Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

1125. Chapter 1125 The cute little general of the

The melodious and ethereal sound of the qin sounded instantly, and Xiang Xing was anxious, and directly used the internal breath to urge the sound of the qin, so that in just a moment, the tune had spread throughout the huge hall and towering atrium of Fengxiang Tower, and it was endless.

Hearing this familiar tune, Feng Han and the subordinates of Fengxianglou who were present were stunned for a moment.


Isn't this the cavalry general who is galloping on the battlefield, General Xiang Xiao!

How could General Xiang still play the guqin?

Or even play Feng Lan's "White"? !

Feng Han was taken aback.

This is information that Fengxianglou has never investigated!

Not to mention, although this piece by my younger brother is an excellent work, the tune is very strange, and it is difficult to play it with conventional techniques.

Even her piano skills are better than Feng Lan's, and she has never successfully replayed this piano piece once!

How many times has this little general heard it before it pops up? !

The score is not bad...as if I have practiced many times.

The more Feng Han thought about it, the more strange and strange he felt, and even the confrontation with Feng Lan began to get distracted.

Fortunately, Feng Lan, who listened to Xiang Xing playing, was also distracted, and the indiscriminate attacks in her hands became more and more sluggish.

It did not cause Feng Han to fall behind.

However, the sound of the piano still did not completely suppress him and calm him down completely.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Xing couldn't help but feel more anxious.

Did she make a mistake?

However, Feng Lan did respond to her playing.

Otherwise, what should we do?

While thinking hard, suddenly, the little guy suddenly thought of something, and a bolder idea came up again in his heart.

Since it is "Pure White Amusement Park"...

Then, bet again!

After thinking about it, Xiang Xing suddenly took a deep breath, his fingertips flew quickly, and the smooth and perfect connection changed a tune.

Go directly to the chorus interlude before the second climax of the original song.

After playing the last melody of this section, she pursed her lips slightly, then raised her palm to exercise power, and slapped hard on the face of the piano.


The last sound was suddenly aroused by internal force, and it was like a magic sound that filled the ears, with extremely strong penetrating power and shocking power, spreading to every corner of the Fengxianglou lobby.

It was even more shocking that everyone present was shocked, and they had to cover their ears in pain, or struggled, or directly wailed.

While taking advantage of this gap, the little guy squinted his eyes and stood up abruptly, flying towards Feng Lan who was also shocked.

Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, he quickly opened his arms and hugged him.

Immediately afterwards, he tiptoed slightly and quickly moved closer to the man's ear.

Just listen to her cough a few times, clear her throat, and quickly remove the low tone that the original hostess and sister usually used to conceal her gender, and turn it into a sweet, crisp pear-like girl's original voice.

After that, he sang the words of "Pure White Amusement Park" in the man's ear.


Fortunately, this time, Xiang Xing finally made the right bet.

After listening to the words and songs she sang, Feng Lan's long and narrow peach blossom eyes suddenly opened, and the thick ink-like pupils at the bottom of the eyes suddenly tightened.

He paused for a while, and his eyes, which were already dull and dull, suddenly regained their radiance.

The highly tense limbs and meridians gradually loosened.

In the end, Feng Lan seemed to have regained some sense of reason, and she squeezed her slender palm slightly, and she was able to receive her work.

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