Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 998 The Peach Tree Spirit in the End Times (10)

When she was in a trance, did something happen?

Ling Wuyi turned her head to look at Shang Yulie, hoping that he could have an explanation.

Shang Yulie's expression was very exciting, he opened his mouth wide: "Mengmeng! Did you say that about your cousin?! This young master is handsome and capable, why can't he find a beautiful girlfriend!"

"Ah, that's wrong! The catkin is not my girlfriend, don't talk nonsense!"

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Cheng Yimeng is obviously used to this kind of Shang Yulie, and patted him on the head with a smile: "If you say it's not, then it will be in the future?"

Seeing that Shang Yulie wanted to open his mouth to say something, Cheng Yimeng stopped him: "It's okay, okay, no need to explain, don't you always say that explaining is just covering up?"

Shang Yulie: "..."

Cheng Yimeng can make Shang Yulie feel embarrassed, Ling Wuyi really looked at her twice more.

It seems that my cousin and cousin are really familiar to a certain extent.

Shang Yulie waved his hand and asked Cheng Yimeng, "Is the base okay? Does my aunt miss me?"

"You still said, leave a note and leave for a year, parents are worried about you!" Cheng Yimeng looked responsible.

Shang Yulie chuckled: "I never like to be restrained, I've had a great year!"

It turned out that Shang Yulie ran out by himself.

And the aunt he was talking about was Shang Yulie's mother's biological sister, or the kind of twin sister.

Of course, this was only known after Ling Wuyi.

Shang Yulie's uncle, that is, Cheng Yimeng's father, is the founder and head of the city and base, one of the four major bases.

"Will you go back to the base with me this time? If you don't go back, I will definitely tie you back!" Cheng Yimeng said, staring at Shang Yulie.

Shang Yulie directly changed the subject: "By the way, why are you trapped here? There are many zombies outside."

The topic was successfully turned, and Cheng Yimeng did not talk about letting Shang Yulie go back to the base with her.

Cheng Yimeng led Shang Yulie to the oldest man in his 40s and 50s and introduced him: "This is Professor Gao Xinyu Gao, Professor Gao is an expert in the study of virus transmission."

"Professor Gao went back to his hometown to visit relatives before the end of the world. On the day of the end of the world, Professor Gao happened to come to school to hold a parent-teacher meeting for his younger brother's child."

After the apocalypse, Professor Gao finally got rid of those parents and teachers who turned into zombies.

He was trapped in the school and tried his best to get out, but there were zombies guarding outside, so he couldn't get out at all.

Professor Gao ran to the teacher's office building to hide from the beginning. Fortunately, there was a cafeteria in the teacher's office building. He was the only survivor in the school, and he was able to survive by saving money.

In a flash, the end of the world has been two years!

Professor Gao also jumped out of the window on the second floor behind the teacher's office building to find his family.

But the family members couldn't find it, and they were almost eaten by zombies!

Later, Professor Gao stayed in the teacher's office building, waiting for someone to think of him and come to rescue him.

This wait is more than two years.

Professor Gao was finally remembered!

"Dad asked me to take Professor Gao back to the base to conduct research on zombie viruses, hoping to find a way to eliminate zombies." Cheng Yimeng told Shang Yulie.

The past two years have been very strange. There are more and more zombies in the school, but they will not come to the teacher's office building.

Although those zombies would also go outside the school, even if some zombies left, there were still a lot of them left.

In fact, there were zombies guarding behind the teacher's office building, but when Ling Wuwen and the others came, the zombies left again.

"These zombies seem to be controlled by someone, deliberately let us enter the teacher's office building, and then wipe them all out!" Cheng Yimeng said her guess.

She frowned: "It's just strange. We have been here for six days, and there has been no movement except that we can't go out."

Ling Wuwen went to the window where they jumped in just now and looked out. It was strange that the place where there were no zombies was already surrounded by zombies!

What does it mean? Keeping humans in captivity?

Looking at it, I knew it should be that high-level zombie who did it!

Ling Wuxi released her mental power, trying to control these zombies...


Ling Wuxi leaned on the window sill with one hand, and covered her head with the other.

The severe pain made Ling Wuwen almost faint, but Shang Yulie, who had been paying attention to Ling Wuwen before she fell down, hugged her in time.

"What's wrong with you, catkin?!"

Cheng Yimeng also came over and looked at Ling Wuwen with concern: "Are you okay? Is there something wrong? We have medicine here."

Although the other teammates didn't speak, they looked at Ling Wuyue very strangely.

How come it's so good, it's like this all of a sudden?

Ling Wuxi took a deep breath, put her hands in her trouser pockets, and absorbed the crystal nuclei to relieve the headache.

After absorbing two fourth-order crystal nuclei, Ling Wuyi finally no longer had a headache.

Ling Wuwen asked Xia Lun: "Apart from the people in this office, is there anyone else in the teacher's office building?"

Xia Lun looked around and said, "No."

That's weird, isn't that high-level zombie here?

"Wood, did you use your mental power just now?"

Shang Yulie looked at Ling Wupin, waiting for Ling Wupin to answer his question.

Ling Wuyi nodded and admitted: "Yes, the opponent is very strong, beyond the eleventh level. We must leave as soon as possible."

Even if she is not afraid of death, she must not let Shang Yulie have any troubles!

That zombie is really too powerful, Ling Wu's mental power has just been released, and he hasn't done anything yet! Not only was it blocked, but it was also attacked.

The attack came very violently, otherwise Ling Wu could not help but let out a soft breath.

In this comparison, when they hadn't entered the town just now, the slap Ling Wu felt was really gentle!

Just by counterattacking Ling Wuyi, she can definitely conclude that that zombie is definitely not just eleventh rank, at least...twelfth rank!

The concept of the twelfth order is really hard to imagine.

Anyway, that zombie, Ling Wuyi just wanted to avoid him before filling up Shang Yulie's favorability!

As long as he is in this town, Ling Wu can no longer use his spiritual power.

"What did you say, Wuyue? Who is the other party?" Cheng Yimeng was a little confused about what Ling Wuyue said.

Shang Yulie no longer had a playful smile on his face, he said to Cheng Yimeng: "Psychic zombies above the eleventh level. I guess these zombies are controlled by that zombie. Now we must find a way to get out of here as soon as possible!"

Shang Yulie had seen the force value of Ling Wuwen killing an eighth-level zombie in seconds, so this time Ling Wuwen was 'insta-killing', and Shang Yulie felt that the zombie was really unusual.

If there were only him and his teammates here, Shang Yulie would definitely choose to find the zombie above the eleventh rank!

But the problem now is that there is not only Cheng Yimeng here, but also that Professor Gao who is very important to the base.

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