Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

1141. Chapter 1141 The cute little general of the

It's not so much a secret room as it is a big secret square.

Inside the arena, I saw the Fengxianglou shadow guards and spies, who were uniformly wearing black and silver-trimmed suits, were gathered in groups of three or five, one after another, to talk, to practice light kung fu, or to compete in martial arts. Discuss.

It was so lively, but Xiang Xing and Situ Ling didn't hear any noise until a few of them came in.

It means that this is really an underground training ground with an excellent degree of secrecy.

Soon, the subordinates of the Fengxianglou also saw the arrival of these three people.

And seeing their dear adults, strangely changed into men's clothes... The subordinates couldn't help being stunned, so much so that they even forgot to greet and salute.

However, Feng Lan didn't seem to care too much about this.

Without a word, he continued to lead Xiang Xing and Situ Ling to a small door in the corner.

"Holy, please."

The man opened the door and gave Situ Ling a please gesture.

Situ Ling was stunned, but he first probed his head and took a few glances inside.

I saw this place, it looked like a bookstore, with nothing but large wooden shelves filled with various scrolls of secret letters that he was very familiar with.

Aren't they all the ones he'd read!

"...Hey, I didn't expect you, Dalan, to have a hobby of collecting these things..."

Seeing this, the little emperor seemed to be inexplicably interested, trotted in with relish, and began to visit.

The two who looked outside shook their heads helplessly.

"Little General, let's go in too~"

While Situ Ling was not paying attention, Feng Lan hooked her lips faintly, then tilted her head quickly, leaned close to Xiang Xing's ear, returned to his playful and wanton tone, and whispered to her with a playful smile.

And taking advantage of her sluggishness, she once again held those rough little hands.

The little guy only felt the man's big hand, as if he caressed the thin calluses in her palm, before clenching it again.

She felt a warmth in her heart, and she couldn't help pursing her pink lips with a little happiness.

However, since Situ Ling, a large light bulb of several million watts, was still inside, when the two walked in one after the other, they released their hands in tacit understanding.

As the door of the storage room closed again, Situ Ling was no longer distracted, and found a chair and sat down by himself.

With a smile, he asked Fenglan, "So Dalan, are you going to talk to the orphan about something important?"

"Sir, please wait a moment."

Seeing Feng Lan smiling, she turned around and took out two scrolls that looked like picture scrolls from a certain bookshelf.

Spread it out flat on the table.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Xing and Situ Ling stretched their necks and looked up curiously.

I saw that in this scroll, there were two portraits that looked familiar.

At that time, I heard the man speak again, "I don't know about the sage and the general, can you recognize the two in this painting?"


Situ Ling frowned and thought for a while.

His eyes lit up suddenly, and he couldn't help but subconsciously clapped his hands, "Ah, this is not the one where Da Xing and I live, what are the shopkeepers and shop assistants of Rujia Inn called!"

"Well, it's them."

Hearing this, Feng Lan smiled and nodded.

At the end, the conversation turned slightly, "However, the sage and the general Xu Wei do not know, the shopkeeper and the second shopkeeper... two days before the two came to Dongdu, they were recruited by the behind-the-scenes owner of the Rujia Inn to take over. The shopkeeper and the second child."

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