Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 992 The Peach Tree Spirit in the End Times (4)

"What do you want?" Ling Wuwen looked at Shang Yulie coldly, and his heart was already on guard.

Shang Yulie chuckled, and rolled his tongue against the lollipop in his mouth: "Hey~ come with us?"

It turned out that for a long time, this Shang Niangpao wanted her to go with them?

"Sorry, I'm used to being alone." After finishing speaking, Ling Wuyi walked away.

This time, Shang Yulie directly grabbed Ling Wuwen's wrist, still smiling: "Oh~ If you are used to one person, you can also get used to a group of people!"

Ling Wuxi stiffened her body, she didn't refuse immediately, and she didn't make any movements.

After pausing for about a minute, Ling Wuwen took a deep breath and shook off Shang Yulie's hand.

"Why do you want me to go with you?" Ling Wuwen asked him.

Shang Yulie blinked his eyes and tilted his head to look at Ling Wuwen: "It's very simple~ You are a psychic power user! Although there are psychic power users in my team, they are not as powerful as you...you can control zombies .”

So, has she been seen through?

Sure enough, Xi Ziqiu's body has never been ordinary!

But... Ling Wuyi tilted her head to look at the five soldiers who had been following behind him obediently: "Do you have anyone else?" She asked Shang Yulie.

Shang Yulie nodded: "Yes, they are looking for supplies."

"You can let me be with you, I don't take orders from anyone. So, don't try to order me." Ling Wuwen said coldly.

She looked at Shang Yulie, but she didn't change her attitude and become enthusiastic just because he was Xi Ziqiu's host.

"That's okay!" Shang Yulie nodded in agreement.

Ling Wuxi pursed her lips, did not speak, but walked towards the parking lot.

She stopped in front of the RV in the parking lot, opened the driver's door and got in.

Shang Yulie took the seat of the co-pilot, and the others stood outside the car, not knowing whether to get on or what to do, waiting for Shang Yulie to give orders.

Shang Yulie opened the car window, chewed a lollipop and said, "Go and drive the car over here."

"Yes!" The leading soldier brother responded, and ran towards the pedestrian street with the other four soldier brothers.

Ling Wuxi sat in the driver's seat and didn't speak, just closed her eyes with a cold face and rested her mind.

This RV is the one of the first batch of crystal cores of supernatural beings that Ling Wuyi absorbed. In the past few months, she would put branches into the car every day to start the car, and then found oil tanks to fill the leftovers in other cars. Put the oil in the car.

She had been planning to transform into a human form long ago, so she drove this RV to find Xi Ziqiu.

It's fine now, as soon as he transformed into a human form, Xi Ziqiu's body automatically appeared.

I have searched the memory of Jizhi Feitao, and I have never seen Shang Yulie in my memory.

It was really her luck that she met Xi Ziqiu's body as soon as she transformed into a human form.

Although the favorability is only as low as five points now, Shang Yulie himself invited her to accompany her.

Although, Shang Yulie should really be interested in her ability...

"Hey, where did you pass through this city K? Do you have somewhere to go? Do you have any family?"

From getting in the car to now, even though Ling Wuwen had closed his eyes, this Shang Yulie didn't stop talking.

Under normal circumstances, Ling Wuwen would only answer him after Shang Yulie asked her repeatedly more than two times.

The image of Gao Leng has been shaped, and Ling Wuyi can only carry Gao Leng to the end.

But to be honest, she admired Shang Yulie very much for being able to maintain "enthusiasm" and "check account" when she was so indifferent to answering.

Not long after, I heard the sound of a car approaching.

Ling Wuxi opened her eyes and turned her head to look out the car window, and saw a military green modified off-road vehicle approaching.

Shang Yulie asked Brother Bing to lead the way, and Ling Wuyi drove behind to join Shang Yulie's other teammates——

There are only five other teammates of Shang Yulie, plus five soldiers and himself, there are eleven people.

However, these eleven people are all supernatural beings with extraordinary abilities, and they are all supernatural beings of the sixth or seventh order.

The psychic ability user teammate Shang Yulie mentioned is a seventh-order psychic ability user, which is higher than Ling Wu's ability after transforming into a human form.

But it just looks taller. If he really fights, his mental strength is definitely not as strong as Ling Wuyi.

This is also the reason why Shang Yulie insisted on pestering Ling Wuwen and let her be with them.

With one more teammate, Shang Yulie's teammates seem to be very enthusiastic, except for a water-type supernatural being.

The water-type power user is a very young woman with good looks. It seems that she likes Shang Yulie, so she is full of hostility towards the Lingwu catkin brought back by Shang Yulie.

Ling Wuwen has always maintained a state of indifference and aloofness. She said that if she doesn't take orders from anyone, she doesn't take orders from anyone.

The group planned to spend the night in City K before leaving, so they found a small hotel that was fairly clean, and after checking that there were no zombies, they each found a room to stay in.

At night, the water-type female supernatural being named Xu Zhuojia was in charge of cooking food in the hotel lobby, while everyone else sat on the sofa and chatted.

Ling Wuwen was sitting on the single sofa, and Shang Yulie was sitting on the armrest of her sofa, looking very close to her, which attracted Xu Zhuojia to look at her side several times.

Shang Yulie's team is full of young people in their twenties, smiling and making trouble, they all look energetic.

One of them, dressed like a good student, a boy named Chen Ming pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose and said suddenly: "It's really strange, except for some low-level zombies, this city K doesn't even have a third-level zombie!"

As for Chen Ming and Ling Wuwen, who introduced themselves: Before the end of the world, they were senior students, planning to continue their graduate studies, but the end of the world came.

As soon as Chen Ming finished speaking, someone responded immediately: "Yes, and those zombies are like idiots, they don't know how to bite us when they see us."

The one who should be with Chen Ming is one of the soldiers named Kuang Yu who was with Shang Yulie during the day.

When Wu Wu pointed a gun at Ling Wuwen at the beginning, he was so cold and handsome!

As a result, after knowing that Ling Wuyi was not a threat, they were all smiling, and they seemed very easy to get along with.

The introductions of the five soldiers are particularly concise: before the end of the world, they were soldiers.

Ling Wuyi didn't plan to get to know those people, so she just listened to them when they introduced her.

But when people asked where Ling Wuwen came from, Ling Wuwen really didn't know how to answer this question.

After thinking for a long time, Ling Wuwen said that he is from this city and has stayed in this city since the end of the world.

A few people were chatting, and they happened to talk about the fact that there are few zombies in this city and their ranks are low.

Then I don't know who said that Ling Wuwen is from this city, so I should know why.

Then, everyone's eyes fell on Ling Wuyue tacitly...


First chapter, by the way, I apologize, I am in a bad state today.

[Crying] My sister and cousin are very noisy at home, and I can't calm down when I code.

Mei Kai will try to adjust her state! Hope to understand~

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