Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 1296 Only I can see you... Gah! (62)

"...Cough! Then what, let me interrupt your tender moment."

After a while, Lu Chengjunya, who had laughed enough, suddenly coughed lightly, and suddenly looked at Tong Moyan with some seriousness.

After a pause, he still said, "Tong Moyan, I still have to remind you not to be too optimistic... There is still some fundamental difference between you and Xingxing."

Although he has no opinion or even a supportive attitude, it is indeed a question whether the world supports it or not...

"Don't worry, I know all this very well."

Tong Moyan nodded.

Then, he opened his obsidian-like eyes solemnly and looked back at him calmly.

"Zhang Yu told me that he has a way to turn stars into humans."

After that, the man said, "If you think this will hurt Xingxing... Then I can also ask him to turn me into a duck."

"After all, I have nothing now, and even the name Tong Moyan has been dead for three years."

He smiled embarrassingly, then lowered his eyes again, his eyes were gentle, and the bottom of those deep, pool-like eyes was full of strong feelings, "I just hope you don't dislike this me who has nothing."

"...How could I despise you, Brother Mo Yan!"

Hearing this, Xiang Xing hurriedly shook his head like a rattle, word by word, more serious than him, "You are still so young, we have a chance to start all over again! How can you become a duck!"

She didn't want him to be obedient to this level in order to accommodate her.

"...Aha, I suddenly remembered something."

Feeling that the atmosphere seemed to be getting more and more wrong, Lu Chengjun scratched his head beside him and quickly broke the atmosphere of the two.

As a result, he took out a considerable amount of documents and handed it to Tong Moyan again, "Here, these are your evidences... Regarding your case, I have already contacted your parents abroad, and I hope they can help you. You go to court to fight this plagiarism case."

Saying that, he spread his hands slightly, "After all, you said it just now, the name Tong Moyan has been dead for three years, and you can't go to court in your name."

"Your parents are very positive, saying that they will return to China as soon as possible to handle this 'last wish' for you."

Lu Chengjun Ya suddenly paused, and looked at Tong Moyan's eyes again with a hint of helplessness, "If you want to see them, I can use the invisibility technique to let you go with us... After all, it is the most difficult stage at this stage. It's better not to expose the fact that you're not dead yet, so as not to create new branches..."

"no need."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man smiled and shook his head slightly.

I saw that he seemed to think for a while, and suddenly narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, and then continued, "If you can, you can help me with a word to them... There is no need for that in my name. kind."

As he said that, the corners of Tong Moyan's thin lips suddenly raised coldly, and the color of his eyes gradually darkened.

"Just say, they still have a three-year-old grandson alive in the world."

[……Hey? ! ]

Hearing this, Xiang Xing and Ya Ya were both shocked.

Isn't this what Li Xiaoyang is hiding in the plot? !

——Emotional guy, did he already know everything about that year!


Several days passed.

In the past few days, the excitement on Weibo has not subsided.

First of all, the scandals on Li Miaomiao's side were exposed one after another, and it was also a scandal that happened in her old line of business - plagiarism and plagiarism of other people's scientific research results!

Up to now, dozens of small designers and researchers have jumped out, with solid evidence, to meet her passionately.

Looking at the manuscripts that are like old antiques and certified by the authoritative appraisal center, and Li Miaomiao's handling of the copy almost like a gourd painting, not to mention the netizens who eat melons, even the professionals in the scientific research community are shocked. .

——Emotionally, those shocking invention patents and scientific research achievements were made by her "collecting the masters of hundreds of schools"!

She is too daring...

As evidence broke out one after another, Li Miaomiao's title of "Queen of Technology" was directly ridiculed by netizens as "Queen of Plagiarism".

Her reputation, which was already too low, finally fell to the bottom with honor...

And not only her, the scientific research center that has been supporting her, and even Xu Yaoyang's group, have also plummeted.

Of course, it also includes Xin Yuanran, the president of the Science Review Association, who has sentenced her to winning several times.

At that time, Xin Yuanran didn't even have time to digest this sudden and extreme reversal, but found that his daughter, who had been hiding far away when something happened, actually went home this time.

He even directly replaced him who was on vacation and stood in front of many media.

"... Regarding the events of the past few days, as well as these unjustly wronged works, our Science Review Association will conduct a thorough investigation again and give the most objective and fair judgment in accordance with the facts!"

Facing the countless lenses and flashes, Xin Youyou was very calm at this time.

"When we did something wrong at the beginning, we did it wrong. We will never argue against it, and humbly accept all criticisms from the entire industry."

"Therefore, on behalf of the president of the Science Review Association, that is, my father, Xin Yuanran, I hereby sincerely apologize to all the scientific research colleagues who have been violated! Please give us a chance to make up for what we have done!"

After speaking, the woman took a deep breath, faced all the cameras, and bowed deeply 90 degrees.

The words were full of determination, "The Science Review Association was established to allow all scientific research enthusiasts to have a platform for fair development. Therefore, when this turmoil passes, our Science Review Association will leave or stay, and we will have full discretion. You decide!"

Seeing this scene, the media reporters present were all faintly moved.

Compared to Li Miaomiao, who has been hiding and has not dared to speak out, the apology and handling of the Science Review Association are much more sincere than her!

And everyone also understands in their hearts that those misjudgments are not strictly the responsibility of the Science Review Association.

It's not because this Li Miaomiao was too cunning and made a perfect perjury to mislead them that this situation developed!

Speaking of which, this Li Miaomiao is really able to hide... Things have developed to this point, and she still doesn't even say a word!

However, her opponents were not silenced by this attempted cold-handed attitude.

The popularity of the "plagiarism gate" has not faded, and the entire Internet suddenly broke out several cases of bizarre disappearances of people for several years.

With the help of various evidences, all the criminal suspects were pointed at Li Miaomiao!

The whole network can't help but direct good guy.

Obviously, this woman can no longer be described as powerful and terrifying.

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