Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 1295 Only I can see you... Gah! (61)


Tong Moyan froze for a moment, but his hands reflexively stroked the back of the little white hairball.

After a pause, he suddenly noticed another pair of eyes staring at him.

When he met his return, the man blinked his eyes and smiled at him affectionately.

Seeing this scene, Tong Moyan was subconsciously surprised, and finally remembered all kinds of things before he passed out.

He couldn't help sitting up slowly, and after taking the little guy into his arms, he stared at Lu Chengjun and said solemnly, "You... can you see me too?"


Lu Chengjun waved his hand lightly and smiled even more, "It's not just visible."


Tong Moyan couldn't understand a little.

But inexplicably felt that he could still vaguely understand the meaning of his words.

He lowered his eyes and thought for a while, couldn't help but slightly pursed his thin lips, then raised his hand slightly, and tried to reach out towards the wall beside him.

The hand managed to touch the cold wall, but... it was no longer able to penetrate it as usual!

Seeing this, the man couldn't help opening his eyes in surprise, staring at his hand in disbelief.

"Hey, it's surprising, isn't it?"

Lu Chengjun on the side laughed heartily.

"Although it sounds very bizarre, everything I say next is the truth."

I saw him put on a doctor's hat and began to popularize science, "Simply put, you didn't actually die before, but were caught in a different dimension called a 'space-time gap'. This time-space gap is mainly due to because……"

He talked a lot, from the concept of time and space, to the relationship between time and space order and timeline, to traveling through time and space... He almost instilled the entire time and space system into Tong Moyan's mind.

Xiang Xing was shocked when he heard it: [...Duck, are you talking too much? ]

How could she remember that a certain fat duck had always warned her that she could not tell this to anyone in the small world, so as not to destroy the order of time and space...

[Hey, what can I do about it. ]

Ducky spreads his wings helplessly in the sea of ​​knowledge, [He has already been involved in this system. At this stage, only by letting him fully know it can help stabilize the order of time and space in this small world. ]

It's best to be able to understand this guy in situ, and then wake up in an instant... so that you can come out and wipe your butt!

Duck Duck muttered angrily in his heart.

"...So that's how it is."

After listening to Lu Chengjunya's half-hour-long explanation, Tong Moyan didn't show too much surprise, but nodded thoughtfully.

Immediately, he lightly curled his lips, "As for the concept of time and space, when I was developing DR, I did some special research... I didn't expect this to actually exist."

"And this 'space-time plagiarist'..."

The man chewed on the term and couldn't help sneering, his eyes gradually darkened, "So Li Miaomiao is such an existence... No wonder DR took such pictures back then."

In this way, the discoveries he made three years ago are also logical.

Thinking of this, Tong Moyan's lips curved deeper.

Lu Chengjunya didn't notice this subtle change in expression, only after he mentioned Li Miaomiao, he seemed to suddenly think of something, and laughed proudly again.

"I think Li Miaomiao should have seen the 'good stuff' I sent her by now~"

He suddenly stood up and trotted happily towards the large desk.

After taking out a large pile of documents from the cabinet, he trotted back and handed them to Tong Moyan and Xiang Xing.

"Well, these are the various evidences that we have collected during this period of time about Li Miaomiao's plagiarism of other designers' works, including their original manuscripts that were hidden by Li Miaomiao!"

As he said that, Lu Chengjun ducked his hips proudly, his nose was about to go up to the sky, "If Li Miaomiao is not killed by me, I won't be named Lu!"

[...When did you get these things? ]

The little guy looked at the document in Tong Moyan's hand, and then at Lu Chengjun, and couldn't help but be astonished.

Except for Tong Moyan's ones, they could also be found in Zhang Bin's house by accident. As for the others, they had clearly investigated them before, and they were all taken away by Li Miaomiao and destroyed!

[Hey~ Who am I, I'm your grandpa duck! ]

Duck Ya smiled even more proudly, [Only Li Miaomiao can use time and space to jump? Is my portal much more advanced than hers? It's not easy to get back what she destroyed...]

[And Grandpa Duck is different from her. She destroys the order of time and space, but I push back her actions. Rounding up is equivalent to restoring the order of time and space! ]


The little guy twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly.

Come on, in essence, it is not the same as changing the order of time and space.

Some ducks are also double-standards. Just now he said that there would be a big problem, but it turned out that he was the one who caused the big problem...

"...Listen to you, it seems that Li Miaomiao's collapse is a matter of time."

Looking at the various evidences in his hand, Tong Moyan paused and couldn't help feeling that there seemed to be something in his heart that had been stagnant for a long time, as if the most crucial dead knot was cut by scissors, and it suddenly spread...

It made him let out a long sigh of relief.


The man smiled with emotion.

At the end, he was stunned for a moment, and suddenly seemed to realize something. He raised his eyes again and stared at Lu Chengjun Ya.

"Lu Chengjun,"

He opened his mouth in a low voice, with a hint of excitement and anticipation in his eyes and words, "According to what you just said, I didn't actually die... If that's true, there is no explanation. If you open your mind, you will be able to live in bliss, right?"

"Of course~"

Lu Chengjun nodded and raised his brows slightly, "You haven't died yet, where did you come from the bliss of life?"


Tong Moyan responded in a low voice, his breathing suddenly tightened a few times.

Noticing the change in his breath, the little guy in his arms couldn't help but slightly raised the duckling's head and glanced at him.

But he was shocked to realize that at this moment, he had a very bright and reassuring smile that had never appeared on his face before.

The next second, Xiang Xing felt his duckling tighten suddenly.

The degree of the tightening of the arm, as if to rub her into his blood.

A happy whisper came from the top of his head, "That's great, Xingxing... I won't leave you, never again..."

The words fell, and the little guy felt a sudden warmth in his head.

Almost at the same time, there was a burst of sneering laughter from the side.

Seeing this, she only felt her cheeks get hot, she couldn't help but quack a few times, and shyly buried the duckling's head in Tong Moyan's arms.

Dead duck! How dare you laugh at her!

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