Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 1298 Only I can see you... Gah! (64)

"...Is there something wrong with this couple!"

Unsure of the situation, Mr. Xu couldn't help spit at the door angrily.

Afterwards, he picked up his good grandson nervously and looked up and down, "My baby Xiaoyang, does your hand hurt? Let grandpa see if you're okay..."

"Grandpa, I don't feel pain and I'm fine!"

Li Xiaoyang has a small body, and patted the old man seriously, "That aunt did nothing to Xiaoyang, grandpa, don't worry."


Xiao Baozi said, but suddenly turned his eyes and looked towards the open door.

The corners of the little mouth turned up subconsciously, and his head also twisted, "I don't know why...Grandpa, I seem to think that those two uncles and aunts are kind of friendly."


The old man Xu still didn't understand.

Xu Yaoyang, who was on the side, heard some inexplicable meaning, and his expression suddenly became complicated.

After thinking about it, he quickly took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to his assistant.


That night, there was an echo from the assistant.

The couple from the Tong family, with Li Xiaoyang's blood, went to the Baihua City Identification Center for a kinship test!

Seeing such a result, Xu Yaoyang only felt a "boom" in his head, and he was about to explode.

Why did they suddenly want to do a kinship test with Xiaoyang? !

Xu Yaoyang's doubts did not last long.

Soon, a kinship test was sent directly to his mailbox.

And the identification report shows that between Li Xiaoyang and Tong Wenbo, his father, there are as many as 25% of the same X-type genes!

That is to say...

His son Li Xiaoyang is related by blood to Tong Wenbo!

How could this be...

Xu Yaoyang suddenly couldn't accept this fact, and even began to wonder if something went wrong here.

Until he saw what was attached to the email, he looked at the hospitalization report and a surveillance video from the same year.

But for a moment, his whole person seemed to be down, frozen on the chair, unable to speak for a long time.

His son, Xiao Yang, was actually... Mo Xian's child.

Actually, it was snatched from Mo Xian's side, and even killed her because of it, her own son!

The surveillance showed that the initiator of the kidnapping was his current wife, Li Miaomiao!

Thinking of this, Xu Yaoyang took a breath, and his eyes widened and widened in shock.

He and Xiaoyang are indeed father and son. He had already done a paternity test three years ago.


so! !

Xu Yaoyang couldn't help standing up abruptly, without saying a word, he rushed out the door.

All the way to Li Miaomiao's hidden villa.

However, as soon as he got out of the car, he saw police cars drive into the villa one after another.

But for a moment, I saw Li Miaomiao wearing handcuffs, being escorted out with a lost face, and escorting him into a police car.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yaoyang instinctively stopped, and just stood there silently, watching the police cars leave one by one.

Until a soft laughter came from behind, breaking his astonishment.

"Isn't Xu Dashao a well-known example of loving his wife in the industry? Why can't he stand here indifferent when his wife is arrested?"


Xu Yaoyang froze for a while, and then looked back slowly.

I saw a handsome young man with a white duck on his head, staring at him with such a smile.

He was very familiar with this man.

Thinking about it, Xu Yaoyang couldn't help lowering his eyes and snorted coldly, "Master Lu, why are you here."

"I'll walk my pet duck, can't I?"

Lu Chengjun smiled.

His expression was even more sinister and beaten, "It's a coincidence, I was lucky enough to walk a pet, and I could find the fugitive wanted criminal in this villa..."

"So, as a brave and just citizen of Baihua City, of course I have to actively report it and cooperate with the police uncle to fight the evil forces~"


Xu Yaoyang was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but he couldn't find a reason to refute it.

Li Miaomiao, who refused to appear in the face of lawsuits and accusations, would end up where she is now, which is reasonable.

Although it was a foregone conclusion, he still wanted to personally ask this woman why she did such a thing back then...

After thinking about it, Xu Yaoyang ignored the malicious smiling tiger, silently turned around and returned to the car, hurriedly catching up with the big team.

"...Looking at his appearance, he should have seen what we sent in the past."

Looking at the back of the car, Xiang Xing tilted his head and couldn't help laughing, "Duck, people don't seem to believe our investigation results, so they have to go and ask for confirmation in person."

Faced with all kinds of misunderstandings back then, I only blindly believed in the wrong party, but now, when faced with the facts, I frantically seek and verify...

Hey, how can these male protagonists have such a common problem of boredom.

"Believe it or not, it's none of our business anyway."

Lu Chengjun Ya also shrugged his shoulders needlessly and turned around, "When I'm free, we have to go to Li Miaomiao, get her big-eyed boy and check it out."

Take a look at what kind of hands are behind the black hole in this space-time.

Intuition tells him that this is more serious than the direct collapse of this small world.


in the jail.

Thinking of the verdict he will face tomorrow, Li Miaomiao becomes more and more uneasy.

If she doesn't come up with a solution, after tomorrow... she will never have a chance to turn over again!

Thinking of this, the woman clenched her posterior molars fiercely, and couldn't help but forcibly call up the Big Eye System again, fiddling with it again and again.

It's a pity that the big-eyed boy who fell into a sleepy repair still has no response.

Just as she gradually fell into despair...

A burst of light footsteps suddenly came from far and near, and slowly stopped in front of her prison gate.

Immediately afterwards, the prison door was quietly opened, and a tall, beautiful young female prisoner in a prison uniform came in with a faint smile on her face.

"……is there anything?"

Seeing this scene, Li Miaomiao shrank back subconsciously, staring at this beautiful woman with uneasy eyes.

For some reason, she suddenly felt that this woman seemed familiar...

"I'm sorry, Miss Li."

The female prisoner said with a smile, her voice was a little hoarse, but it was very pleasant, "After re-examination, we found that you still have items that do not meet my control standards. I came to check them."


Li Miaomiao was stunned when she heard this, her brows furrowed subconsciously, "I have nothing else on me, are you mistaken..."

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