Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 997: The Peach Tree Spirit in the End Times (9)

After going up to the second floor of the teacher's office building, Ling Wuwen also saw a woman who had a halo of a heroine at close range and whose relationship with Monk Yulie was unknown.

As soon as he entered, Shang Yulie put his arms around Ling Wuwen's shoulders and made an introduction: "This is my teammate Ling Wuwen. For the rest, come and introduce yourself!"

Kuang Yu and the others introduced themselves obediently with a smile.

"Hello, my name is Cheng Yimeng, A Lie's cousin." Cheng Yimeng first introduced himself with a smile.

Ling Wu's eyelids lifted, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Dare to be my cousin! She thought it was Shang Yulie's girlfriend!

It's good to be a cousin, a cousin can't like her cousin, can she?

Knowing that Cheng Yimeng should not be a threat, Ling Wuyi turned to look at the indoor environment and other people.

This is a very ordinary teacher's office, and the people in it match Xia Lun's description.

When Ling Wuyi's eyes fell on one of the young men in Cheng Yimeng's team, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he almost forgot to breathe——

The other party looked about twenty-five or sixteen years old, and he looked handsome, with a gentle smile on his face.

His attention was on Cheng Yimeng, his eyes were full of friendship.

Ling Wuxi stared at him, unable to take his eyes off.

Ling Wuyi knew this man!

In Jizhi Feitao's memory, this man is too deep!

Zhang Qingtian, at this time, should be twenty-five years old, a seventh-level wind power user.

The reason why I have a deep memory of Zhang Qingtian is because Fei Tao died at the hands of this man!

Regarding Zhang Qingtian, that is the second half of Fei Tao's memories——

After Fei Tao can be transformed into a human form, because she is not used to the human form, she often maintains her original form.

She has no concept of beauty and ugliness, and the human form she transforms into is also an ordinary-looking girl.

Later, she gradually adapted to the human form, and even learned to speak by herself, Fei Tao was very happy!

In the beginning, she stayed in K City honestly, absorbing zombie crystal cores every day, and she didn't want to maintain her human form, so she turned back into a peach tree.

Fei Tao maintained this kind of life for about a year.

Until one day, she suddenly wanted to go back to the forest where she was transplanted before the end of the world, to see her plant friends!

As soon as he said he would leave, Fei Tao happily left K City.

On the way, Fei Tao encountered a group of fourth and fifth rank zombies besieging a group of humans.

Fei Tao has been a peach tree for three hundred years, and even though she has seen many kinds of human beings, she can't understand people's hearts.

She doesn't understand anything, just like a blank sheet of paper.

Both hands turned into peach tree branches, digging out all the crystal nuclei in the brains of those zombies and absorbing them.

She had also absorbed the crystal nucleus of a supernatural person, and there were five people in that team.

Except for a handsome man, everyone else was injured by zombies.

Without even thinking about it, Fei Tao dug out the crystal nuclei from the brains of the four people and absorbed them.

After the absorption, only the uninjured young man remained.

As soon as the branch of the peach tree touched the man's temple, the man shook his body and yelled not to.

don't want?

Fei Tao retracted the branch, tilted her head and looked at the man: "What did you say?"

Men have one specialty, good at reading people's faces.

Although Fei Tao acted cruelly, her expression looked very innocent.

Simply, she regards the zombie crystal nucleus and the supernatural person's crystal nucleus as her food, so she doesn't feel that her behavior is wrong.

"I don't want to die, please don't kill me!"

The man was so frightened that his legs were weak, because the man in front of him who could turn his hands into tree branches was really terrifying!

But her eyes looked like an ignorant child.

Fei Tao blinked her eyes, and then she remembered that when she took away the crystal cores of those supernatural beings, she didn't even ask them if they agreed.

Next time, next time she has to ask.

The branch turned back into her hand, and Fei Tao nodded: "That's fine."

She raised her foot and slowly walked away from the man, humming an unknown brisk tune.

The man rolled his eyes, as if thinking of something.

Turning around, she said to Fei Tao's back, "My name is Zhang Qingtian, what's your name?"

Fei Tao stopped and looked back at Zhang Qingtian: "Are you talking to me?"

Zhang Qingtian nodded: "Yes, I'm talking to you."

"Are you asking my name? My name is Fei Tao." Fei Tao grinned and said with a smile.

Zhang Qingtian took a deep breath, raised his lips and smiled unnaturally: "Can I be friends with you?"

When talking, Zhang Qingtian was very nervous and afraid, afraid that Fei Tao would suddenly take out his crystal nucleus.

He was betting that his vision was right, that Fei Tao was a person with a strong force but a simple mind.

"Okay!" Fei Tao smiled and nodded.

Sure enough, Zhang Qingtian bet right!

From that day on, Fei Tao followed Zhang Qingtian.

Fei Tao has a pure heart, she believes everything Zhang Qingtian says. Whatever Zhang Qingtian asked her to do, she did it.

She helped Zhang Qingtian get the crystal nuclei of high-level zombies and those with supernatural powers, and gave Zhang Qingtian to absorb them all to improve his supernatural powers.

Until one day after being together with Zhang Qingtian for a year, Zhang Qingtian, whose abilities had soared to the bottleneck of the eleventh level, told Fei Tao that he needed her help.

Fei Tao agreed without even thinking about it. She had no idea what Zhang Qingtian wanted her to do!

Zhang Qingtian asked Fei Tao to lie on the bed, close her eyes and fall asleep.

Fei Tao obediently closed her eyes, because she trusted Zhang Qingtian, she soon fell asleep.

As a result, she was awakened by severe pain...

Zhang Qingtian was cutting her head with the wind blade! !

Without her knowing, her hands and feet were tied up, and she had no way to resist.

The severe pain made Fei Tao's face unbearable, she just stared at Zhang Qingtian and asked him why he did this to her? !

Zhang Qingtian curled his lips and sneered: "Why? Didn't you promise me to help me? What I want you to do is to give me your crystal nucleus!"

Just like that, Fei Tao died in the hands of Zhang Qingtian.

Her crystal nucleus was absorbed by Zhang Qingtian...

"Catkins! Catkins!"

Ling Wuyi was brought back to her senses by Shang Yulie's voice, she turned her head to look at Shang Yulie, her eyes were full of bewilderment.

"Wu Pi, what are you thinking about so preoccupied?" Shang Yulie asked curiously.

Ling Wuxi shook her head, but did not speak.

At this time, Cheng Yimeng came over and extended his hand to Ling Wuwen: "Hi, nice to meet you!"

Ling Wuwen didn't understand why Cheng Yimeng was so enthusiastic about her, out of politeness, she reached out and shook Cheng Yimeng's hand.


Cheng Yimeng smiled and glanced at Shang Yulie: "Ariel must have caused you a lot of trouble, right? But it's really rare, someone like him can find such a beautiful girlfriend as you!"

Female, girlfriend! ?


These three chapters are from yesterday, as for today's update, there will be some!

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