Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 1123 The cute little general of the


I saw that he raised his beautiful eyes slightly, and first glanced at the crowd at the audience at a loss.

Afterwards, he suddenly raised his hands and stared blankly at the knuckles that were trembling involuntarily, and the blush thin lips also pursed and pursed with the frequency of the trembling.

All the benefactors in the audience were dumbfounded.

"Miss Hualing, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

"Don't be sad, girl, it's nothing more than a broken string! ... I'll go to the piano shop and buy you a new good piano!"

"Hey, boy... I was the one who decided to buy a piano for Miss Hualing first! Why did you steal my words and say it!"

"Hey, the two of you are fighting slowly! I will take a step first, lest the owner of the piano shop will rest for a while..."

As soon as these words came out, all the sons and brothers immediately ran out of the Fengxiang Building as if they had been beaten with blood, and ran towards the piano shop on the other side of the Eastern Capital.

However, Feng Lan on the stage was not half happy because these young masters were going to buy a new piano for him.

On the contrary, the trembling became more and more severe, as if something very important was lost, and a very strong sense of loss and despair suddenly overflowed from the whole body.

"Qin...my qin...my tune...can't play..."

His lips trembled and he murmured, his hands clenched and clenched.

At this time, everyone finally realized that something was wrong with him.

Soon, several shadow guards dressed in black clothes flashed from all over the Fengxiang Building and gathered around Feng Lan.


The Shadowguard tried to call him softly.

But before he could finish his words, he saw his master suddenly wave his hand, directly waving a deep inner force towards the broken guqin!

Just hearing a "click", the guqin sadly broke into several large pieces of wood.

Broken strings and sawdust were stretched and flew everywhere, with his inner breath, turned into thin needles, pieces of wooden hidden weapons, submerged into the pillars and floors around the stage, and even the table under the stage. in the chair.

"Oh my God!! Hurry up, everyone, get out of the way! Hurry up!"

The benefactors in the audience screamed in fright and ran away with their heads in their hands.

Darling, if these things get into a person's body... I'm afraid it will kill people!

Amid the wailing of the crowd, the entire lobby on the first floor suddenly fell into chaos.

However, Feng Lan on the stage seemed to have lost her mind and did not intend to stop her movements.

After he finished the poor qin, he continued to turn his inner breath into a palm knife, and chopped all the tables and chairs he was sitting on when he was playing to pieces, and kept throwing them around.

"Lord! Please stop!"

Several shadow guards were terrified and wanted to stop.

The sad thing is that their martial arts are not as good as their own masters. Not only did they fail to stop them, but they were directly counterattacked by the masters, and they flew out one by one.

Seeing that the scene was on the verge of getting out of control, a fallen shadow guard hurriedly called out a frightened girl beside him, screaming in pain, "Quick, go and invite Miss Fenglan!..."


The girl was stunned, but she hesitated, "But girl, she is in retreat, don't disturb..."

"If we don't go, our Fengxiang Building will be demolished by the Lord!!"

The shadow guard wailed helplessly, and couldn't help groping from the side to find a small wine glass that fell to the ground, and threw it directly at the little girl's feet.

This made her agitated, and hurriedly turned back and ran upstairs.

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