Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

1145. Chapter 1145 The cute little general of the

"Han'er, I came to Dongdu this time just to return this string of palace bells to you, that's all."

Putting down the Gong bell, Ouyang Lian straightened up, and suddenly smiled sadly at Feng Han.

His face was full of regret, "Han'er, the matter has come to this point, you and I have no part in it after all, how can I have the face to stay by your side with the string of palace bells you gave me back then..."

"Han'er, just forget about me, let go of everything we have, and go find the happiness that truly belongs to you!"

After all, he didn't wait for Feng Han to respond, he felt like a free and easy prodigal son, and decided to turn around without hesitation.

With light luck, he quickly disappeared into the night.


Looking at the direction where the figure disappeared, Feng Han narrowed his eyes and was silent for a long time.

In the end, he finally laughed coldly.

"This girl was blind at the beginning, how could she like a greasy man like you, tsk..."

Feng Han helplessly laughed at himself.

After a pause, his eyes still turned to the string of silver palace bells on the ground.

I saw her eyes flicker a little, and finally she shrugged slightly, walked forward, and picked up Gong Ling.

In the palm of the income, he continued to hum angrily.

"Take it back and melt it into silver, so as not to lose blood."


As everyone knows, just as Feng Han performed the light work and flew back to Fengxiang Tower, the tall and dark figure walked out silently from the other corner of the city wall.

His face had long since disappeared, leaving only a coldness.

I'm sorry, Han'er.

This is the last time.

After thinking about it, Ouyang Lian took a deep breath, adjusted his thoughts, and wanted to leave.

At this moment, another slender shadow suddenly appeared in front of him.

He cupped his hands and said in a low voice, "Master Consort, Situ Ling and Xiang Xing have returned to the Home Inn."


Ouyang Lian responded lightly.

After a while, I saw that he suddenly remembered something, and he couldn't help asking, "When Situ Ling comes back, is there anything different, or is it different from before?"


The subordinate was stunned for a moment.

After thinking about it for a while, he shook his head and replied, "There's nothing out of the ordinary, it's just... he kept talking about things like 'Finally meeting Miss Fenghan' and 'Finally talking to Miss Fenghan, I have no regrets in this life'. Kind of weird words..."

"Then it'll be fine."

Hearing his subordinate's description, Ouyang Lian felt slightly relieved.


A woman like Feng Han can adore to such a degree that he is the only stupid emperor, Situ Ling.

"Okay, go back and keep an eye on it... By the way, tell Da and Xiao Si to give that stupid emperor the medicine tonight."

After thinking about it, he smiled and commanded in a low voice.


Not surprisingly, after three days, there will be two more lunatics in this thing.


The next day, early in the morning.

The warm sun in the early morning blew in from the window lattice and covered Xiang Xing's bed.

Rongrong's warmth caused her to purr comfortably, squinting her moist soft eyes, and stretched her waist lazily.

However, when the little hand was just unfolded, she suddenly felt like she had hit something.

Strange, yet vaguely familiar.

The next second, the little fist the size of the Xiao Long Bao was suddenly enveloped by a touch of even more warmth.

A low-pitched laughter with a little willful laughter also reached his ears.

It made the little guy suddenly agitated, suddenly opened his eyes, and stared blankly.

Sure enough, she saw that the beautiful man who smiled so charmingly that the world suddenly paled, lying lazily in front of her at the moment.

While pinching her small fist, she laughed and opened her mouth.

"Little General, did you sleep well last night?"

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