Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 991 The Peach Tree Spirit in the End Times (3)

Ling Wuyi turned around to look, and the first thing she saw were five men wearing black short-sleeved Ts and camouflage military pants.

The five men all wore cropped hair, holding guns in their hands and pointing them at fatal points such as Ling Wu's head or heart. It seemed that as long as Ling Wuxi acted rashly, they would pull the trigger.

Those sharp and firm eyes should have been soldiers before the end of the world.

These five soldier brothers are thunder-type abilities, wind-type abilities, earth-type abilities, water-type abilities, and gold-type abilities.

The ranks of the five people are miraculously the same, they are all seventh ranks.

It is the highest-level supernatural being that Ling Wuyi has seen in the past few months since she came to this world...

Oh no, she just ignored that there was a boy next to them wearing a hip-hop suit, with gray-purple hair and a lollipop in his mouth.

The boy's facial features are very delicate, so delicate that if he wears women's clothing, others will definitely not regard him as a man!

His skin is too fair, and in this apocalyptic world, among these five iron-blooded brothers, he looks very... a bitch.

However, the sissy was quite beyond Ling Wu's expectation, she turned out to be a mutant fire-type power user, rank eight!

"Wow~ You look really good!" The one who spoke was the sissy. Although his voice is not girly...

Apparently, it's also a sissy who said she was a human or a ghost just now.

Those five soldiers still didn't speak, their movements, or even their eyes didn't change!

Ling Wuyi raised her eyebrows, crossed her arms and looked at the girl, "I know I look good, I don't need you to remind me!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuwen turned around and prepared to leave.

In the end, the sissy ran up to Ling Wuyue very quickly and stopped her.

Sure enough, the eighth-level power user is different, the speed is so fast that it is only a blink of an eye.

Ling Wuwen looked at Niangpao and didn't move.

It is mentioned in memory that after transforming into a human form, the ability will decrease a little.

That is to say, Ling Wu's spiritual system can be counted as tenth order in tree form, but after transforming into human form... it is only about sixth order!

It was only then that Ling Wuxi knew that the so-called explosive force value did not include magic, immortality, and supernatural powers.

At present, there is a two-level gap between her and this bitch, so she can't act rashly.

"Why?!" Ling Wu asked.

The sissy didn't speak immediately, but turned the lollipop stick with one hand while looking up and down at the catkin, and especially stayed on her proud chest for a few seconds.

"Tsk tsk tsk~ It's been a few years since the end of the world, and the flowers have turned into mud. It's so rare, so rare~ I actually met a flower~" The girl shook her head with a sigh, and the surprise in her eyes was not hidden at all.

"Hey, little girl, are you willing to follow my brother? If you follow my brother, my brother will guarantee that you will be popular and hot!"

Ling Wuyi pursed her lips and sneered: "Brother bitch, how old are you? Call yourself brother to me?"

"Brother sissy?! You, you...you call me Shang Yulie sissy?!"

Shang Yulie's eyes widened, his face flushed because of Ling Wu's name, he should be angry.

Ling Wuwen tilted her head: "Yes, I called you a sissy, Shang sissy."

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuwen walked directly past Shang Yulie.

Ling Wuwen could tell that the five soldiers were listening to that sissy Shang Yulie.

If Shang Yulie didn't let him shoot, the five soldiers wouldn't shoot.

Even if he shoots, he is not afraid, at worst, he will return to his original form and eliminate all these people. By the way... there are still a few more high-level crystal nuclei to absorb!

Seeing Ling Wuwen go away, Shang Yulie stomped his feet and followed.

He followed Ling Wuwen, stared at Ling Wuwen with those big eyes with super long and thick eyelashes, and kept repeating: "My name is Shang Yulie! I am nineteen years old!"

"My name is Shang Yulie! I am nineteen years old!"

"My name is……"

"Shut up!" Ling Wu, who couldn't take it anymore, couldn't help scolding Shang Yulie.

The level of this person's ability was raised, right? Actually incapable, right?

Ma Dan! How can there be such an annoying person? !

Shang Yulie shrank his neck, and said with a pitiful flat mouth: "Then don't call me a sissy, I don't like people calling me a sissy the most."

Ling Wuxi closed her eyes and took a deep breath, and then exhaled again: "Okay, okay, I won't call you a sissy anymore! Is that okay?" Shang sissy!

Shang Yulie nodded, raised his lips and smiled: "Then what's your name?"

Ling Wuxi didn't answer, and went into a sports clothing store, and then found a travel backpack to pack several sets of clothing and sports shoes.

Shang Yulie kept asking Ling Wuwen's name repeatedly, and when Ling Wuwen was asked, he was so annoyed that he blurted out: "Ling Wuwen!"

After the name was said, Shang Yulie became much quieter.

Ling Wuyi quickly packed the things she needed, and wanted to leave the pedestrian street quickly, please come to this Shang Yulie who is more annoying than Xia Lun!

However, after the name was announced, Shang Yulie began to ask Ling Wuwen's age again.

This time Ling Wuwen didn't want to pay attention to Shang Yulie even if he was beaten to death, no matter how many times he repeated the question!

Leaving the pedestrian street, I encountered many zombies along the way.

In fact, Ling Wu's mental power has been suppressing those low-level zombies, and the zombies will not do anything to her at all.

But those five soldiers are too powerful, and Ling Wuyi doesn't need to use his mental power at all.

After leaving the pedestrian street, Ling Wuwen stood in the place where she had lived for several months.

"Fuck! Is there a meteorite falling here? Why is there such a big pit?"

Ling Wuwen ignored Shang Yulie and just looked at the big hole.

This pit was left because of her departure.

The original shape of Fei Tao is not small, and the hole left is certainly not small.

Now that the human form he has been longing for has been transformed, then it is time to find Xi Ziqiu.

But the world is big, where is she going to find Xi Ziqiu?


Shang Yulie is also really weird, even Ling Wuyi pretends that he doesn't exist anymore, but he can still talk non-stop in her ear.

Ling Wuxi didn't tell him his age, so he just kept guessing by himself.

"I think you seem to be younger than me, you must be eighteen years old! Or... seventeen years old!... Or, you are the same age as me, but younger than me by a few months!"

Ling Wuwen: "..." I really want to, I really want to take out the crystal nucleus of the person next to me and eat it!

Feeling that it would be wrong to stay an extra minute, Ling Wuwen hurried to the parking lot.

Before leaving, Ling Wuwen said to Shang Yulie: "Don't follow me, or I will kill you!"

Shang Yulie blinked, trotted and followed Ling Wuwen: "You killed me? But your rank is two ranks lower than mine! And... I have five more people than you."

Ling Wuyi stopped in her tracks and turned to look at Shang Yulie, who had a playful smile, and suddenly realized that she had underestimated him.

Shang Yulie was laughing and laughing on the surface, he seemed like a simple boy with no intentions.

But thinking about what he said just now, you know that he is not a simple boy!


Chapter Six! The update is complete!

Although it is no longer the 14th, it is still an update on the 14th!

Two chapters will still be added on the 15th, and the 500th monthly ticket will be updated!

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