Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 999 The Peach Tree Spirit in the End Times (11)

Before it's dark, they'd better get out of here as soon as possible!

Hearing Shang Yulie's mention of zombies with a spiritual system above the eleventh rank, everyone in the office panicked.

Zhang Qingtian came over and said to Cheng Yimeng: "Mengmeng, let's get out of here as soon as possible!"

Cheng Yimeng's face was solemn, and she looked at Ling Wuwen: "Are you sure it's a zombie? Could it be someone with supernatural abilities?"

Ling Wuwen didn't speak, just looked at the group of zombies wandering back and forth downstairs.

They are very regular and very organized.

The zombies inside are all zero-level zombies, and so on, the zombies outside will be higher-level, knowing that the outermost ones are zombies of level four or five.

Ling Wu can be sure that that high-level zombie already has intelligence.

His plan is that if the people in the teacher's office building want to go out, they must first get rid of the innermost low-level zombies.

After the low-level zombies inside are dealt with, no matter whether you use force or abilities, your physical strength will be consumed.

Then it's the turn of the slightly higher-level zombies...

As a result, human beings are exhausted and finally eaten!

Ling Wuwen didn't answer Cheng Yimeng's question. Zhang Qingtian, who liked Cheng Yimeng, tugged Ling Wumei: "Hey, Mengmeng is talking to you! Can you be a little polite?!"

Ling Wuwen looked back at Zhang Qingtian, just looking at him so coldly.

Zhang Qingtian felt a little apprehensive under Ling Wu's oppressive eyes, but he didn't want to lose his image in front of Cheng Yimeng.

He had no choice but to stare at Ling Wuwen with his neck straightened: "What? Am I wrong?"

"it does not matter."

Cheng Yimeng said that he didn't mind, and didn't want Zhang Qingtian and Ling Wuyi to be unhappy.

"Mengmeng is just too kind, she is so beautiful both on the outside and on the inside, unlike some people who only have a skin!"

When speaking the second half of the sentence, Zhang Qingtian also took a look at Ling Wuyue.

"Heh~" Ling Wuyi suddenly chuckled, with an obvious smile on his face.

This is the first time Shang Yulie has seen Ling Wumi smile since he has known Ling Wumi for a week!

Although it's a sneer, it's still a laugh!

Watching with more interest, Shang Yulie, who was going to help Ling Wuwen answer Cheng Yimeng's questions, suddenly decided not to interfere, and just watched the play.

Ling Wuwen took two steps closer to Zhang Qingtian's direction, and Zhang Qingtian felt an urge to step back.

Moved one foot back...

But thinking that my ability is one level higher than Ling Wu's, there is no need to be afraid of her!

So I just stood there and stared at Ling Wuwen: "What? Did I say something wrong? You are not... ah!!"

The sudden movement of Ling Wuyi startled everyone in the office. They saw that Ling Wuyi first punched Zhang Qingtian on the bridge of the nose, and then punched Zhang Qingtian on the left eye.

Afterwards, he punched Zhang Qingtian in the face a few more times, and when he couldn't bear the force and fell backward, Ling Wuyi pulled Zhang Qingtian's arm and fell directly over his shoulder, catching his neck with one knee.

Ling Wu's series of actions came too fast, and by the time everyone reacted, Zhang Qingtian had already been pinned down by Ling Wu's on the ground.

"Wu Ti, stop quickly, and speak up if you have something to say, Qingtian is our teammate!" Cheng Yimeng hurriedly persuaded her, but she didn't expect that Ling Wupi would strike at the slightest disagreement.

Ling Wuyi ignored Cheng Yimeng, but looked at Zhang Qingtian, and said slowly: "I have always practiced, if you can do it, you don't talk."

"Zhang Qingtian, be careful to die in my hands." Although Ling Wuyi still spoke in the same tone, Zhang Qingtian was startled by the murderous look in his eyes!

Zhang Qingtian's face was already red because he couldn't breathe because Ling Wuwen stuck his neck.

After Ling Wuwen finished speaking, she stood up, and Zhang Qingtian quickly turned over and supported his neck, coughing violently.

A woman in Cheng Yimeng's team made a sudden move, and fired a water arrow straight at Ling Wuwen's face——

Ling Wuxi stretched out her hand to catch it, and with a light pinch, the water arrow instantly melted into water...

Glancing at the woman, he curled his lips and sneered, "You're blind." How could he fall in love with a man like Zhang Qingtian!

The woman didn't understand what Ling Wuwen meant, she just thought that Ling Wuwen was saying that she was blind, so she overpowered her in dealing with her.

The woman snorted coldly and glared at Ling Wuwen: "You, a sixth-level supernatural being, have no airs!"

"She really doesn't have anything to be proud of, but for the fact that she can instantly crush your seventh-level water arrow, she can still be a little proud." Xu Zhuojia beside her couldn't help but said.

During the one-week time spent together, Xu Zhuojia's heart was not bad. Although she was jealous of Ling Wuwen, she also knew that Ling Wuwen had something Shang Yulie could 'like'.

So Xu Zhuojia doesn't dislike Ling Wuwen now.

Many people protect their weaknesses. Xu Zhuojia couldn't help but stand up when seeing her teammate Ling Wuwen being 'bullied'.

"What do you mean?!" The woman blushed with anger, staring at Xu Zhuojia, as if she would strike at any moment.

Xu Zhuojia folded his arms around his chest: "It literally means~ Oh, it seems that not only your ability is not good, but your intelligence is also not good!"

After following Shang Yulie for a long time, it is easy to become poisonous.


"Puff hahaha... Hug, sorry, hahaha~ I couldn't hold back..." Kuang Yu suddenly burst into laughter, which seemed to be unstoppable.

Chen Ming and the others couldn't help laughing too, making the eyes of the woman who did it redden with anger: "You -- you are really deceiving people!!"

"Okay! What I want to think about now is how to leave Qinghua Town instead of starting internal strife!" Cheng Yimeng scolded with a cold face.

Kuang Yu suddenly coughed a few times and stopped laughing.

Ling Wuxi didn't speak, but just took out a wet tissue from her bag to wipe her hands, as if she had just touched something dirty.

Shang Yulie put one hand on Ling Wuwen's shoulder, chewed the lollipop in his mouth two or three times, then spat out the stick, and said foolishly: "I said Mengmeng~ The teammate you brought out this time It's not good! Why hasn't the taste dropped a lot in a year?"

"Stinky boy, you want to make trouble too, don't you?!" Cheng Yimeng glared at Shang Yulie.

Shang Yulie chuckled: "Okay, I'm just kidding. I went to see other places in this building with Wuyi."

After finishing speaking, Shang Yulie didn't ask Ling Wuyi if she would like to, but pulled her out of the office.

They are currently located on the second floor of the teacher's office building, which has five floors in total.

Shang Yulie took Ling Wuwen upstairs, visiting the first floor and the first floor.

The second and third floors of the teacher's office building are the teacher's office, and the fourth and fifth floors are the teacher's dormitory.

After watching the fifth floor, monk Yulie Lingwu went to the rooftop...


First two more!

In order for Mei Kai to code well, after dinner, the parents and the children all went out, so that they could have a few hours of quiet time [exhale]

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