So Ling Wuxi hopes that whether it is Shen Nanxia and Li Ziyu or Li Ziyu, they will be very happy——

After the wedding witnessing is over, the wedding feast begins.

Shen's father and Shen's mother brought Ling Wu to Qiao Yu and Qiao Bo'an. It was rare that Qiao Yu's wife and Qiao Bo'an's mother also came to the wedding this time.

Qiao Boan's mother is a very cheerful woman, she exudes a kind of vitality from top to bottom.

Ling Wuwen greeted Qiao Yu and Qiao Bo'an's mother with a decent smile, and then looked at Qiao Bo'an.

She still looked at him with the eyes of a stranger, as if she really didn't recognize Qiao Bai'an.

It was Shen's mother who was on the side and said, "An Yi, this is your brother Bo An, don't you remember? When you were young, you liked to follow your brother Bo An very much!"

Up to now, Shen's father and Shen's mother still hope that Ling Wuyi and Qiao Bo'an can be together, and Shen Qiao's family can get married.

Hearing what Shen's mother said, Ling Wuyi seemed to suddenly realize and remembered: "So it's Brother Bo An, long time no see."

The curvature of the corners of Ling Wuyi's mouth did not deepen, it was still a polite and distant smile, and it didn't change because the other party was Qiao Bo'an.

Qiao Bo'an was even more sad, sad that Ling Wuyi was still so alienated after knowing him.

Five years ago, she even said that she would not be able to sleep without him...

After saying hello, the old man wanted to give Ling Wuyi and Qiao Baian a chance to spend time alone, so he asked Qiao Baian to invite Ling Wuwen to dance.

Just as Qiao Bo'an was about to invite, Ling Wuyue took a step back: "Sorry, my feet are sore today and I don't want to dance."

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuwen turned her head and told Shen's father and mother that she wanted to sit next to her.

Mother Shen didn't miss any chance, and asked Qiao Bo'an to accompany Ling Wuyi to sit for a while.

Ling Wuxi didn't speak this time, and went to sit down on the sofa in the corner next to her.

As soon as Ling Wuyi sat down, she took out her mobile phone to play. She lowered her head, neither looking at Qiao Bo'an nor talking to Qiao Bo'an.

Qiao Bai'an, who was sitting next to Ling Wuyi, looked at Ling Wuyi's side face, and obviously had a lot to say to her.

But Ling Wuyi's indifference and alienation made Qiao Bo'an suddenly not know how to speak.

The two of them remained silent for a long, long time...

Long time, the banquet is over!

As soon as the banquet was over, Ling Wujin bid farewell to Shen's father, Shen's mother and Shen Nanxia and prepared to leave.

Qiao Bai'an finally spoke, and said: "An Yi, let me take you back."

Ling Wuyi turned her head, looked at the rare Qiao Baian who was a little embarrassed, and smiled: "Thank you, no need, my driver will come to pick me up."

Qiao Bo'an looked at the back of Ling Wu's leaving, very annoyed.

Why is everything different from what he expected?

After leaving five years ago, Qiao Bo'an admitted that besides wanting to further his education, he didn't know how to deal with Ling Wu.

He believes that as long as he leaves, Ling Wuyi, who is only a teenager, will definitely forget the love he just had for him.

But unexpectedly, not only did Ling Wuyi successfully forget, but he also forgot him!

Qiao Bo'an walked out very disappointed, and walked to the hotel gate, only to find that Ling Wuyi was still standing outside and did not leave.

After thinking about it for a while, Qiao Bo'an mustered up the courage to approach Ling Wuyi again: "An Yi, is your driver here yet?"

Ling Wuyi glanced at him, and hummed lightly.

"Then, or I'll see you off, my car is right next to you."

After finishing speaking, Qiao Bo'an anxiously waited for Ling Wuyi's answer.

Ling Wuyi 'considered' for a while, and then nodded reluctantly: "That's fine."

Finally getting Ling Wuyi's nod, Qiao Bai'an seemed very happy: "Wait a minute, I'll drive right away."

Ling Wuxi nodded and stood there without moving.

Qiao Bo'an drove the car over, got out of the car and opened the door for Ling Wuyi.

He opened the co-pilot's door, but Ling Wuyi opened the rear door and got up.

Qiao Bo'an touched his nose to hide his embarrassment.

"Little 55, I am so embarrassed that I have committed cancer, how long are you going to punish Qiao Bo'an?" Xia Lun couldn't help asking Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuyi pursed her lips and snorted, "Wait until I'm happy~"

The favorability suddenly rose to ninety, but in fact Ling Wu was not angry anymore.

But Qiao Bai'an can't just be so cheap!

It's been five years since he left, yet he still hasn't contacted her!

Want to get forgiven easily? Not even a window!

Qiao Boan drove very steadily, very...slowly.

He wanted to spend more time with Ling Wuwen, and wanted to... at least find something to talk about.

The girl sitting in the car liked to cling to him as much as before, but he came back after leaving for a few years...

That girl has changed from a playful and lovely little girl to a slim and very beautiful big girl.

Not only that, this girl is not just cold to others.

To him, who used to put his arms around his neck and call him brother Bo An... was also very cold.

Heart... cese's.

Qiao Bo'an glanced at the rearview mirror from time to time, and saw Ling Wuyi keeping her head down from the inside.

He opened his mouth a few times to speak but stopped, Qiao Bo'an was afraid that Ling Wu's catkin would block him and make him unable to speak.

No matter how slow the car drives, it will still arrive at the destination.

Parking the car outside the main house of the Gu family, Qiao Bo'an wondered if Ling Wuyi would invite him in for a sit...

As a result, Ling Wuwen said to him very politely: "Thank you for sending me back, Brother Bo An."

In the end, the four words of brother Bo'an made Qiao Bo'an hear his own heartbroken voice.

In the past, the four words "Ling Wu Ning" were always sweet, but after five years, I heard them again... but it seems to be just a simple name without any special meaning.

"You're welcome." Qiao Bo'an murmured three words in a low voice.

Ling Wuxi paused as she walked towards the main house of the Gu family, restraining her urge to look back, took a deep breath and continued walking.

Sure enough, abuse was helpful, and the favorability increased by two points, reaching ninety-two points.

It seems that what she did before was not useless. Qiao Boan didn't just regard her as a younger sister, he just didn't realize that feeling.

Very well, although she has been away for five years, her favorability is still within her expectations.

What Ling Wuyi has to do now, of course, is to wait for Qiao Baian to come to her and take the initiative to explain the reason why she wanted to go abroad in the first place——

It's a pity that after Shen Nanxia's wedding, Qiao Bo'an has been very busy with work, so he didn't have time to come to Ling Wuwen at all.

Since Qiao Bo'an doesn't have time to look for her, then she will take the initiative to find Qiao Bo'an~

It's just how to find a way, you need to think about it.

——One night in a certain bar, Ling Wuwen entered a certain bar wearing a light gold light V-wrapped hip skirt, with big wavy black hair, and high heels.

The music in the bar is very loud, very... Anyway, Ling Wuyi really doesn't like this kind of noisy environment.

If Qiao Bai'an hadn't been here, Ling Wuyue wouldn't have come!

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