Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

1144. Chapter 1144 The cute little general of the

"Who am I talking about? It turns out to be Beihu's concubine, our eldest son Ouyang."

The more slender and beautiful one laughed coldly at first, and there was a hint of irony in her silver bell-like voice.

"Our honorable Beihu Consort, instead of taking care of your pregnant Princess Tianxiang in the Beihu Palace, quietly returned to our Daxuanyuan, um... Save your relatives?"

Saying that, she didn't shy away from covering her mouth and laughing directly.

"Wow, I didn't expect our celestial son-in-law, Ouyang, to be so timid in his behavior after he became a son-in-law. Are you angry?"


After listening to the woman's sarcastic words, Ouyang Lian's jade-like face suddenly became a little embarrassed.

But he quickly hid it, as if ignoring his previous suspicions, he gently hooked his lips towards her.

With an affectionate look on his face, "Han'er, why didn't you think about it, I actually... came back to see you on a special trip?"

"Is it?"

Feng Han heard the words, and the mockery was even more serious.

He couldn't help hugging his chest slightly, raised his eyebrows lightly, and said meaninglessly, "It's possible for you, Ouyang Lian, to come back and visit anyone. If you visit me, it's really the sun coming out from the west."

"Oh, almost forgot."

As she spoke, she suddenly pretended to remember something, and patted her head exaggeratedly.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand towards Ouyang Lian, "Young Master Ouyang should have come to pay for the money you owe Fengxianglou when you were looking for fun last time, right?"

"Then you have to pay quickly, otherwise I will charge you interest."

"...Han'er, how can you describe our former friendship with pleasure-seeking and money transactions!"

After Feng Han said this, Ouyang Lian couldn't help staggering with a hurt face.

But soon, like a great lover, he laughed in a low voice, "But that's fine... Being able to tell these jokes at least proves that you are happy, and you are not bothered by a heartless person like me. Heartbroken..."

"Okay, okay, can you stop talking nonsense?"

Hearing his disgusting words, Feng Han felt goosebumps all over his body and rolled his eyes a few times.

After that, I stopped playing Tai Chi with him, and asked straight to the point, "Tell me, what are you doing when you come back, what conspiracies are you going to use... and what kind of magic tricks are you going to give my family Xiaolan!"

In the depths of the words, Feng Han seemed to be angry, and the whole person immediately became excited and shouted sharply, "Ouyang Lian, Xiaolan has already been driven crazy by you! What else do you want!"

"Han'er, I have explained it many times, Feng Lan's madness is not caused by me, why don't you believe me!"

Facing Feng Han's accusation, Ouyang Lian seemed very aggrieved.

For fear of making a noise and causing unnecessary trouble, he didn't dare to continue to confront her and explain, so he could only take two steps back quickly.

He persuaded, "Okay, okay, don't be angry, I, I'll leave Dongdu now, and I won't appear in front of you again, okay?"

After saying that, the man paused for a while, and then suddenly made a bending motion.

Feng Han only heard a familiar crisp bell ringing in her ears, her whole body was stunned, and her beautiful eyes widened slightly.

I saw Ouyang Lian, as if he had put something on the position where he had withdrawn.

Through the moonlight, it is not difficult to see that it is a string of silver palace bells with exquisite and unique shapes.

Feng Han suddenly froze on the ground.

Well, that seems to be the string she once gave him...

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