Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

1142. Chapter 1142 The cute little general of the

"And the two before that,"

Speaking of this, Feng Lan's magnificent eyes suddenly dimmed a bit.

Seeing that he curled the corners of his lips slightly coolly, he continued, "But it was under the eyes of this minister... both of them died 'accidentally'."

Looking at the man's slightly cold expression, and the slightly clenched hands that he seemed to be casually laying on the table, Xiang Xing couldn't help frowning in distress.

Come to think of it, the original shopkeeper and shop assistant who died should be Feng Lan's friends.

Or, he felt that these two lives were taken directly from his hands, which made him very remorseful and regretful.

"However, that's not the point."

After speaking, Feng Lan took a deep breath and seemed to adjust her emotions quickly.

After glancing at the complicated-looking Situ Ling, he continued, "After my secret investigation these days, I have discovered that... these two newcomers are actually from Beihu."

"...North Hu..."

Xiang Xing secretly chewed on these two words, and couldn't help frowning again.

How come this word seems to have been heard somewhere.


Thinking about it, the little guy froze for a moment, and his soft eyes lit up.

I remembered!

This, isn't this the one in the plot, the country of assassins who tried to assassinate Situ Ling in Dongdu, and as a result, she and the entire Fengxianglou were completely emptied by those six old guys!

It turned out that they were already prepared, and even had already been ambushed at their accommodation...

Thinking of this, Xiang Xing was both a little scared and happy.

If it weren't for her being smart, standing high and seeing far away, she would have released Feng Lan's madness mode first. Maybe before he could wake up and tell the clue, they would have gone to another life. Way to go!

After thinking about it, the little guy couldn't help but feel a little smug in his heart.

Ducky, who was watching, rolled his eyes.

However, Situ Ling on the other side didn't think so deeply.

He only widened his eyes in surprise, and asked uncertainly, "No way? After a while, Bei Hu will stuff some princess into the lonely harem to marry us Xuanyuan He. ah……"

"Then if King Beihu kills Gu before he has a relationship with his relatives, wouldn't he have no one stamped on him for the establishment of diplomatic relations and cooperation between the two parties that were negotiated with Gu?"


After listening to the little emperor's words, not to mention Feng Lan, even Xiang Xing could not help but squinted his soft eyes speechlessly.

Isn't he stupid.

Daxuanyuan lacked him, a small hair-headed emperor, and six slick old emperors, so what kind of Beihu king could line up to stamp his seal.

... No, this Situ Ling should not know that the six old regents have long had the intention of rebelling, and they can kill him and cook soup anytime, anywhere, right?

Thinking of this, the little guy suddenly felt that with such an ancestor, the future of her and Feng Lan seemed a little gloomy.

However, Feng Lan was Feng Lan in the end. Seeing that Situ Ling was stupid on the spot, he gave him face very much and didn't say anything.

He just seemed to ponder for a moment, and then he narrowed his eyes lightly: "This is not necessarily the arrangement of King Beihu."

"Whose arrangement would that be?"

Situ Ling was also surrounded by Feng Lan.

She rolled her eyes a few times, she simply shrugged her shoulders, spread her hands and joked, "It can't be that the beautiful princess of Beihu doesn't want to get married, so she is in the same group as her lover and so on, and it's the first thing to do against Gu Xian. Strong, right?"

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