Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 1297 Only I can see you... Gah! (63)

At the same time when the arrest order was issued, Li Miaomiao also faced the lowest level of her life.

Not only have all the research projects related to her been suspended, she was also expelled from the research center and the Science Review Association, and even those graduate colleges that once touted her to the sky immediately announced her removal.

Not to mention those upcoming trials and sentences.

At this time, Li Miaomiao could neither use the system nor open the black hole of time and space to tamper with all this, so she could only hide in her corner and wait for the doomsday to come.

Of course, during this period, she also tried to ask Xu Yaoyang for help, hoping that he would soften his heart and help her again.

It's a pity that no matter how she contacts Xu Yaoyang, Xu Yaoyang's side is like when she avoided him, and no longer echoes her.


At the same time, the Xu family mansion.

The old man of the Xu family had a calm face and sat opposite Xu Yaoyang, staring coldly at his son.

He paused, and said again what he had repeated many times these days: "Yaoyang, you quickly bookmark this divorce agreement for me, and quickly draw a clear line with that woman!"


At this time, Xu Yaoyang still had a hesitant look on his face.

In any case, he and Li Miaomiao have been husband and wife for so many years. Although he is disappointed and saddened by her at the moment, there is still a relationship between the two of them as husband and wife.

Miaomiao is like this now, if he proposes a divorce again, he will have the same reason as the imminent disaster.

This is too irresponsible.

"...Good boy, you silence me again! How long are you going to be silent?!"

Seeing Xu Yaoyang's expression of struggling and escaping, Mr. Xu was so angry that he almost vomited blood, he could not help standing up suddenly, raised his hand and pointed directly at his nose, "Xu Yaoyang! To that damn woman!"

"This is the last time I warn you, if you don't draw a line with that woman, I will..."


Before the old man Xu could finish his words, suddenly, the old butler of the Xu family hurried over from the direction of the gate with a look of astonishment on his face.

Seeing this, the old man had to let his son go for the time being, coughed lowly, and glanced at the old housekeeper, "What's the matter!"

"That, that..."

I saw that the old butler, who was known as being calm and serious, had a rare trembling in his words at this time, hesitating and hesitating, "Master, the couple, Mr. Tong and Chairman Tong, made a sudden visit..."

"...The old boy is here?!"

Hearing the name of an old friend whom he hadn't contacted for a long time, Mr. Xu's eyes lit up.

But it quickly darkened, with a complex frown on his face.

Laotong suddenly returned to China and ran to him without saying a word.

——Isn't it to come to see their Xu family's jokes?

While Mr. Xu was thinking anxiously, there was a sudden commotion in the direction of the gate of the house.

Immediately afterwards, he only heard the "bang" of the door of his house, as if he had been kicked hard, and it opened wide.

The Tong family couple, ignoring the obstruction of his Xu family's subordinates, rushed directly in front of him with anger on their faces!

"Xu Anbang!"

I saw the father roaring loudly, and suddenly he stretched out his hand quickly and grabbed Old Master Xu by the collar.

His eyes were full of blazing fire, he tried his best to suppress his angry voice, and roared ruthlessly, "Where's your grandson Li Xiaoyang? We want to see him!"


Old Man Xu thought in a trance that he had heard the wrong words, and couldn't help blinking in astonishment.

The old couple came here...just to see his good grandson?

- No, his good grandson, what does it have to do with these two!

Thinking of this, Old Man Xu's eyes sank, and he couldn't help but say, "What do you want to see my grandson for?"

He paused for a while, then slapped the father's hand suddenly, coughed lightly, "I'm sorry, old boy, our family has something to deal with today. If you want to be a guest, please change the time..."

"I don't have time to be your guest."

Father Tong sneered, but raised his other hand and snapped his fingers lightly.

In the next second, a few slender black shadows flashed out from behind him and flew upstairs.

But after a while, Li Xiaoyang, a terrified baby girl, was found in the children's room, and he was lifted up.

Seeing this scene, the Xu family's father and son couldn't help but be furious: "What are you doing?! Quickly let go of our family Xiaoyang!!"

"Don't worry, we will return your Xiaoyang intact after we have done what we want to do."

Mother Tong, who had been silent for a while behind Father Tong, suddenly spoke up, and immediately evoked a very kind and amiable smile, walked to Li Xiaoyang, and squatted down slowly.

"Hello, kid."

She squinted her eyes with a smile, and regardless of the two pairs of murderous eyes that were almost spitting fire, she only raised her hand lightly and carefully held the little baby's fleshy hand in her palm.

While taking out a medical cotton swab from her white coat pocket, she continued to smile gently, "Little girl, don't be nervous, Auntie just uses this small cotton swab to gently wipe your little finger, it won't hurt. what."

After she finished speaking, she didn't wait for the little bun to answer whether she was willing or not, and the medical cotton swab had already covered his chubby finger.

Li Xiaoyang was startled, but only felt an extremely cool and comfortable feeling in his fingertips slowly filling his eyes, and there was no other discomfort during the period.

"Auntie, what are you doing?"

His little head tilted, and he couldn't help lowering his eyes subconsciously, looking at the medical cotton swab.

However, I suddenly saw that the transparent soft plastic body of the cotton swab was slowly filled with a touch of red until the entire soft plastic tube was filled.

Li Xiaoyang didn't understand what was happening.

However, his grandfather and father on the side were aware of it, and couldn't help howling in unison: "You, how dare you pump the blood of our family's Xiaoyang! Hurry up and let go of Xiaoyang!!"

"It's just two drops, and nothing will happen."

Tong Mu was not at all afraid of the terrifying expressions of these two people, she just rolled her eyes angrily, then stood up and went back to Tong's father.


The subordinates of the Tong family over there also instantly let go of Li Xiaoyang, and let him throw back into Xu Yaoyang's arms with a look of fear.

Seeing all this, Xu Yaoyang thought for a while, but his expression became more solemn.

He couldn't help looking suspiciously at the Tong couple, his voice was slightly deep: "Uncle, aunt, what do you want Xiaoyang's blood for?"

However, the Tong's couple didn't even give him a straight look.

He only gave a quick gesture to the subordinates on the left and right, then turned around without hesitation, and left the Xu family with a group of people.

It came and went so fast, as if everything just now was just the illusion of the three grandparents...

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