Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 1293 Only I can see you... Gah! (59)

"……All right."


Soon, the two followed the time-space portal and returned to the Lu family's study at the real time.

After Xiang Xing returned to the form of a duck, one person and one duck quickly returned to their original positions and sat firmly, and then stopped when they turned off.

As time continued to flow, everything around it worked normally again.


Xin Youyou, who was still in the position of swiping Weibo, swayed slightly, and scratched the back of her head in confusion, her face full of doubts, "It's weird, why do I suddenly feel like I've slept for a long time..."

She frowned slightly, and her eyes swept lightly from side to side subconsciously.

But as she swept to the corner behind the door beside the bookshelf, Mei's eyes widened several times.

Immediately, he raised his finger tremblingly, full of surprise, "Xiao, Xiaolu! Look over there! That, that's not..."


Lu Chengjun and Xiang Xing were both stunned and could not help but follow her direction.

I saw a man lying down in the corner of the bookshelf at that time...

"...How could Big Brother Mo, Mo Yan lie down there!"

Seeing the familiar figure clearly, Xiang Xing couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth with a puzzled expression, and muttered to himself.

Only then did he realize that when he came back, he was not sitting in Tong Moyan's arms as he did when he left.

And looking at his body, which was obviously already materialized, the little guy swallowed hard, jumped off the sofa with a look of disbelief, and rushed to the man swayingly.

Then, he lifted the duckling's wings and tried to flick his face a few times.

——Ho, it’s actually warm! !

[……duck! ! ]

Seeing this, she quickly turned on the sound transmission to enter the secret, and called Lu Chengjun Ya, who was still in a sluggish state, back to her senses, [Tong Mo said he is warm! ! ]

[……what! ? ]

Lu Chengjun duck jumped up in fright, and hurriedly trotted forward, pinching Tong Moyan's face.

However, the duck face reflected in Xiang Xing's sea of ​​consciousness couldn't help being shocked, and the mung bean's eyes widened into long's eyes. ]

[Hey? ? ]

The little guy was stunned.

what's the situation.

They only wore them for a while, and they stopped wearing them from time to time, so why did Tong Moyan suddenly recover?

What's even more incredible is how he moved from the sofa over there to the corner of the wall here, even though the ducks and ducks stopped here...

[...Could it be that the big-eyed boy we cut off just now is not only Li Miaomiao's system, but also the body of a space-time black hole? ? ]

Lu Chengjun in the other room pondered for a while, but his face suddenly became extremely solemn, [Oops, this time there is really a big problem...]

[A big problem? ]

Hearing this, Xiang Xing couldn't help but tilt his head with a question mark on his face, "Why is there a big problem, isn't it a good thing that we destroyed that space-time black hole? ]

That thing has harmed Brother Mo Yan, and it has also harmed many plot characters in this world!

I still remember the last time, she and Ya Ya directly swallowed the outsider's system, and there was no problem at that time...

[This, how do I say it...]

Ducky looked embarrassed, and immediately sighed helplessly, [It can only be said that there are good and bad, but the bad is definitely greater than the good! ]

He continued to popularize, [Li Miaomiao's space-time black hole is parasitic in the order of heaven in this small world! If we do not separate it from the order of heaven before dealing with it, it will inevitably have a certain amount of impact on the order of time and space because of the grafting relationship between the two! ]

[Of course, the most important thing is that the sequelae left by the operations she took when she broke the order before, may also be exposed one after another...]

Saying that, Ya Ya's face couldn't help getting more and more ugly. [Once these sequelae are noticed by the characters in the plot and rounded up to make them realize what their existence in this world is, then this world will collapse. It's not far off...]

[Ah this...]

Although he didn't understand much, Xiang Xing also became nervous under the influence of Ya Ya's emotions.

She paused for a while, and couldn't help but think back hard, her soft eyes widened immediately, [The collapse of the small world you said was the same as the last world... an instant explosion? ]

[That's right! ]

Ya Ya nodded heavily, and her eyes became more serious. [Last time we came out early, so it was not affected. This time, it is guaranteed that it will collapse before we leave...]

[Although you, me, and Ambassador Xiangfu will not be stunned because of this, they will only be forcibly ejected, but the damage to the system, or even the damage to the order of heaven, may occur! ]

[...that's really a big problem. ]

After digesting this large amount of information, the little guy suddenly had a serious face.

"...Are you two scared and stupid? Why are you still motionless?"

At that time, Xin Youyou, who was squatting on the side, saw that person and duck were stunned for no reason, and she couldn't help frowning in confusion.

After thinking about it, she simply raised her hand and scratched lightly on Lu Chengjun's neck.

He asked with a smile, "Xiaolu Xiaolu, why don't you speak? ... Saying that Tong Moyan has become like this, shouldn't it be my master who used a visible talisman again?"


The itch on his neck finally made the man come back to his senses, and then he escaped from the sea of ​​consciousness.

After hesitating for a while, he could only nod his head, "Should... right?"

Yunyou still doesn't know the actual situation of Tong Moyan, so if he "resurrects" for some reason, it will only scare her to death...

"...that's really weird."

Hearing this, Xin Youyou couldn't help scratching the back of her head, "Did Master come over just now? I didn't see him..."

"And, shouldn't he be fighting with Li Miaomiao Century on Weibo now?"

Saying that, the woman grabbed her phone and re-posted on Weibo.

However, on Weibo at this time, the two sides who were torn apart did not continue to respond, and only allowed the netizens and fans to continue to ferment.

Of course, the current wind direction is almost all towards Zhang Yuehan.

Most netizens are in favor of his "courage to expose", believing that he dares to confront evil forces head-on, expresses a force field that resists unspoken rules and vices, and is a good maintenance of the current ecology in the circle.

Therefore, Zhang Yuehan instead gained a lot of popularity...


As for the other side, in Li Miaomiao's private villa.

The space-time black hole, whose breath was already extremely weak, turned into a purple-black mist and dissipated into the air without even having time to close it after spitting out her and Big Eyed Boy's systems.

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