Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 1292 Only I can see you... Gah! (58)

The voice fell, and Li Miaomiao saw a burst of dazzling golden light suddenly burst out from the girl in front of her...

However, in the blink of an eye, she saw that the girl had changed from her previous clumsy duck puppet costume to a mysterious black costume, the form of an ancient female assassin.

Even the strange duck-headed staff has become a dagger with a handle in the shape of a duck...

Seeing this scene, Li Miaomiao's eyes flickered, but she completely reacted, and she couldn't help but blurt out: "You, you are also a systematic person!?"

No... how is this possible? !

The woman became increasingly restless.

No, it stands to reason that in a small world, there will only be one transmigrator! This is a dead rule set by Heavenly Dao in order to maintain the order of time and space!

She has been rooted and sprouted in this world for so many years, how could there be other transmigrators breaking in!

Wouldn't this... rob her of the limelight, and even everything from her!

Thinking of this, Li Miaomiao's eyes twitched fiercely, and she couldn't help turning around quickly, facing her space-time black hole.

"You can't be here... This is my territory, get out of here quickly!! - Wind!!"

She only heard a sudden roar at the space-time black hole, and then Xiang Xing saw a strange, yet familiar demonic wind rushing toward her from the purple-black mist-filled space-time black hole. Swept in!

Good guy, she straight up good guy!

Isn't this the monstrous wind that blew her and Ya Ya directly into the portal in the system space, causing them to exchange souls sadly!

"...Okay, it turns out that you were the one who blew that demonic wind!"

Duck Ya also instantly recognized the wind and couldn't help snorting coldly.

After that, he hurriedly executed a system command and directly propped up an oversized protective cover in the shape of a duck head, covering Xiang Xing, including the two frozen men and women behind him.

Not only did he successfully resist the attack of the demonic wind, but he also relied on the rounded body to divide the sharp demonic wind into several small winds, weakening and dispersing.

Seeing this scene, Li Miaomiao couldn't help but turn pale in shock.

How, how could...

However, just in the moment when she was stunned, she saw that the figure of the assassin-like girl suddenly flashed, and it flashed in front of her in an instant.

The small and sharp dagger was placed directly on her neck.

"Miss Li Miaomiao, I will officially inform you now!"

The little girl had a cold face and a serious look, but her mouth was soft and soft, "You have destroyed the order of time and space in this world many times, if you don't leave by yourself, or stop in place...don't Blame us for being rude!"


Listening to the milky, almost deterrent words, Li Miaomiao's mouth twitched.

Could this be considered a threat?

Thinking about it, the woman immediately laughed coldly, and there was a hint of ridicule in her eyes, "Little girl, have you watched too many costume dramas?"

As she spoke, her eyes lowered subconsciously, and she focused on the little guy in front of her, "Just like you, you dare to threaten..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Miaomiao was suddenly stunned.

She saw that the girl in front of her, who was supposed to be a person, was soft and soft, but there was a faintly cold arc on her lips.

That faint smile was not only extremely inconsistent with her voice and appearance, it was even cold to the bone, making her instantly horrified.

At the same time, the little girl's round big apricot eyes glowed with a faint strange red glow!

Seeing this scene, Li Miaomiao was taken aback.

This face, this expression, she felt inexplicably familiar.

It reminded her of what she had seen on the battlefield of the Three Realms that turned the world upside down, long, long ago, before she was included by "that lord", and was a Ye Huang soul wandering between the three realms—

The woman known as the "Slaughter Machine".

To this day, she can't forget that scene.

That innocent-looking girl, with a arrogant and arrogant arc on her lips, picked up and dropped the dagger over and over again, slaughtering the entire battlefield indiscriminately.

The terrifying expression that made her unforgettable at that time was exactly the same as the little girl in front of her now!

Thinking of this, Li Miaomiao couldn't help subconsciously trembling all over her body, her breathing was tight...

However, at this moment, Xiang Xing and Ya Ya saw a small space-time black hole the size of a palm on the top of the woman's head.

Immediately afterwards, a big-eyed monster with a long and small tail and two little black wings stretched out half an eyeball nervously from the black hole and stared at the top of Li Miaomiao's head.

He whispered to her: "Miaomiao! Don't get distracted!!"

"...Axing! That big-eyed boy is a system!!"

Duck Ya instantly recognized the attributes of Big Eyed Boy, and quickly reminded Xiang Xing.

But in the next second, he saw that the little guy took the initiative to wave the dagger, and without saying a word, he slammed it towards the big-eyed boy with lightning speed...


A shrill scream sounded, and Ya Ya saw that the pair of small wings of the big-eyed boy was directly cut off by himself, and rolled miserably to the ground.

At this time, Li Miaomiao, as if his fingers were connected to his heart, couldn't help hugging his head suddenly, screaming together with the big-eyed boy.

And the large space-time black hole behind her also received severe stimulation, and began to shrink rapidly...

Seeing this scene, Li Miaomiao was horrified in her heart, and she didn't care about the unraveling pain in her head. She quickly picked up the dying big-eyed boy, turned around and jumped into the black hole of time and space.

"...They're going to run away!!"

Xiang Xing was startled when he saw this, and he couldn't help but step forward, subconsciously chasing after him.

But it was stopped by Ya Ya sharply: "Ah Xing! We can't go in that black hole! Going in will cause big problems!!"


Hearing this, the little guy quickly stopped his pace and watched helplessly as the black hole in that time rapidly shrinks and finally disappears in mid-air.

One person and one duck paused, and couldn't help but look at each other silently.

"...Anyway, let's go back first."

Duck Duck took a deep breath.

He immediately changed into Lu Chengjun's appearance again, squatted down, picked up the pair of little black wings that were dropped by Li Miaomiao, and held them in his palms.

"The big-eyed boy's system was injured by you. In any case, she can no longer use the system functions in a short time, let alone open the time-space black hole."

Although he said that, the solemn expression on his face did not ease at all.

However, without hesitation, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers, reopening the time-space portal, "Let's go, let's try our best to take advantage of the gap between her recovery and pursue the victory."

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