Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

1124. Chapter 1124 The cute little general of the

But because he was too frightened, he just stepped on the two bamboo steps, and his leg fell to the ground.

She could only wailing, and not far above her, the confused Xiang Xing and Situ Ling waved frantically.

"The two young masters over there! I beg you two, please help the slave family, go to the top floor and invite Miss Fenglan!"

"...Ah? Well, I'll go right now!"

Situ Ling finally came to his senses, and without thinking, he hurried towards the top floor.

During the period, he seemed to suddenly think of something, and he couldn't help turning around and shouting at Xiang Xing, who was still standing in the same place, "Da Xing! Don't be in a daze! Save people!!"

The strange thing is that no matter how much he shouted, Xiang Xing seemed to have not heard him at all, still holding on to the fence of the bamboo ladder, staring blankly at the figure that was attacking wildly.

[He should... just want a violin that can play tunes... That way, he should be able to calm down, right, duck. ]

The little guy pursed his lips solemnly, subconsciously confirming the duck on his shoulders.


Duck Duck frowned and thought about it.

He turned on the system again, and glanced at Feng Lan's physiological data.

Although still a little unsure, he nodded quickly, [Yes, as long as it can calm him down. ]

[...Then I'll go find him a piano! ]

Xiang Xing clenched his hands tightly, and without thinking about it at all, he turned down the bamboo ladder neatly, and at the same time used his Qinggong, quickly dodged out of the Fengxiang Building.

While surprisingly calmly opened the GPS map.

[Search [Dongdu Qinpu]! ]

The voice just fell, and the little guy saw a green dot that was not very far away from him, flashing suddenly on the map.

Her soft eyes lit up, she hurriedly raised a few percent of her inner strength, and flew towards that eye-catching coordinate.

Halfway through the flight, Ya Ya felt that she suddenly braked suddenly and swooped down vertically.

Dodged directly in front of a group of people.

And this group of people is the group of young masters who went to buy a piano just now.

I saw that almost everyone had a piano in their hands, and it was estimated that they had already emptied all the inventory in the piano shop.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Xing gritted his teeth, and a bold idea suddenly popped up in his heart.

After making up her mind, she narrowed her eyes, and her eyes instantly locked on a scholar who looked weak.

"This son, I'm sorry, I offended you!"

The little guy shouted softly, and his feet were like the wind, and he flashed quickly in front of the weak scholar.

Before the scholar could react, he felt a sudden lightness in his hand.

The piano is gone!

"...You! You bastard! Why are you still robbing my piano! You are a white wolf with empty gloves!!"

Weak Book was so angry that he screamed.

However, he didn't know martial arts, so he could only watch Xiang Xing hold the violin he just bought and dodge away like a gust of wind.

Soon, the little guy carried the guqin and returned to the Fengxiang Building.

At that time, Feng Lan was still frantically sending out her internal strength, smashing her own Fengyuechang.

At the same time, another young woman who looked like him was dealing with him with a solemn face, trying to suppress him.

Xiang Xing recognized that it was Feng Han.

But she is also very clear that Feng Han's martial arts are not as good as Feng Lan's, and it is almost impossible to catch him.

Thinking about it, the little guy bit his lower lip, lowered his head suddenly, and glanced at the guqin in his hand.

As of now, it's just a gamble!

After making up his mind, Xiang Xing no longer hesitated to sit down with his legs crossed and quickly set the guqin.

Taking a deep breath, he plucked the strings and played the song "Pure White Amusement Park".

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