Ling Wuxi sat at the bar, ordered a cocktail and sat there sipping it slowly, asking Xia Lun Qiaobo'an's whereabouts.

Xia Lun said, "Come out, go this way!"

Ling Wuwen looked in the direction Xia Lun pointed, just in time to see Qiao Bo'an, who had finished talking with his business partner, walking towards her.

Just at this time, someone coincidentally came over to strike up a conversation with Ling Wuyi.

"Is the beauty alone? Are you interested in playing together?" The other party looks good, but the eyes are too disgusting.

Before Ling Wuyi could speak, Qiao Boan, who recognized her just by seeing her back, walked over quickly, and then stood in front of Ling Wuwen.

Because the other party just wanted to stretch out his hand to pull the catkin, Qiao Bo'an broke the man's wrist: "Get lost!" Qiao Bo'an scolded in a low voice.

His aura was so fierce that the other party was so frightened that he clutched his wrist and ran away.

Qiao Bo'an turned around and looked Ling Wuyi up and down: "Are you okay?"

Ling Wuxi held the wine glass in one hand, and looked at him with blurred eyes while resting her chin in the other hand.

He chuckled lightly, inexplicably: "I think that person is pretty good, why did you drive him away?"

Qiao Bo'an was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Ling Wuyi to say such a thing when she opened her mouth.

good? ! Such a wretched man is not bad? !

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but Ling Wuxi drank the wine in one gulp, then got up and left.

Qiao Bo'an was worried, and kept following Ling Wuyue.

It wasn't until he left the bar that Ling Wuwen turned around and looked at Qiao Bai'an impatiently: "What are you following me for?!"

"I...I don't trust you." Qiao Bo'an said.

Ling Wuqian snorted and laughed, and suddenly approached Qiao Bo'an, and stretched out his hand to grab his collar.

Qiao Boan's collar was pulled, and he had to bend down.

Ling Wuwen slightly stood on tiptoe, worried that Ling Wuwen would fall down, Qiao Boan put his arms around Ling Wuwen's waist.

The distance between the two of them is getting closer, and there is only a slight distance between their lips... As long as Ling Wuyi tiptoes again, or Qiao Bai'an lowers his head again, they can kiss each other.

Ling Wuwen didn't seem to notice anything, but Qiao Bo'an swallowed, and his ears turned red.

The rapid beating sound of the heart seems to be clearly audible.

"An Yi..."

Qiao Bo'an was at a loss, he didn't know whether he should push Ling Wuwen away, or let Ling Wuwen take him away.

"Qiao Bai'an!" Ling Wuwen called Qiao Bai'an's full name with the taste of a cocktail.

Qiao Bo'an was stunned: "Well, I'm here."

"What did you just say? Say, you don't trust me?" Ling Wuwen asked.

"Yes, I don't worry about you." Qiao Bo'an nodded.

Ling Wuwen snorted and laughed, which seemed to be ironic.

She placed both hands on Qiao Bo'an's chest, and with a push, she withdrew from Qiao Bo'an's arms.

She pointed at Qiao Bo'an's nose: "If you were really worried about me, you wouldn't have left for five years and never contacted me or asked me how I was doing!"

"Now, you don't need to be hypocritical."

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuyi turned around and got into her convertible sports car parked by the side of the road.

Qiao Bo'an was taken aback by what Ling Wuting said just now, before he could react, Ling Wuting had already left in a racing car.

Qiao Bo'an was startled, and hurriedly drove his own car to chase after him.

Ling Wuyi raced all the way, Qiao Bo'an was afraid that something would happen to her, so she drank after all...

In fact, although Ling Wuyi drank alcohol, her brain was very clear.

Her driving skills are still very good, so there is no problem at all.

But after all, in Qiao Baian's eyes, Ling Wuwen was only eighteen years old, so how could she rest assured that she was racing!

Ling Wuxi drove to the beach, and then leaned on the driver's seat to sleep.

When Qiao Boan caught up with Ling Wuwen, he saw Ling Wuwen leaning there.

She stretched out her hand and pushed Ling Wuwen: "An Yi wake up, it's too cold here, don't sleep here."

Ling Wuyi frowned and patted Qiao Bo'an's hand away: "Annoying!"

Qiao Bo'an sighed, bent over to get closer to Ling Wuwen, and said softly, "An Yi, be good~ Don't sleep here."

Ling Wu's eyelashes trembled, she opened her eyes and looked at Qiao Bo'an: "Qiao Bo'an, I'm not young anymore, don't think of me as Gu Anyi from five years ago."

"Yes, I see, it's too late, I'll take you back..."

"I have a car, why would you give it away! Even the sea breeze is annoying, it's a disappointment!" Ling Wuxi was very impatient, and simply started the car and left.

Still racing, Qiao Bo'an looked at the car that disappeared in a blink, sighed, and hurriedly got into his own car to chase after it.

Following along the way, seeing Ling Wuyi drive the car into the garage of the Gu family's main house with his own eyes, Qiao Bo'an was relieved to leave.

Qiao Bai'an who returned home did not feel sleepy at all, even though it was already two o'clock in the morning.

Ling Wuyi's words kept coming to mind, she said: "If you really don't trust me, you won't leave for five years without contacting me or asking me if I'm doing well!"

For the past five's not that he didn't want to contact Ling Wuyi.

In the first year or two, he endured not allowing himself to contact Ling Wuwen, hoping to give her time to forget him.

In the next year or two, I thought that since I wanted Ling Wuyi to forget him, then I should not contact her and let her think of him.

In the next year, because of work, he was so busy that he sometimes wanted to contact Ling Wuwen when he was free, and because of jet lag, he was worried that Ling Wuwen had already rested.

So for five years, without knowing it, there was no contact with Ling Wuyue.

Judging from Ling Wuyi's words, she didn't forget him, but was angry with him.

Yes, you should be angry.

Qiao Bo'an raised his hand to cover his heart. At the beginning, because he thought Ling Wu was too small, he simply treated her as his younger sister and avoided her.

But until he came back this time and saw Ling Wuwen, the throbbing from his heart was too obvious.

It was so obvious that he...wouldn't mind ignoring it!

Now think about it carefully, why did he treat Ling Wuwen simply as his younger sister?

Regret it, regret it now.

He shouldn't have left five years ago, he should have guarded Lingwu, and watched her grow up slowly!

But it's useless to regret, Ling Wuwen was already angry with him, and she was so angry that she didn't want to talk to him anymore, and she was so angry that she didn't even call Bo An's brother.

Do you want to give up? Qiaoboan asked himself.

no! Can not give up!

Thinking that one day Ling Wuyi would put on her wedding dress and walk into the wedding hall with others, while he was just a guest in the audience...

If that day really comes, he will definitely go crazy!

That night, Qiao Bo'an thought for a long time and stayed up all night——

Ling Wuwen slept quite well, but when she woke up the next morning, she realized that her favorability had risen to ninety-six points.

Not bad~ Faster than expected!

"Since the favorability is so high, then little 55, don't you..."

"What do you know!" Ling Wuwen interrupted Xia Lun with a very contemptuous tone.

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