Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 298 The school girl is a little fluttering (18) (suddenly like a dream on the rudder)

Soon, night falls.

A string of sneaky footsteps came from far and near, breaking the silence on the campus.

Xiang Xing, who was lying on the desk with his eyes closed, felt that the site was invaded, and couldn't help but slowly raised his head.


She opened her mouth, gave a big yawn, raised her little hand and rubbed her wet soft eyes.

Immediately, he floated slowly to the outside window of the piano classroom and looked down quietly.

After a while, I saw two sneaky figures hurriedly approaching from the side door of the school.

All the way to the flower pond downstairs.

"Master, this is it."

Fang Yuxin pointed to an empty dirt in the flower pond, and turned towards the middle-aged man in a strange costume that looked really no different from a gangster, "The girl I said died here."

She paused, and then added, "Since her death, every time I pass by here, I can feel an inexplicable chill... I think she must still be staying around here and not going to be reincarnated. "


The middle-aged man shook the whisk in his hand, and supported the long fake beard with the other hand.

The little eyes blinked, and suddenly stood up straight, "I'll let you see what's going on here."

Saying that, the middle-aged man took out a lot of things from his backpack and put them by the flower pond.

Looking at the series of guys he put out, Xiang Xing in the upstairs window almost couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Although the yellow paper talisman was painted with a decent ghost talisman, there was no fluctuation of spiritual power at all, so it was obviously fake.

That incense stick is just an ordinary household incense stick.

Not to mention the wooden sword, not only is it not made of mahogany, it is not even wood... it is made of wood grain stickers to make it look real.

The little guy rolled his eyes in disgust.


To use a golden wire net to guard against this kind of gangster is simply an insult to Renjiawang.

Soon, the magic stick at the bottom was muttering nonsense, danced a weird dance, and officially began to pretend to be a ghost.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Xing blinked his soft eyes, and the bottom of his eyes suddenly lit up.

A bold idea popped into my mind.

With a low smile, she floated to the filing cabinet in the corner of the piano classroom.

Open it and take out a few scraps of paper.

After casually posing as a human figure on the ground, I saw the little guy closed his soft eyes solemnly, and said something in his mouth.

Immediately, he snapped his fingers.

A faint green light suddenly appeared on the paper on the ground.

When the brilliance dissipated, the pieces of paper were automatically spliced ​​into a half-human height, with a paper figure in an ancient gown and a strange face.

The little guy stepped forward with a sinister smile, and painted two rounds of red blush on the paper man's face.

When everything was ready, she picked up the paper man and pulled open the golden wire net on the window.

He threw the paper man directly down.

After three seconds.

As she wished, she heard the scream of fear resounding through the sky.


"Who is yelling?!... It's time, why are you still staying in the school!!"

The screams attracted the attention of the school security, and soon, the light of the flashlight came from the school gate from far to near.

Xiang Xing felt that being driven away by the security guards seemed to be cheaper for them.

She tilted her head and thought for a moment.

Another inspiration.


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