiao Boan handed her backpack to the servant, then trotted up to Ling Wupi and picked her up.

"Does sister An Yi miss her brother?"

Ling Wuyi put her arms around Qiao Bo'an's neck, tilted her head and smiled at him: "Brother Bo'an misses me?"

Qiao Bo'an nodded: "Think about it!" Because he was worried that Ling Wuyi would not get used to being in Shen's house, Qiao Bo'an simply asked for leave and came back early.

"How is it? Is sister An Yi still used to living here? How about going to Brother Bo An's house tonight?"

"Okay!" Ling Wuyi nodded quickly.

She wished she could spend more time with Qiao Bai'an!

As a result, as soon as Ling Wuxi finished speaking, Shen Nanxia's voice came from behind: "No."

Qiao Bo'an turned around holding Ling Wuwen, and nodded politely to Shen Nanxia: "Hello, Uncle Shen."

"Bo An, did you leave school early?" Shen Nanxia looked at Qiao Bo'an.

Qiao Bo'an was used to Uncle Shen's indifference, so he didn't mind. He still smiled: "Yes, I came back early because I was worried about Sister Anyi."

Shen Nanxia let out a "hmm", walked up to Qiao Bo'an and stretched out her hand to hug Ling Wuying...

What Ling Wuyi hates the most is being hugged like a toy doll!

Qiao Bai'an is different, he is Xi Ziqiu's body!

After finally being able to get along with Qiao Bo'an, Ling Wuyue refused to let Shen Nanxia hug her!

Ling Wuyi tightly hugged Qiao Bo'an's neck, pouted and glared at Shen Nanxia: "I'm going to Brother Bo'an's house!"

Shen Nanxia froze for a moment, and said, "You have to stay at home."

"Then I'll go back to the hospital to accompany my mother!" Ling Wuyi did not compromise, and was about to confront Shen Nanxia.

Originally, she was 'just' a five-year-old child, so it's normal to lose her temper!

"An Yi, are you disobedient?" Shen Nanxia lost her temper with a child for the first time, feeling inexplicably irritable.

That's why the tone subconsciously cooled down.

Ling Wuxi's eyes turned red immediately, and then burst into tears.

Now Shen Nanxia panicked, he wanted to hug Ling Wuwen, but Ling Wuwen still hugged Qiao Bo'an's neck tightly and did not let go.

Seeing Ling Wumi crying, Qiao Bo'an also panicked, so he quickly coaxed her.

Shen's father and Shen's mother in the living room also heard Ling Wu's crying, and hurried out.

"What's the matter? Why is Xiao Anyi crying?"

Ling Wuwen didn't speak, but just cried on Qiao Bai'an's shoulder.

Those tears fell down big and big, which made Shen's father and Shen's mother feel so distressed!

"Grandpa Shen, Grandma Shen, sister An Yi, she wants to stay at my house tonight, but Uncle Shen refuses..."

Before Qiao Bo'an finished speaking, Shen's father spoke first: "Go, go! Xiao Anyi, stop crying, grandpa allows you to stay at Boyan's house tonight!"

"Really?" Ling Wuwen looked at Father Shen with tears in her eyes.

"Of course, grandpa doesn't lie!" Father Shen said while wiping the tears off Ling Wu's face in distress.

Ling Wuqin pursed her lips: "But Dad said no."

"It's okay, grandpa has the final say!" After speaking, Father Shen gave Shen Nanxia a very serious look.

Ling Wuwen then grinned: "Thank you grandpa! Grandpa is so kind!"

"Okay, let's all go in." Mother Shen patted Qiao Bo'an on the back, signaling him to go in with Ling Wu in his arms.

Qiao Bo'an should have been surprised by Ling Wu's address to Shen Nanxia just now, but he didn't recover for a while.

It wasn't until Shen's mother called his name that Qiao Bo'an went in with Ling Wu in his arms.

Sitting on the sofa, Ling Wuwen kept holding Qiao Bo'an's hand and talking to him, ignoring others at all.

During dinner, Qiao Bo'an was left to have dinner. Originally, Shen's father and Shen's mother thought that the child would be forgetful, and maybe later Ling Wuyi would forget about her arguing to go to Qiao's house in the afternoon.

But unexpectedly, as soon as dinner was over, Ling Wuyi took Qiao Bo'an upstairs, saying that she wanted to bring a change of clothes.

Shen's father and Shen's mother saw that there was nothing they could do.

Sighing, Father Shen was a little puzzled: "Why does this little An Yi like Boyan so much?"

As soon as Qiao Bo'an came, Ling Wuwen only focused on talking to him.

Shen Nanxia didn't speak, because he remembered that he asked Ling Wuwen in the morning if he liked Qiao Bai'an more or liked him more than him, Ling Wuwen's answer and that look in his eyes...

Shen's mother seemed to think of something, with a smile on her face, which made Shen's father even more puzzled: "The granddaughter is going to run away with others, are you still laughing?!"

"I can't run away! Maybe I can bring a grandson-in-law back!" Mother Shen said with a smile.

Shen's father and Shen Nanxia both looked at Shen's mother, and soon, they also thought of what Shen's mother thought of.

Yes, Qiaoboan!

Qiao Bo'an is thirteen years old this year. Although he is a bit older than Ling Wu, he knows how to take care of others!

Can't you see it now, Qiao Bo'an is really good at taking care of Ling Wu.

The Qiao family's financial resources and power are on par with the Shen family's. In terms of being well-matched, this is the real well-matched family!

They are family friends, if the Qiao family can really get married with the Shen family, that would be great!

For a while, the three people who were not very happy about Ling Wuwen going to live in Qiao's house were quite happy.

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